Updated October 9, 2024

Resolve AWS Lambda Exit Errors for IronBarcode

If you encounter the following error, it is highly likely that the issue is related to insufficient memory allocation:

RequestId: 48ace8f3-1391-40ea-bc0e-aa864de3a8e2 Error: Runtime exited with error: signal: killed


This error typically occurs when the application tries to execute a task that exceeds the available memory on the host machine or container environment. When the memory consumption reaches the system's limit, the process is forcefully terminated, resulting in the "signal: killed" message.


To increase memory for an AWS Lambda function:

  1. Go to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Navigate to Lambda > Functions.
  3. Select the function experiencing the issue.
  4. Under the 'Configuration' tab, choose 'General configuration' and click 'Edit'.
  5. Adjust the memory allocation and save.