C# 創建 Excel

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以程式方式創建 Excel 試算表文件是 C# 開發人員經常執行的任務,今天我們將解決這些問題,包括學習如何創建新的 Excel 文件、設置單元格樣式以及使用 C# 程式插入數據。使用適當的程式碼,您可以完全自訂和樣式化您的工作表以滿足您的需求。我們將一步一步地介紹如何為您的 .NET 項目創建 C# Excel 工作簿。


1. 使用 IronXL 創建 C# Excel 試算表

今天我們將使用 IronXL,這是一個 C# 函式庫,可提供 Excel 功能,使處理 Excel 文件變得更加高效。它免費提供給開發項目使用。安裝它並按照教程進行操作。

下載到您的專案 或遵循 使用 NuGet 安裝到 Visual Studio.

Install-Package IronXL.Excel


2. C# 創建 Excel WorkBook

一旦我們在項目中安裝了 IronXL,我們就可以創建一個 Excel Workbook。使用 WorkBook.Create()IronXL 的功能

WorkBook wb = WorkBook.Create();
WorkBook wb = WorkBook.Create();
Dim wb As WorkBook = WorkBook.Create()
VB   C#

它將創建一個新的 Excel WorkBook wb。我們可以指定 XL WorkBook 的類型 ( .xlsxxls ) 使用 ExcelFileFormat 作為 WorkBook.Create 中的參數()函數如下:

Create Csharp WorkBook 
//for creating .xlsx extension file
WorkBook wb = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX);
//for creating .xls extension file
WorkBook wb = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLS);
Create Csharp WorkBook 
//for creating .xlsx extension file
WorkBook wb = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX);
//for creating .xls extension file
WorkBook wb = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLS);
'''Create Csharp WorkBook 
'for creating .xlsx extension file
Dim wb As WorkBook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX)
'for creating .xls extension file
Dim wb As WorkBook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLS)
VB   C#

現在,我們可以使用 wb 創建工作表。

3. 使用C#建立Excel電子表格


WorkSheet ws = wb.CreateWorkSheet("SheetName");
WorkSheet ws = wb.CreateWorkSheet("SheetName");
Dim ws As WorkSheet = wb.CreateWorkSheet("SheetName")
VB   C#

wb 是工作簿 (見上文) 以及 ws 是一個新建立的 WorkSheet。同樣地,我們可以根據需要創建任意多的 WorkSheet。例如:

Create Csharp WorkSheets 
WorkSheet ws1 = wb.CreateWorkSheet("Sheet1");
WorkSheet ws2 = wb.CreateWorkSheet("Sheet2");
Create Csharp WorkSheets 
WorkSheet ws1 = wb.CreateWorkSheet("Sheet1");
WorkSheet ws2 = wb.CreateWorkSheet("Sheet2");
'''Create Csharp WorkSheets 
Dim ws1 As WorkSheet = wb.CreateWorkSheet("Sheet1")
Dim ws2 As WorkSheet = wb.CreateWorkSheet("Sheet2")
VB   C#

4. 插入儲存格資料

現在,我們可以在指定的工作表中插入資料。我們將使用 Excel 的儲存格定位系統:

Insert Data in Cell Address
WorkSheet ["CellAddress"].Value = "Value";
Insert Data in Cell Address
WorkSheet ["CellAddress"].Value = "Value";
'''Insert Data in Cell Address
WorkSheet ("CellAddress").Value = "Value"
VB   C#

5. 在範圍內插入資料

此方法也允許我們在需要的任意數量的儲存格中插入值。我們可以使用 Range 在一系列儲存格中插入資料。

Insert Data in Range
WorkSheet ["From Cell Address : To Cell Address"].Value="value";
Insert Data in Range
WorkSheet ["From Cell Address : To Cell Address"].Value="value";
'''Insert Data in Range
WorkSheet ("From Cell Address : To Cell Address").Value="value"
VB   C#

這將在所有位於指定範圍內的儲存格中插入 value。你可以閱讀更多有關 C# Excel 範圍 用於您的 .NET 專案。

6. 儲存 Excel 檔案

在插入數據後,我們需要將 Excel 檔案儲存在指定的路徑。

Save Excel File
WorkBook.SaveAs("Path + Filename");
Save Excel File
WorkBook.SaveAs("Path + Filename");
'''Save Excel File
WorkBook.SaveAs("Path + Filename")
VB   C#

通過上述單行代碼,新創建的Excel工作簿將保存到指定位置。深入了解 C# 建立 Excel 試算表範例.


