using IronSoftware.Drawing;
using IronXL;
using IronXL.Styles;
using System.Linq;
WorkBook workBook = WorkBook.Load("sample.xls");
WorkSheet workSheet = workBook.WorkSheets.First();
var range = workSheet["A1:H10"];
var cell = range.First();
// Set background color of the cell with an rgb string
// Apply styling to the whole range.
// Set underline property to the font
// FontUnderlineType is enum that stands for different types of font underlying
range.Style.Font.Underline = FontUnderlineType.SingleAccounting;
// Define whether to use horizontal line through the text or not
range.Style.Font.Strikeout = false;
// Define whether the font is bold or not
range.Style.Font.Bold = true;
// Define whether the font is italic or not
range.Style.Font.Italic = false;
// Get or set script property of a font
// Font script enum stands for available options
range.Style.Font.FontScript = FontScript.Super;
// Set the type of the border line
// There are also TopBorder,LeftBorder,RightBorder,DiagonalBorder properties
// BorderType enum indicates the line style of a border in a cell
range.Style.BottomBorder.Type = BorderType.MediumDashed;
// Indicate whether the cell should be auto-sized
range.Style.ShrinkToFit = true;
// Set alignment of the cell
range.Style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
// Set border color
// Define border type and border direction as well
range.Style.DiagonalBorder.Type = BorderType.Thick;
// DiagonalBorderDirection enum stands for direction of diagonal border inside cell
range.Style.DiagonalBorderDirection = DiagonalBorderDirection.Forward;
// Set background color of cells
// Set fill pattern of the cell
// FillPattern enum indicates the style of fill pattern
range.Style.FillPattern = FillPattern.Diamonds;
// Set the number of spaces to intend the text
range.Style.Indention = 5;
// Indicate if the text is wrapped
range.Style.WrapText = true;
Imports IronSoftware.Drawing
Imports IronXL
Imports IronXL.Styles
Imports System.Linq
Private workBook As WorkBook = WorkBook.Load("sample.xls")
Private workSheet As WorkSheet = workBook.WorkSheets.First()
Private range = workSheet("A1:H10")
Private cell = range.First()
' Set background color of the cell with an rgb string
' Apply styling to the whole range.
' Set underline property to the font
' FontUnderlineType is enum that stands for different types of font underlying
range.Style.Font.Underline = FontUnderlineType.SingleAccounting
' Define whether to use horizontal line through the text or not
range.Style.Font.Strikeout = False
' Define whether the font is bold or not
range.Style.Font.Bold = True
' Define whether the font is italic or not
range.Style.Font.Italic = False
' Get or set script property of a font
' Font script enum stands for available options
range.Style.Font.FontScript = FontScript.Super
' Set the type of the border line
' There are also TopBorder,LeftBorder,RightBorder,DiagonalBorder properties
' BorderType enum indicates the line style of a border in a cell
range.Style.BottomBorder.Type = BorderType.MediumDashed
' Indicate whether the cell should be auto-sized
range.Style.ShrinkToFit = True
' Set alignment of the cell
range.Style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom
' Set border color
' Define border type and border direction as well
range.Style.DiagonalBorder.Type = BorderType.Thick
' DiagonalBorderDirection enum stands for direction of diagonal border inside cell
range.Style.DiagonalBorderDirection = DiagonalBorderDirection.Forward
' Set background color of cells
' Set fill pattern of the cell
' FillPattern enum indicates the style of fill pattern
range.Style.FillPattern = FillPattern.Diamonds
' Set the number of spaces to intend the text
range.Style.Indention = 5
' Indicate if the text is wrapped
range.Style.WrapText = True
Install-Package IronXL.Excel
Style Cells, Borders, and Fonts in Excel with C#
IronXL allows C# developers to style any Excel Cell and Range in C#. IronXL cover most of the styling available in Microsoft Excel such as fonts, text alignment, borders, colors, backgrounds, and patterns. The code example above shows a wide range of styles configurable with IronXL.
Individual Cell and Range bottom, top, left, right, diagonal border can be set to 14 different border styles such as dotted, dashes and double to name a few in enum BorderType. Enable or Disable ShrinkToFit and WrapText property to have more control over how the spreadsheet organize cell size.