Apply a license key in IronXL

The license key is a long string that includes an expiration date, which marks the end of support. The license is perpetual, meaning you can continue using it for versions released before this date. Please ensure it is copied correctly, without any spaces.


The most robust method of applying a license key is directly in your code, before the library is called.

IronXL.License.LicenseKey = "IRONXL-MYLICENSE-KEY-1EF01-RENEW.SUPPORT.01.JAN.2050";
IronXL.License.LicenseKey = "IRONXL-MYLICENSE-KEY-1EF01-RENEW.SUPPORT.01.JAN.2050";
IronXL.License.LicenseKey = "IRONXL-MYLICENSE-KEY-1EF01-RENEW.SUPPORT.01.JAN.2050"
VB   C#

For more options, including web.config, app.config, and appsettings.json, please refer to the following article for more information: Using IronXL License Keys