Get started with .NET OCR samples

C# + VB.NET: AutoOcr AutoOcr
using IronOcr;

string imageText = new IronTesseract().Read(@"images\image.png").Text;
Imports IronOcr

Private imageText As String = (New IronTesseract()).Read("images\image.png").Text

<p>IronOCR is unique in its ability to automatically detect and read text from imperfectly scanned images and PDF documents. The <code>IronTesseract</code> Class provides the simplest API.</p> <p>Try Other code samples to gain fine-grained control of your C# OCR operations.</p> <p>IronOCR provides the most advanced build of Tesseract known anywhere, on any platform. With increased speed, accuracy and a native DLL and API.</p> <p>Supports Tesseract 3, Tesseract 4 and Tesseract 5 for .NET Framework, Standard, Core, Xamarin and Mono.</p> <div class="hsg-featured-snippet examples__featured-snippet"> <h2>How to OCR in VB.NET</h2> <ol> <li><a class="js-modal-open" data-modal-id="trial-license-after-download" href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Install VB.NET library to do OCR on image or PDF</a></li> <li>Instantiate <code>IronTesseract</code> to use intuitive APIs</li> <li>Utilize <code>Read</code> method to perform OCR in VB.NET</li> <li>Get OCR result by accessing <code>Text</code> property</li> <li>Execute 2, 3 and 4 actions in a single line of code.</li> </ol> </div>

C# + VB.NET: Intl. Languages Intl. Languages
using IronOcr;
using System;

var ocrTesseract = new IronTesseract();

ocrTesseract.Language = OcrLanguage.Arabic;

using (var ocrInput = new OcrInput())
    var ocrResult = ocrTesseract.Read(ocrInput);

// Example with a Custom Trained Font Being used:

var ocrTesseractCustomerLang = new IronTesseract();

using (var ocrInput = new OcrInput())
    var ocrResult = ocrTesseractCustomerLang.Read(ocrInput);
Imports IronOcr
Imports System

Private ocrTesseract = New IronTesseract()

ocrTesseract.Language = OcrLanguage.Arabic

Using ocrInput As New OcrInput()
	Dim ocrResult = ocrTesseract.Read(ocrInput)
End Using

' Example with a Custom Trained Font Being used:

Dim ocrTesseractCustomerLang = New IronTesseract()

Using ocrInput As New OcrInput()
	Dim ocrResult = ocrTesseractCustomerLang.Read(ocrInput)
End Using

<p>IronOCR supports 125 international languages.</p> <p>Other than English which is installed by default, language packs may be added to your .NET project via NuGet or as downloads from our <a href="/csharp/ocr/languages/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Languages Page</a>.</p> <p>Most Languages are available in Fast, Standard (recommended) and Best quality. Best may be more accurate, but also is slower.</p>

C# + VB.NET: Results Objects Results Objects
using IronOcr;
using IronSoftware.Drawing;

// We can delve deep into OCR results as an object model of
// Pages, Barcodes, Paragraphs, Lines, Words and Characters
// This allows us to explore, export and draw OCR content using other APIs/
var ocrTesseract = new IronTesseract();

ocrTesseract.Configuration.ReadBarCodes = true;

using var ocrInput = new OcrInput();
var pages = new int[] { 1, 2 };
ocrInput.LoadImageFrames("example.tiff", pages);

OcrResult ocrResult = ocrTesseract.Read(ocrInput);
foreach (var page in ocrResult.Pages)
    // Page object
    int PageNumber = page.PageNumber;
    string PageText = page.Text;
    int PageWordCount = page.WordCount;
    // null if we dont set Ocr.Configuration.ReadBarCodes = true;
    OcrResult.Barcode[] Barcodes = page.Barcodes;
    AnyBitmap PageImage = page.ToBitmap(ocrInput);
    double PageWidth = page.Width;
    double PageHeight = page.Height;
    double PageRotation = page.Rotation; // angular correction in degrees from OcrInput.Deskew()

