C# + VB.NET: Barcode Quickstart Barcode Quickstart
using IronBarCode;
using System.Drawing;

// Creating a barcode is as simple as:
var myBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("12345", BarcodeWriterEncoding.EAN8);

// And save our barcode as in image:

Image myBarcodeImage = myBarcode.Image; // Can be used as Image
Bitmap myBarcodeBitmap = myBarcode.ToBitmap(); // Can be used as Bitmap

// Reading a barcode is easy with IronBarcode:
var resultFromFile = BarcodeReader.Read(@"file/barcode.png"); // From a file
var resultFromBitMap = BarcodeReader.Read(new Bitmap("barcode.bmp")); // From a bitmap
var resultFromImage = BarcodeReader.Read(Image.FromFile("barcode.jpg")); // From an image
var resultFromPdf = BarcodeReader.ReadPdf(@"file/mydocument.pdf"); // From PDF use ReadPdf

// After creating a barcode, we may choose to resize and save which is easily done with:
var myNewBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("12345", BarcodeWriterEncoding.EAN8);
myNewBarcode.ResizeTo(400, 100);

// To set more options and optimization with your Barcode Reading,
// Please utilize the BarcodeReaderOptions paramter of read:
var myOptionsExample = new BarcodeReaderOptions
    // Choose a speed from: Faster, Balanced, Detailed, ExtremeDetail
    // There is a tradeoff in performance as more Detail is set
    Speed = ReadingSpeed.Balanced,

    // Reader will stop scanning once a barcode is found, unless set to true
    ExpectMultipleBarcodes = true,

    // By default, all barcode formats are scanned for.
    // Specifying one or more, performance will increase.
    ExpectBarcodeTypes = BarcodeEncoding.AllOneDimensional,

    // Utilizes multiple threads to reads barcodes from multiple images in parallel.
    Multithreaded = true,

    // Maximum threads for parallel. Default is 4
    MaxParallelThreads = 2,

    // The area of each image frame in which to scan for barcodes.
    // Will improve performance significantly and avoid unwanted results and avoid noisy parts of the image.
    CropArea = new Rectangle(),

    // Special Setting for Code39 Barcodes.
    // If a Code39 barcode is detected. Try to use extended mode for the full ASCII Character Set
    UseCode39ExtendedMode = true

// And, apply:
var results = BarcodeReader.Read("barcode.png", myOptionsExample);
Imports IronBarCode
Imports System.Drawing

' Creating a barcode is as simple as:
Private myBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("12345", BarcodeWriterEncoding.EAN8)

' And save our barcode as in image:

Dim myBarcodeImage As Image = myBarcode.Image ' Can be used as Image
Dim myBarcodeBitmap As Bitmap = myBarcode.ToBitmap() ' Can be used as Bitmap

' Reading a barcode is easy with IronBarcode:
Dim resultFromFile = BarcodeReader.Read("file/barcode.png") ' From a file
Dim resultFromBitMap = BarcodeReader.Read(New Bitmap("barcode.bmp")) ' From a bitmap
Dim resultFromImage = BarcodeReader.Read(Image.FromFile("barcode.jpg")) ' From an image
Dim resultFromPdf = BarcodeReader.ReadPdf("file/mydocument.pdf") ' From PDF use ReadPdf

' After creating a barcode, we may choose to resize and save which is easily done with:
Dim myNewBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("12345", BarcodeWriterEncoding.EAN8)
myNewBarcode.ResizeTo(400, 100)

' To set more options and optimization with your Barcode Reading,
' Please utilize the BarcodeReaderOptions paramter of read:
Dim myOptionsExample = New BarcodeReaderOptions With {
	.Speed = ReadingSpeed.Balanced,
	.ExpectMultipleBarcodes = True,
	.ExpectBarcodeTypes = BarcodeEncoding.AllOneDimensional,
	.Multithreaded = True,
	.MaxParallelThreads = 2,
	.CropArea = New Rectangle(),
	.UseCode39ExtendedMode = True

' And, apply:
Dim results = BarcodeReader.Read("barcode.png", myOptionsExample)

The BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode class can be used to create barcodes and QR codes from strings, numbers, or binary data and encode to an appropriate format. We can then use the SaveAsImage() method to export as an image, or other easy saving methods to save to a PDF, HTML, System.Drawing.Image, stream, or Bitmap object.

Likewise, we can read barcodes using the BarcodeReader class. The easiest method to use is the BarcodeReader.Read method, as shown above.

Do note all the various options set in BarcodeReaderOptions that allow you to customize your reading to be faster, more intensive, stop scanning after reaching one barcode to save time, specify specific types of barcode to search for, and utilize multithreading, among other customization options.

