How to Apply Conditional Formatting to Cells

Chaknith related to How to Apply Conditional Formatting to Cells
Chaknith Bin
October 29, 2023
Updated December 10, 2024

Conditional formatting is a feature in spreadsheet and data processing software that allows you to apply specific formatting styles or rules to cells or data based on certain conditions or criteria. It enables you to visually highlight or emphasize data that meets particular conditions, making it easier to analyze and understand data in a spreadsheet or table.

Easily Add, Retrieve, and Remove Conditional Formatting with IronXL. When adding conditional formatting with styling, you can make font and size adjustments, set borders and alignment, and define background patterns and colors

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Add Conditional Formatting Example

Conditional formatting consists of rules and styles that are applied when a cell meets the specified rule criteria. The styles can include font and size adjustments, borders and alignment settings, as well as background patterns and colors.

To define a rule, use the CreateConditionalFormattingRule method provided by ConditionalFormatting. Assign the object returned by this method to a variable, and use this variable to apply the desired styling. Finally, use the AddConditionalFormatting method and provide both the created rule and the cell range to which it should be applied.

using IronXL;
using IronXL.Formatting.Enums;

WorkBook workBook = WorkBook.Load("sample.xlsx");
WorkSheet workSheet = workBook.DefaultWorkSheet;

// Create conditional formatting rule
var rule = workSheet.ConditionalFormatting.CreateConditionalFormattingRule(ComparisonOperator.LessThan, "8");

// Set style options
rule.PatternFormatting.BackgroundColor = "#54BDD9";

// Add conditional formatting rule
workSheet.ConditionalFormatting.AddConditionalFormatting("A1:A10", rule);

Imports IronXL
Imports IronXL.Formatting.Enums

Private workBook As WorkBook = WorkBook.Load("sample.xlsx")
Private workSheet As WorkSheet = workBook.DefaultWorkSheet

' Create conditional formatting rule
Private rule = workSheet.ConditionalFormatting.CreateConditionalFormattingRule(ComparisonOperator.LessThan, "8")

' Set style options
rule.PatternFormatting.BackgroundColor = "#54BDD9"

' Add conditional formatting rule
workSheet.ConditionalFormatting.AddConditionalFormatting("A1:A10", rule)

$vbLabelText   $csharpLabel

Below are all the available rules:

  • NoComparison: The default value.
  • Between: 'Between' operator
  • NotBetween: 'Not between' operator
  • Equal: 'Equal to' operator
  • NotEqual: 'Not equal to' operator
  • GreaterThan: 'Greater than' operator
  • LessThan: 'Less than' operator
  • GreaterThanOrEqual: 'Greater than or equal to' operator
  • LessThanOrEqual: 'Less than or equal to' operator

Retrieve Conditional Formatting Example

To retrieve a conditional formatting rule, use the GetConditionalFormattingAt method. The rule returned by this method may contain multiple rules, and you can use the GetRule method to select a specific one. While most properties of the retrieved rule cannot be modified, you can adjust the BackgroundColor by accessing it through the PatternFormatting property. The following code demonstrates this concept.

using IronXL;

WorkBook workBook = WorkBook.Load("addConditionalFormatting.xlsx");
WorkSheet workSheet = workBook.DefaultWorkSheet;

// Create conditional formatting rule
var ruleCollection = workSheet.ConditionalFormatting.GetConditionalFormattingAt(0);
var rule = ruleCollection.GetRule(0);

// Edit styling
rule.PatternFormatting.BackgroundColor = "#B6CFB6";

Imports IronXL

Private workBook As WorkBook = WorkBook.Load("addConditionalFormatting.xlsx")
Private workSheet As WorkSheet = workBook.DefaultWorkSheet

' Create conditional formatting rule
Private ruleCollection = workSheet.ConditionalFormatting.GetConditionalFormattingAt(0)
Private rule = ruleCollection.GetRule(0)

' Edit styling
rule.PatternFormatting.BackgroundColor = "#B6CFB6"

$vbLabelText   $csharpLabel

Remove Conditional Formatting Example

Similarly, to remove a conditional formatting rule, use the RemoveConditionalFormatting method. Pass the index of the targeted conditional formatting rule to the method.

using IronXL;

WorkBook workBook = WorkBook.Load("addConditionalFormatting.xlsx");
WorkSheet workSheet = workBook.DefaultWorkSheet;

// Remove conditional formatting rule

Imports IronXL

Private workBook As WorkBook = WorkBook.Load("addConditionalFormatting.xlsx")
Private workSheet As WorkSheet = workBook.DefaultWorkSheet

' Remove conditional formatting rule

$vbLabelText   $csharpLabel
Chaknith related to Remove Conditional Formatting Example
Software Engineer
Chaknith is the Sherlock Holmes of developers. It first occurred to him he might have a future in software engineering, when he was doing code challenges for fun. His focus is on IronXL and IronBarcode, but he takes pride in helping customers with every product. Chaknith leverages his knowledge from talking directly with customers, to help further improve the products themselves. His anecdotal feedback goes beyond Jira tickets and supports product development, documentation and marketing, to improve customer’s overall experience.When he isn’t in the office, he can be found learning about machine learning, coding and hiking.