using IronBarCode;
using System.Drawing;
// Creating a barcode is as simple as:
var myBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("12345", BarcodeWriterEncoding.EAN8);
// And save our barcode as in image:
Image myBarcodeImage = myBarcode.Image; // Can be used as Image
Bitmap myBarcodeBitmap = myBarcode.ToBitmap(); // Can be used as Bitmap
// Reading a barcode is easy with IronBarcode:
var resultFromFile = BarcodeReader.Read(@"file/barcode.png"); // From a file
var resultFromBitMap = BarcodeReader.Read(new Bitmap("barcode.bmp")); // From a bitmap
var resultFromImage = BarcodeReader.Read(Image.FromFile("barcode.jpg")); // From an image
var resultFromPdf = BarcodeReader.ReadPdf(@"file/mydocument.pdf"); // From PDF use ReadPdf
// After creating a barcode, we may choose to resize and save which is easily done with:
var myNewBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("12345", BarcodeWriterEncoding.EAN8);
myNewBarcode.ResizeTo(400, 100);
// To set more options and optimization with your Barcode Reading,
// Please utilize the BarcodeReaderOptions paramter of read:
var myOptionsExample = new BarcodeReaderOptions
// Choose a speed from: Faster, Balanced, Detailed, ExtremeDetail
// There is a tradeoff in performance as more Detail is set
Speed = ReadingSpeed.Balanced,
// Reader will stop scanning once a barcode is found, unless set to true
ExpectMultipleBarcodes = true,
// By default, all barcode formats are scanned for.
// Specifying one or more, performance will increase.
ExpectBarcodeTypes = BarcodeEncoding.AllOneDimensional,
// Utilizes multiple threads to reads barcodes from multiple images in parallel.
Multithreaded = true,
// Maximum threads for parallel. Default is 4
MaxParallelThreads = 2,
// The area of each image frame in which to scan for barcodes.
// Will improve performance significantly and avoid unwanted results and avoid noisy parts of the image.
CropArea = new Rectangle(),
// Special Setting for Code39 Barcodes.
// If a Code39 barcode is detected. Try to use extended mode for the full ASCII Character Set
UseCode39ExtendedMode = true
// And, apply:
var results = BarcodeReader.Read("barcode.png", myOptionsExample);
Imports IronBarCode
Imports System.Drawing
' Creating a barcode is as simple as:
Private myBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("12345", BarcodeWriterEncoding.EAN8)
' And save our barcode as in image:
Dim myBarcodeImage As Image = myBarcode.Image ' Can be used as Image
Dim myBarcodeBitmap As Bitmap = myBarcode.ToBitmap() ' Can be used as Bitmap
' Reading a barcode is easy with IronBarcode:
Dim resultFromFile = BarcodeReader.Read("file/barcode.png") ' From a file
Dim resultFromBitMap = BarcodeReader.Read(New Bitmap("barcode.bmp")) ' From a bitmap
Dim resultFromImage = BarcodeReader.Read(Image.FromFile("barcode.jpg")) ' From an image
Dim resultFromPdf = BarcodeReader.ReadPdf("file/mydocument.pdf") ' From PDF use ReadPdf
' After creating a barcode, we may choose to resize and save which is easily done with:
Dim myNewBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("12345", BarcodeWriterEncoding.EAN8)
myNewBarcode.ResizeTo(400, 100)
' To set more options and optimization with your Barcode Reading,
' Please utilize the BarcodeReaderOptions paramter of read:
Dim myOptionsExample = New BarcodeReaderOptions With {
.Speed = ReadingSpeed.Balanced,
.ExpectMultipleBarcodes = True,
.ExpectBarcodeTypes = BarcodeEncoding.AllOneDimensional,
.Multithreaded = True,
.MaxParallelThreads = 2,
.CropArea = New Rectangle(),
.UseCode39ExtendedMode = True
' And, apply:
Dim results = BarcodeReader.Read("barcode.png", myOptionsExample)
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Barcode Quickstart
The BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode class can be used to create barcodes and QR codes from strings, numbers, or binary data and encode to an appropriate format. We can then use the SaveAsImage() method to export as an image, or other easy saving methods to save to a PDF, HTML, System.Drawing.Image, stream, or Bitmap object.
Likewise, we can read barcodes using the BarcodeReader class. The easiest method to use is the BarcodeReader.Read method, as shown above.
Do note all the various options set in BarcodeReaderOptions that allow you to customize your reading to be faster, more intensive, stop scanning after reaching one barcode to save time, specify specific types of barcode to search for, and utilize multithreading, among other customization options.
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