Complete Example
using IronXL;
static void Main(string [] args)
    //Create new XL WorkBook
    WorkBook wb = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX);
    //Create worksheet of specified WorkBook
    WorkSheet ws = wb.CreateWorkSheet("Sheet1");
    //insert data by cell addressing
    ws ["A1"].Value = "Welcome";
    ws ["A2"].Value = "To";
    ws ["A3"].Value = "IronXL";
    //insert data by range
    ws ["C3:C8"].Value = "Cell Value";
    //save the file in specified path
    Console.WriteLine("successfully created.");
Complete Example
using IronXL;
static void Main(string [] args)
    //Create new XL WorkBook
    WorkBook wb = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX);
    //Create worksheet of specified WorkBook
    WorkSheet ws = wb.CreateWorkSheet("Sheet1");
    //insert data by cell addressing
    ws ["A1"].Value = "Welcome";
    ws ["A2"].Value = "To";
    ws ["A3"].Value = "IronXL";
    //insert data by range
    ws ["C3:C8"].Value = "Cell Value";
    //save the file in specified path
    Console.WriteLine("successfully created.");
'''Complete Example
Imports IronXL
Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
	'Create new XL WorkBook
	Dim wb As WorkBook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX)
	'Create worksheet of specified WorkBook
	Dim ws As WorkSheet = wb.CreateWorkSheet("Sheet1")
	'insert data by cell addressing
	ws ("A1").Value = "Welcome"
	ws ("A2").Value = "To"
	ws ("A3").Value = "IronXL"
	'insert data by range
	ws ("C3:C8").Value = "Cell Value"
	'save the file in specified path
	Console.WriteLine("successfully created.")
End Sub
VB   C#

這是我們新建的 Excel 工作簿名為 sample.xlsx 的截圖:

8. C# 从 DataTable 导出 Excel

一般来说,这可能是一段复杂的代码,但 IronXL 提供了一种高效的方式,将 DataTable 数据转换成 Excel 文件并保存到指定位置。创建一个新的 Excel 文件,并从 DataTable 中填充它。简单易用。!

首先,讓我們創建一個新的 DataTable 並填入資料。然後,創建 Excel 文件,插入資料並保存。

Excel from DataTable
using IronXL;
static void Main(string [] args)
    //create new datatable
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    //fill data in datatable
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        dt.Rows.Add("id" + i.ToString(), "name" + i.ToString(), "phone" + i.ToString());
    //Create new XL file
    WorkBook wb = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX);
    //Create WorkSheet
    WorkSheet ws = wb.CreateWorkSheet("sheet1");
    //send data in worksheet from datatable
    int j = 1; 
    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
        ws ["A" + j].Value = row ["id"].ToString();
        ws ["B" + j].Value = row ["name"].ToString();
        ws ["C" + j].Value = row ["phone"].ToString();
        j = j + 1;
    //save the file
Excel from DataTable
using IronXL;
static void Main(string [] args)
    //create new datatable
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    //fill data in datatable
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        dt.Rows.Add("id" + i.ToString(), "name" + i.ToString(), "phone" + i.ToString());
    //Create new XL file
    WorkBook wb = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX);
    //Create WorkSheet
    WorkSheet ws = wb.CreateWorkSheet("sheet1");
    //send data in worksheet from datatable
    int j = 1; 
    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
        ws ["A" + j].Value = row ["id"].ToString();
        ws ["B" + j].Value = row ["name"].ToString();
        ws ["C" + j].Value = row ["phone"].ToString();
        j = j + 1;
    //save the file
'''Excel from DataTable
Imports IronXL
Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
	'create new datatable
	Dim dt As New DataTable()
	'fill data in datatable
	For i As Integer = 0 To 4
		dt.Rows.Add("id" & i.ToString(), "name" & i.ToString(), "phone" & i.ToString())
	Next i
	'Create new XL file
	Dim wb As WorkBook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX)
	'Create WorkSheet
	Dim ws As WorkSheet = wb.CreateWorkSheet("sheet1")
	'send data in worksheet from datatable
	Dim j As Integer = 1
	For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
		ws ("A" & j).Value = row ("id").ToString()
		ws ("B" & j).Value = row ("name").ToString()
		ws ("C" & j).Value = row ("phone").ToString()
		j = j + 1
	Next row
	'save the file
End Sub
VB   C#


現在,讓我們使用 IronXL 為 XL WorkBook 設置儲存格屬性。

9. 設定 Excel 工作簿樣式

現在,我們來設置單元格屬性。有時我們需要根據不同的需求以程式化方式設置樣式。IronXL 為我們提供了許多不同功能的選項,以便輕鬆設置單元格樣式。

我們可以使用 Excel 文件的單元格地址系統來指定應該應用樣式的位置。讓我們來設置一些日常生活中常用的基本樣式屬性。

//bold the text of specified cell
WorkSheet ["CellAddress"].Style.Font.Bold =true;

//Italic the text of specified cell
WorkSheet ["CellAddress"].Style.Font.Italic =true;

//Strikeout the text of specified cell
WorkSheet ["CellAddress"].Style.Font.Strikeout = true;

//border style of specific cell 
WorkSheet ["CellAddress"].Style.BottomBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Dotted;

//border color of specific cell 
WorkSheet ["CellAddress"].Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("color value");
//bold the text of specified cell
WorkSheet ["CellAddress"].Style.Font.Bold =true;

//Italic the text of specified cell
WorkSheet ["CellAddress"].Style.Font.Italic =true;

//Strikeout the text of specified cell
WorkSheet ["CellAddress"].Style.Font.Strikeout = true;

//border style of specific cell 
WorkSheet ["CellAddress"].Style.BottomBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Dotted;

