Explore IronXL’s Excel Features for .NET

IronXL.Excel is a .NET library providing developers with a fast and intuitive way to access, modify, generate Excel and other spreadsheet files in C#.

There is no use of Office Interop and IronXL.Excel works on .NET Core and Azure with no special dependencies or need to install MS Office.

IronXL is a leading .NET Core and .NET Framework Excel spreadsheet library for C# and VB.NET.


.NET Languages

  • C# (Tutorial | API Reference)
    • Read, edit and create spreadsheets in C# with Excel, MVC & ASP.NET
  • VB.NET (Tutorial | API Reference)
    • Read, edit and create spreadsheets in VB.NET with Excel, MVC & ASP.NET
  • F# (API Reference)
    • Read, edit and create spreadsheets in F# with Excel, MVC & ASP.NET


  • .NET 5, 6, 7, and 8 (Tutorial | API Reference), .NET Core 2, 3, and 5 (Tutorial | API Reference)
    • IronXL is available for .NET 5, 6, 7, and 8.
    • IronXL is also available for .NET Core 2, 3, and 5.
    • The current .NET Core release supports Linux, Unix and macOS client operating systems as well as Mono and Xamarin.
    • A future release will support Xamarin mobile environments.
  • .NET Standard 2 (API Reference)
    • IronXL is compatible with .NET Standard 2.0 and 2.1.
  • .NET Framework 4x (API Reference)
    • Read, edit and create spreadsheet with .NET Framework 4.5 and upwards.

App Types

  • Console, Web, & Desktop (Tutorial | API Reference)
    • Create apps for Console, Web, and Desktop utilizing IronXL.


Create any application using IronXL on Windows, Linux, macOS, Docker, Azure, and AWS



  • Microsoft Authenticode
    • DigiCert Trusted G4 Code Signing RSA4096 SHA384 2021 CA1


Create or Load Spreadsheets

Create How-To | Load How-To | Create Code Example | Load Code Example

  • XLS
    • Create and load .xls file format for Microsoft Excel versions 97-2003.
  • XLSX
    • Create and load .xlsx file format for Microsoft Excel versions 2007 and later.
  • XLTX
    • Load Excel template file in the format of .xltx
  • XLSM
    • Load Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook file in the format of .xlsm
  • CSV
    • Load Comma-Separated Values file in the format of .csv
  • TSV
    • Load Tab-Separated Values file in the format of .tsv

Save or Export Formats


System.Data Objects

Edit Workbooks

  • Metadata (How-To | Code Example | API Reference)
    • Add, modify and retrieve granular meta-data such as:
    • Author
    • Comments
    • Last printed date
    • Keywords and Category
    • Created and Modified date
    • Subject and Title
    • Retrieve granular meta-data such as:
    • Application name
    • Custom properties
    • Company
    • Manager
    • Template
  • Permissions & Passwords (How-To | Code Example | API Reference)
    • Open, edit and save password protected spreadsheet.
    • Encrypt Workbook with password.
  • Create Worksheets (How-To | API Reference)
    • Create a branch new sheet.
  • Remove Worksheets (How-To | API Reference)
    • Delete an entire sheet.
  • Set Sheet Position (How-To | API Reference)
    • Rearrange the position of sheets.
  • Set Active Tab (How-To | API Reference)
    • Set the default tab when opening the spreadsheet file in applications like Microsoft Excel.


Edit Formulas

How-To | Code Example

  • Works with Excel formulas (API Reference)
    • Apply and modify formulas without the use of Interop
  • Recalculation on sheet edit (API Reference)
    • Trigger the recalculation of formulas the whole spreadsheet

Data Collection

How-To | Code Example

  • Range (API Reference)
    • Select, edit, and calculate Range in each worksheets.
  • Column (API Reference)
    • Select, edit, and calculate Column in each worksheets.
  • Row (API Reference)
    • Select, edit, and calculate Row in each worksheets.

Create and Edit Charts

  • Area, Bar, Column, Line, Pie, Scatter (How-To | Code Example | API Reference)
    • Create Area, Bar, Column, Line, Pie, and Scatter chart at ease
    • Edit chart configuration such as:
    • Title
    • Legend position

Edit Layout

Edit Worksheets

Cell Ranges

Cell Range Functions

  • Sort (How-To | Code Example | API Reference)
    • Apply ascend or descend sorting to cell range including single column and row.
    • Apply sorting based on any particular column in the selected range.
  • Trim (How-To | API Reference)
    • Removes leading and trailing empty cells from the selected range.
  • Clear (How-To | API Reference)
    • Clears the content of a selected cell.
  • Copy (How-To | API Reference)
    • Copies and pastes the content and styling of a selected cell to the same or different sheet.
  • Find and Replace (API Reference)
  • Set Hyperlinks (How-To | API Reference)
    • Creates hyperlinks to website URLs, cells, and defined names in the same or different sheet. Also supports opening FTP, files, and email.
  • Merge Cell Ranges (How-To | API Reference)
    • Combines multiple adjacent cells into a single, larger cell.
  • Unmerge Cells (How-To | API Reference)
    • Splits the merged cell back into its original individual cells.

Style Cells:

Maths Functions:

How-To | Code Example

  • Average (API Reference)
    • Calculate average of given range, row, or column.
  • Sum (API Reference)
    • Calculate total sum of given range, row, or column.
  • Min (API Reference)
    • Identify minimum number of given range, row, or column.
  • Max (API Reference)
    • Identify maximum number of given range, row, or column.

Set Cell Data Formats:

How-To | Code Example | API Reference

  • Text, Number, Formula, Date, Currency, Scientific, Time, Boolean, Custom Formats
All Available Data Formats