Updated October 20, 2024

Failed to locate 'tessdata\fra.traineddata even after successfully unpacking the language pack

IronOCR requires permission to write onto runtimes folder during execution. IronOCR NOT being authorized to access runtimes folder could cause the below exception to happen:

Exception: 'Failed to locate 'tessdata\fra.traineddata even after successfully unpacking the language pack'

It happened because IronOCR could not find the unpacked language file in tessdata folder.

IronOCR unpacks the .ocrdata language file in OcrData folder to tessdata folder deep in the runtime directory during execution if the file is yet exist. Some virus protection application such as Windows Ransomware Protection might restrict the write permission of IronOCR. Even if Visual Studio was authorized to access that directory, IronOCR was denied.