    foreach (var paragraph in page.Paragraphs)
        // Pages -> Paragraphs
        int ParagraphNumber = paragraph.ParagraphNumber;
        string ParagraphText = paragraph.Text;
        AnyBitmap ParagraphImage = paragraph.ToBitmap(ocrInput);
        int ParagraphX_location = paragraph.X;
        int ParagraphY_location = paragraph.Y;
        int ParagraphWidth = paragraph.Width;
        int ParagraphHeight = paragraph.Height;
        double ParagraphOcrAccuracy = paragraph.Confidence;
        OcrResult.TextFlow paragrapthText_direction = paragraph.TextDirection;
        foreach (var line in paragraph.Lines)
            // Pages -> Paragraphs -> Lines
            int LineNumber = line.LineNumber;
            string LineText = line.Text;
            AnyBitmap LineImage = line.ToBitmap(ocrInput);
            int LineX_location = line.X;
            int LineY_location = line.Y;
            int LineWidth = line.Width;
            int LineHeight = line.Height;
            double LineOcrAccuracy = line.Confidence;
            double LineSkew = line.BaselineAngle;
            double LineOffset = line.BaselineOffset;
            foreach (var word in line.Words)
                // Pages -> Paragraphs -> Lines -> Words
                int WordNumber = word.WordNumber;
                string WordText = word.Text;
                AnyBitmap WordImage = word.ToBitmap(ocrInput);
                int WordX_location = word.X;
                int WordY_location = word.Y;
                int WordWidth = word.Width;
                int WordHeight = word.Height;
                double WordOcrAccuracy = word.Confidence;
                foreach (var character in word.Characters)
                    // Pages -> Paragraphs -> Lines -> Words -> Characters
                    int CharacterNumber = character.CharacterNumber;
                    string CharacterText = character.Text;
                    AnyBitmap CharacterImage = character.ToBitmap(ocrInput);
                    int CharacterX_location = character.X;
                    int CharacterY_location = character.Y;
                    int CharacterWidth = character.Width;
                    int CharacterHeight = character.Height;
                    double CharacterOcrAccuracy = character.Confidence;
                    // Output alternative symbols choices and their probability.
                    // Very useful for spellchecking
                    OcrResult.Choice[] Choices = character.Choices;
Imports IronOcr
Imports IronSoftware.Drawing

' We can delve deep into OCR results as an object model of
' Pages, Barcodes, Paragraphs, Lines, Words and Characters
' This allows us to explore, export and draw OCR content using other APIs/
Private ocrTesseract = New IronTesseract()

ocrTesseract.Configuration.ReadBarCodes = True

Dim ocrInput As New OcrInput()
Dim pages = New Integer() { 1, 2 }
ocrInput.LoadImageFrames("example.tiff", pages)

Dim ocrResult As OcrResult = ocrTesseract.Read(ocrInput)
For Each page In ocrResult.Pages
	' Page object
	Dim PageNumber As Integer = page.PageNumber
	Dim PageText As String = page.Text
	Dim PageWordCount As Integer = page.WordCount
	' null if we dont set Ocr.Configuration.ReadBarCodes = true;
	Dim Barcodes() As OcrResult.Barcode = page.Barcodes
	Dim PageImage As AnyBitmap = page.ToBitmap(ocrInput)
	Dim PageWidth As Double = page.Width
	Dim PageHeight As Double = page.Height
	Dim PageRotation As Double = page.Rotation ' angular correction in degrees from OcrInput.Deskew()

	For Each paragraph In page.Paragraphs
		' Pages -> Paragraphs
		Dim ParagraphNumber As Integer = paragraph.ParagraphNumber
		Dim ParagraphText As String = paragraph.Text
		Dim ParagraphImage As AnyBitmap = paragraph.ToBitmap(ocrInput)
		Dim ParagraphX_location As Integer = paragraph.X
		Dim ParagraphY_location As Integer = paragraph.Y
		Dim ParagraphWidth As Integer = paragraph.Width
		Dim ParagraphHeight As Integer = paragraph.Height
		Dim ParagraphOcrAccuracy As Double = paragraph.Confidence
		Dim paragrapthText_direction As OcrResult.TextFlow = paragraph.TextDirection
		For Each line In paragraph.Lines
			' Pages -> Paragraphs -> Lines
			Dim LineNumber As Integer = line.LineNumber
			Dim LineText As String = line.Text
			Dim LineImage As AnyBitmap = line.ToBitmap(ocrInput)
			Dim LineX_location As Integer = line.X
			Dim LineY_location As Integer = line.Y
			Dim LineWidth As Integer = line.Width
			Dim LineHeight As Integer = line.Height
			Dim LineOcrAccuracy As Double = line.Confidence
			Dim LineSkew As Double = line.BaselineAngle
			Dim LineOffset As Double = line.BaselineOffset
			For Each word In line.Words
				' Pages -> Paragraphs -> Lines -> Words
				Dim WordNumber As Integer = word.WordNumber
				Dim WordText As String = word.Text
				Dim WordImage As AnyBitmap = word.ToBitmap(ocrInput)
				Dim WordX_location As Integer = word.X
				Dim WordY_location As Integer = word.Y
				Dim WordWidth As Integer = word.Width
				Dim WordHeight As Integer = word.Height
				Dim WordOcrAccuracy As Double = word.Confidence
				For Each character In word.Characters
					' Pages -> Paragraphs -> Lines -> Words -> Characters
					Dim CharacterNumber As Integer = character.CharacterNumber
					Dim CharacterText As String = character.Text
					Dim CharacterImage As AnyBitmap = character.ToBitmap(ocrInput)
					Dim CharacterX_location As Integer = character.X
					Dim CharacterY_location As Integer = character.Y
					Dim CharacterWidth As Integer = character.Width
					Dim CharacterHeight As Integer = character.Height
					Dim CharacterOcrAccuracy As Double = character.Confidence
					' Output alternative symbols choices and their probability.
					' Very useful for spellchecking
					Dim Choices() As OcrResult.Choice = character.Choices
				Next character
			Next word
		Next line
	Next paragraph
Next page