//border color of specific cell 
WorkSheet ["CellAddress"].Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("color value");
'bold the text of specified cell
WorkSheet ("CellAddress").Style.Font.Bold =True

'Italic the text of specified cell
WorkSheet ("CellAddress").Style.Font.Italic =True

'Strikeout the text of specified cell
WorkSheet ("CellAddress").Style.Font.Strikeout = True

'border style of specific cell 
WorkSheet ("CellAddress").Style.BottomBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Dotted

'border color of specific cell 
WorkSheet ("CellAddress").Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("color value")
VB   C#

IronXL 也提供了一種在指定範圍內設置所有上述屬性的方法。單元格樣式將應用於該範圍內的所有單元格,如下所示:

//bold the text of specified range cells
WorkSheet ["FromCellAddress : ToCellAddress"].Style.Font.Bold =true;

//Italic the text of specified range cells
WorkSheet ["FromCellAddress : ToCellAddress"].Style.Font.Italic =true;

//Strikeout the text of specified range cells
WorkSheet ["FromCellAddress : ToCellAddress"].Style.Font.Strikeout = true;

//border style of specified range cells 
WorkSheet ["FromCellAddress : ToCellAddress"].Style.BottomBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Dotted;

//border color of specified range cells 
WorkSheet ["FromCellAddress : ToCellAddress"].Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("color value");
//bold the text of specified range cells
WorkSheet ["FromCellAddress : ToCellAddress"].Style.Font.Bold =true;

//Italic the text of specified range cells
WorkSheet ["FromCellAddress : ToCellAddress"].Style.Font.Italic =true;

//Strikeout the text of specified range cells
WorkSheet ["FromCellAddress : ToCellAddress"].Style.Font.Strikeout = true;

//border style of specified range cells 
WorkSheet ["FromCellAddress : ToCellAddress"].Style.BottomBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Dotted;

//border color of specified range cells 
WorkSheet ["FromCellAddress : ToCellAddress"].Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("color value");
'bold the text of specified range cells
WorkSheet ("FromCellAddress : ToCellAddress").Style.Font.Bold =True

'Italic the text of specified range cells
WorkSheet ("FromCellAddress : ToCellAddress").Style.Font.Italic =True

'Strikeout the text of specified range cells
WorkSheet ("FromCellAddress : ToCellAddress").Style.Font.Strikeout = True

'border style of specified range cells 
WorkSheet ("FromCellAddress : ToCellAddress").Style.BottomBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Dotted

'border color of specified range cells 
WorkSheet ("FromCellAddress : ToCellAddress").Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("color value")
VB   C#

讓我們來看一個完整的範例,包括建立一個新的 XL WorkBook 並應用單元格樣式。

Set Workbook Styling
using IronXL;
static void Main(string [] args)
    WorkBook wb = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX);
    WorkSheet ws = wb.CreateWorkSheet("Sheet1");
    ws ["B2:G2"].Value = "Range1";          
    ws ["B4:G4"].Value = "Range2";
    //------setting the styles----------
    ws ["B2:D2"].Style.Font.Bold = true;
    ws ["E2:G2"].Style.Font.Italic = true;
    ws ["B4:D4"].Style.Font.Strikeout = true;
    ws ["E4:G4"].Style.BottomBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Dotted;
    ws ["E4:G4"].Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("#ff6600");
    Console.WriteLine("successfully created.");
Set Workbook Styling
using IronXL;
static void Main(string [] args)
    WorkBook wb = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX);
    WorkSheet ws = wb.CreateWorkSheet("Sheet1");
    ws ["B2:G2"].Value = "Range1";          
    ws ["B4:G4"].Value = "Range2";
    //------setting the styles----------
    ws ["B2:D2"].Style.Font.Bold = true;
    ws ["E2:G2"].Style.Font.Italic = true;
    ws ["B4:D4"].Style.Font.Strikeout = true;
    ws ["E4:G4"].Style.BottomBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Dotted;
    ws ["E4:G4"].Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("#ff6600");
    Console.WriteLine("successfully created.");
'''Set Workbook Styling
Imports IronXL
Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
	Dim wb As WorkBook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX)
	Dim ws As WorkSheet = wb.CreateWorkSheet("Sheet1")
	ws ("B2:G2").Value = "Range1"
	ws ("B4:G4").Value = "Range2"
	'------setting the styles----------
	ws ("B2:D2").Style.Font.Bold = True
	ws ("E2:G2").Style.Font.Italic = True
	ws ("B4:D4").Style.Font.Strikeout = True
	ws ("E4:G4").Style.BottomBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Dotted
	ws ("E4:G4").Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("#ff6600")
	Console.WriteLine("successfully created.")
End Sub
VB   C#

以下是我們新創建的名為 sample.xlsx 的 Excel 工作簿的樣子:

用程式化方式操作你的 Excel 工作表可以做更多的事情。欲了解更多教程請參考 使用 C# 打開和寫入 Excel 文件 在 .NET 中,按照提供的代碼範例和步驟進行操作。


C# 創建 Excel 文件

在 IronXL 的 API 參考中探索有關創建 Excel 活頁簿、工作表、應用單元格樣式等更多功能的文檔。

C# 創建 Excel 文件