C# + VB.NET: Imperfect Barcodes and Image Correction Imperfect Barcodes and Image Correction
using IronBarCode;
using IronSoftware.Drawing;
using System.Linq;

// Choose which filters are to be applied (in order);
var filtersToApply = new ImageFilterCollection() {
    new SharpenFilter(),
    new InvertFilter(),
    new ContrastFilter(),
    new BrightnessFilter(),
    new AdaptiveThresholdFilter(),
    new BinaryThresholdFilter()

BarcodeReaderOptions myOptionsExample = new BarcodeReaderOptions()
    // Set chosen filters in BarcodeReaderOptions:
    ImageFilters = filtersToApply,

    // Other Barcode Reader Options:
    Speed = ReadingSpeed.Balanced,
    ExpectMultipleBarcodes = true,

// And, apply with a Read:
BarcodeResults results = BarcodeReader.Read("screenshot.png", myOptionsExample);

AnyBitmap[] filteredImages = results.FilterImages();

// Export file to disk
for (int i = 0 ; i < filteredImages.Length ; i++)

// Or
Imports IronBarCode
Imports IronSoftware.Drawing
Imports System.Linq

' Choose which filters are to be applied (in order);
Private filtersToApply = New ImageFilterCollection() From {
	New SharpenFilter(),
	New InvertFilter(),
	New ContrastFilter(),
	New BrightnessFilter(),
	New AdaptiveThresholdFilter(),
	New BinaryThresholdFilter()

Private myOptionsExample As New BarcodeReaderOptions() With {
	.ImageFilters = filtersToApply,
	.Speed = ReadingSpeed.Balanced,
	.ExpectMultipleBarcodes = True

' And, apply with a Read:
Private results As BarcodeResults = BarcodeReader.Read("screenshot.png", myOptionsExample)

Private filteredImages() As AnyBitmap = results.FilterImages()

' Export file to disk
For i As Integer = 0 To filteredImages.Length - 1
Next i

' Or

IronBarcode has many filters to choose from that are easily applied in the BarcodeReaderOptions. Select the filters that may improve reading of your image such as Sharpen, Invert (colors), and Contrast. Please keep in mind that the order in which you choose them are the order that they are applied.

C# + VB.NET: Creating Barcodes Images Creating Barcodes Images
using IronBarCode;
using System.Drawing;


// Shorthand:: Create and save a barcode in a single line of code
BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("12345", BarcodeWriterEncoding.EAN8).ResizeTo(400, 100).SaveAsImage("EAN8.jpeg");


// BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode creates a GeneratedBarcode which can be styles and exported as an Image object or File
GeneratedBarcode MyBarCode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("Any Number, String or Binary Value", BarcodeWriterEncoding.Code128);

// Style the Barcode in a fluent LINQ style fashion
MyBarCode.ResizeTo(300, 150).SetMargins(20).AddAnnotationTextAboveBarcode("Example EAN8 Barcode").AddBarcodeValueTextBelowBarcode();

// Save MyBarCode as an image file

// Save MyBarCode as a .NET native objects
Image MyBarCodeImage = MyBarCode.Image;
Bitmap MyBarCodeBitmap = MyBarCode.ToBitmap();

byte[] PngBytes = MyBarCode.ToPngBinaryData();

using (System.IO.Stream PdfStream = MyBarCode.ToPdfStream())
    // Stream barcode image output also works for GIF,JPEG, PDF, PNG, BMP and TIFF

// Save MyBarCode as HTML files and tags
string ImgTagForHTML = MyBarCode.ToHtmlTag();
string DataURL = MyBarCode.ToDataUrl();

// Save MyBarCode to a new PDF, or stamp it in any position on any page(s) of an existing Document
MyBarCode.StampToExistingPdfPage("ExistingPDF.pdf", 200, 50, 1);  // position 200x50 on page 1
MyBarCode.StampToExistingPdfPages("ExistingPDF.pdf", 200, 50, new[] { 1, 2, 3 }, "Password123");  // multiple pages of an encrypted PDF
Imports IronBarCode
Imports System.Drawing


' Shorthand:: Create and save a barcode in a single line of code
BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("12345", BarcodeWriterEncoding.EAN8).ResizeTo(400, 100).SaveAsImage("EAN8.jpeg")


' BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode creates a GeneratedBarcode which can be styles and exported as an Image object or File
Dim MyBarCode As GeneratedBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("Any Number, String or Binary Value", BarcodeWriterEncoding.Code128)

' Style the Barcode in a fluent LINQ style fashion
MyBarCode.ResizeTo(300, 150).SetMargins(20).AddAnnotationTextAboveBarcode("Example EAN8 Barcode").AddBarcodeValueTextBelowBarcode()

