Updated December 17, 2024

How to Make an Engineering Support Request for IronBarcode

We appreciate you taking the time to help us improve IronBarcode and resolve any issues you may be experiencing. The vast majority of our features and updates are driven by customer requests, and we consider software development to be a two-way conversation between our customers and our developers.

To provide effective support, our engineering team needs to efficiently replicate issues and create regression tests. Most issues we encounter are platform or runtime-specific, so we require very concise information.

Please send all support requests to support@ironsoftware.com.

A Concise, Clear Description of the Issue

A good technical report must include enough information to reproduce the issue. Imagine you are reporting the issue to a colleague or posting it on Stack Overflow.

A bug report should contain:

  • A clear description of the symptoms experienced and any ideas you may have regarding their cause.
  • Environment: IronBarcode Version, OS and .NET runtime version, (exact cloud environment if applicable)
  • Application/Project Type: (Azure WebApp/WebJob/Function, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET WebForms, Windows application, WPF, WebAPI (Core/Framework), IIS + version, etc.

Please include as many of the following as possible, to prioritize your ticket.

  • An example project that fully reproduces the issue
  • A Stack Overflow-style code snippet (please do not screenshot code)
  • Screenshots of symptoms/exceptions
  • Exception message text (Exception + Inner Exception)
  • The specific debugging point where the process stops working or exits in the code
  • Input parameters and assets: Image and PDF.

Trouble With Reading Barcodes

If you are having trouble reading a barcode, please see the following articles first:

  1. Supported Barcode Formats
  2. Barcode Not Recognized

Once the format has been confirmed and troubleshooting steps have been taken, if the barcode is valid but still not properly recognized, please send us a copy of the input file.