<p>IronOCR returns an advanced result object for each page it scans using Tesseract 5. This contains <strong>location data, images, text, statistical confidence, alternative symbol choices, font-names, font-sizes decoration, font weights, and position</strong> for each:</p> <ul> <li>Page</li> <li>Paragraph</li> <li>Line of Text</li> <li>Word</li> <li>Individual Character</li> <li>and Barcode</li> </ul>

Human Support related to OCR in .NET Core

Human Support Directly From Our Development Team

Whether it's product, integration or licensing queries, the Iron product development team is on hand to support all of your questions. Get in touch and start a dialog with Iron to make the most of our library in your project.

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Image To Text related to OCR in .NET Core

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Reading Engine — Image to Text in OCR .NET SDK

IronOCR (Optical Character Recognition) library enables developers quick and efficient results when converting Images to Text. IronOCR works with .NET, VB .NET, and C#. Our top .NET applications for .NET frameworks, which are specifically designed for you — the developer, to support you in achieving optimal performance for your projects.

OCR receives and recognizes text files, barcodes, QR content, and more. However, IronOCR also provides numerous methods that allow you to add OCR reading and text from images into the web, windows desktop, or console .NET projects with support for virtually unlimited image formats and files, such as JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, JPEG or PDF.

Under the Hood - IronOCR Provides Perfect Results

Although the recognition results of plain text, characters, lines, and paragraphs from image output may not seem straightforward, you'll find that under the hood of IronOCR results are in fact easier than you may have initially thought. IronOCR scans the image for alignment, employs its noise removal and filters to check quality and resolution. It looks at its properties, optimizes the OCR engine, and uses a trained artificial intelligence network to then recognize text (from images) as well as any human.

OCR is not a simple process even for a computer. However, IronOCR makes the overall process of creating searchable documents quicker and more straightforward, with 100% accuracy and minimal lines of code.

Works with .NET, VB.NET, C#

Read the Tutorial
Support For Languages related to OCR in .NET Core

Works with Multiple International Languages

Software is not limited to geographical boundaries — businesses function across borders and rely upon multiple languages to achieve their results. Similarly, an optical character recognition (OCR) tool that only performs document recognition in a single language is a major NO in every respect!

What does multilingual OCR support mean for you?

With a multilingual OCR library that provides multiple OCR functionalities, you benefit from creating a searchable PDF document from a scanned PDF or scanned image in multiple languages (from French to Chinese!). Your time and effort are streamlined with a dynamic, word-searchable PDF document that you, your clients, or your organization can use and reuse without limits.

With a strong focus on you, your business, and your OCR needs, whether in-built or on request, the IronOCR library has a wide array of supported languages. Your next .NET project can be free from language compatibility worries!

Whether Arabic, Spanish, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese (Mandarin), Danish, English, Finnish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish or Swedish, you simply name the languages and we provide them for you! You can download your preferred language packs or contact our 24/7 support for more languages.

The first step is to use our NuGet package installer for Windows Visual Studio.

Download Language Packs
Advanced Image related to OCR in .NET Core

Image Processing for Accurate Reading of Imperfect Scans

How does IronOCR differ from its competitors? In addition to letting you easily add OCR functionalities, extract text and scan rotated images, it also has the ability to perform OCR from imperfect scans! In contrast, many of the various ready-to-use products on the market today are often rigid and inaccurate, destined to fail in real-world individual and corporate applications as the majority of them work with machine-printed, high-resolution, and perfectly-adjusted text.

IronOCR extends the capabilities of Google Tesseract with its powerful IronTesseract DLL — a native C# OCR library with improved stability and higher accuracy than the free Tesseract library.

Proceed without worries - IronOCR has you covered!

With the best tool in your hands, even if you have a less than perfect scanned image or a stored image in your storage folder — IronOCR's image processing library conversion cleans up noise, rotates, reduces distortion and skewed alignment, and improves resolution and contrast. The advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) settings give you — the coders — the tools and the code to generate the best possible searchable results, time after time.

Search for the words you need and never be disappointed with the 99.8-100% accurate results and the unlimited support for PDF Documents, multiFrame TIFF files, JPEG & JPEG2000, GIF, PNG, BMP, WBMP, System.Drawing.Image, System.Drawing.Bitmap, System.IO.Streams of images, binary image data (byte[]), and everything beyond!

An Alternative to Tesseract
Fast And Polite Behavior related to OCR in .NET Core

Fast and Accurate — from Scanned PDFs to Scanned Rotated Images

Unlike other .NET applications in .NET framework, you'll find that the advanced Optical Character Recognition, within IronOCR's package manager console and recognized text console, gives your users the ability to read multiple word fonts (from Times New Roman to anything fancy or supposedly difficult to understand), weights, and styles for accurate text reading from a whole image or scanned images. Our ability to select certain areas of an image helps to improve speed and accuracy. Multithreading from a few lines to a few paragraphs speeds up the OCR engine and allows for the reading of multiple documents on multi-core machines.

Backed with Performance from Beginning to End

Our claims to speed and accuracy are not limited to the process of character recognition. Rather, the improvements start right from the point of installation as IronOCR's .NET OCR engine is an easy-to-install, complete, and well-documented .NET software library. There is a single NuGet package manager installation for Visual Studio, and multithreading compatibility with MVC, WebApp, Desktop, Console, and Server Applications.

You can achieve 99.8-100% OCR accuracy without any external web services, ongoing fees, or having to send confidential documents over the internet. Without the cumbersome C++ coding, IronOCR is the clear choice to make when you're in need of full PDF OCR support for multiple characters, words, lines, paragraphs, text, and documents.

We offer the best options for developers seeking to perfect their coding, as IronOCR works out of the box with zero need for performance-tuning or to heavily modify input images. The latest IronOCR version works amazingly fast — up to ten times faster, and makes over 250% fewer errors than previous builds. We upgrade our own builds to support your goals by providing the perfect platform for OCR!

See Full Function List
Output Content related to OCR in .NET Core

Export OCR Result Data Directly to Your Application

Even when using mobile devices, our perfect .NET OCR library enables developers to code 'free from worries' as IronOCR supports exporting content as a simple set of straightforward and complex text, machine-encoded text, barcode data, or structured object model data. You can split the content paragraphs, lines, words, characters, and image string results for direct use inside your .NET apps.

Export Comfortably to your Target Application and Formats — XHTML, Searchable Document, HOCR, and HTML

From source code to the final result — the resulting data would be useless if you weren't able to export it to your application. IronOCR understands this and allows you to export the OCR result to XHTML in order to be able to work with a sustainable format across a broader range of applications and with integration into complex websites, not to mention quicker loading times!

However, the support does not end there. The ability to export OCR to searchable PDF documents makes it easy for you, your clients and organizations to store and retrieve PDF documents whenever required! This is especially beneficial when you have a 30-page contract that you can search for in your database with a few keywords, and also enables you to present your company as compliance-friendly, given that searchable PDF documents are proven to be beneficial for the visually impaired.

In addition to the above, you can export your results to the OCR format that represents your OCR output, layout information, and style information, and embeds the related information in standard HTML.

Learn More
  • .NET Framework 4.0 and above support C#, VB, F#
  • Microsoft Visual Studio. .NET Development IDE Icon
  • NuGet Installer Support for Visual Studio
  • JetBrains ReSharper C# language assistant compatible
  • Microsoft Azure C# .NET  hosting platform compatible

Licensing & Pricing

Free community development licenses. Commercial licenses from $749.

Project C# + VB.NET Library Licensing


Developer C# + VB.NET Library Licensing


Organization C# + VB.NET Library Licensing


Agency C# + VB.NET Library Licensing


SaaS C# + VB.NET Library Licensing


OEM C# + VB.NET Library Licensing


View Full License Options  

OCR Tutorials From Our .NET Community

.NET Tesseract OCR | IronOCR

C# Tesseract OCR

Jim Baker is a development engineer at Iron developing for the OCR product

IronOCR & Tesseract Comparison in .NET

Jim has been a leading figure in development of IronOCR. Jim designs and builds image processing algorithms and reading methods for OCR.

See Comparison
Text to Image in .NET | Tutorial


Gemma Beckford - Microsoft Solutions Engineer

Text from Images for .NET

Learn how Gemma's team use IronOCR to read text from images for their archiving software. Gemma shares her own code samples.

Image to Text .NET Tutorial
Thousands of developers use IronOcr for...

Accounting and Finance Systems

  • # Receipts
  • # Reporting
  • # Invoice Printing
Add PDF Support to ASP.NET Accounting and Finance Systems

Business Digitization

  • # Documentation
  • # Ordering & Labelling
  • # Paper Replacement
C# Business Digitization Use Cases

Enterprise Content Management

  • # Content Production
  • # Document Management
  • # Content Distribution
.NET CMS PDF Support

Data and Reporting Applications

  • # Performance Tracking
  • # Trend Mapping
  • # Reports
C# PDF Reports
Iron Software Enterprise .NET Component Developers

Thousands of corporations, governments, SMEs and developers alike trust Iron software products.

Iron's team have over 10 years experience in the .NET software component market.