' Save MyBarCode as an image file

' Save MyBarCode as a .NET native objects
Dim MyBarCodeImage As Image = MyBarCode.Image
Dim MyBarCodeBitmap As Bitmap = MyBarCode.ToBitmap()

Dim PngBytes() As Byte = MyBarCode.ToPngBinaryData()

Using PdfStream As System.IO.Stream = MyBarCode.ToPdfStream()
	' Stream barcode image output also works for GIF,JPEG, PDF, PNG, BMP and TIFF
End Using

' Save MyBarCode as HTML files and tags
Dim ImgTagForHTML As String = MyBarCode.ToHtmlTag()
Dim DataURL As String = MyBarCode.ToDataUrl()

' Save MyBarCode to a new PDF, or stamp it in any position on any page(s) of an existing Document
MyBarCode.StampToExistingPdfPage("ExistingPDF.pdf", 200, 50, 1) ' position 200x50 on page 1
MyBarCode.StampToExistingPdfPages("ExistingPDF.pdf", 200, 50, { 1, 2, 3 }, "Password123") ' multiple pages of an encrypted PDF

In this example we see that barcodes of many different types and formats can be created, resized, and saved; possibly even in a single line of code.

Using the Fluent API, the generated barcode class can be used to set margins, resize, and annotate barcodes. They may then be saved as images with IronOCR automatically assuming the correct image type from a file name: GIFs, HTML files, HTML tags, JPEGs, PDFs, PNGs, TIFFs, and Windows Bitmaps.

We also have the StampToExistingPdfPage method, which allows a barcode to be generated and stamped onto an existing PDF. This is useful when editing a generic PDF or adding an internal identification number to a document via a barcode.

C# + VB.NET: Barcode Styling & Annotation Barcode Styling & Annotation
using IronBarCode;
using System;
using System.Drawing;


// BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode creates a GeneratedBarcode object which allows the barcode to be styled and annotated.
GeneratedBarcode MyBarCode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("Iron Software", BarcodeWriterEncoding.QRCode);

// Any text (or commonly, the value of the barcode) can be added to the image in a default or specified font.
// Text positions are automatically centered, above or below.  Fonts that are too large for a given image are automatically scaled down.
MyBarCode.AddAnnotationTextAboveBarcode("This is My Barcode", new Font(new FontFamily("Arial"), 12, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel), Color.DarkSlateBlue);

// Resize, add Margins and Check final Image Dimensions
MyBarCode.ResizeTo(300, 300); // pixels
MyBarCode.SetMargins(0, 20, 0, 20);

int FinalWidth = MyBarCode.Width;
int FinalHeight = MyBarCode.Height;

//Recolor the barcode and its background
if (!MyBarCode.Verify())
    Console.WriteLine("Color contrast should be at least 50% or a barcode may become unreadable.  Test using GeneratedBarcode.Verify()");

// Finally save the result


// Fluent API
BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("https://ironsoftware.com", BarcodeWriterEncoding.Aztec).ResizeTo(250, 250).SetMargins(10).AddBarcodeValueTextAboveBarcode().SaveAsImage("StyledBarcode.png");


// Use the QRCodeWriter.CreateQrCodeWithLogo Method instead of BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode
// Logo will automatically be sized appropriately and snapped to the QR grid.

var qrCodeLogo = new QRCodeLogo("ironsoftware_logo.png");
GeneratedBarcode myQRCodeWithLogo = QRCodeWriter.CreateQrCodeWithLogo("https://ironsoftware.com/", qrCodeLogo);
myQRCodeWithLogo.ResizeTo(500, 500).SetMargins(10).ChangeBarCodeColor(Color.DarkGreen);
myQRCodeWithLogo.ResizeTo(500, 500).SetMargins(10).ChangeBarCodeColor(Color.DarkGreen);
myQRCodeWithLogo.SaveAsPng("QRWithLogo.Png").SaveAsPdf("MyVerifiedQR.html"); // save as 2 formats
Imports IronBarCode
Imports System
Imports System.Drawing


' BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode creates a GeneratedBarcode object which allows the barcode to be styled and annotated.
Private MyBarCode As GeneratedBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("Iron Software", BarcodeWriterEncoding.QRCode)

' Any text (or commonly, the value of the barcode) can be added to the image in a default or specified font.
' Text positions are automatically centered, above or below.  Fonts that are too large for a given image are automatically scaled down.
MyBarCode.AddAnnotationTextAboveBarcode("This is My Barcode", New Font(New FontFamily("Arial"), 12, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel), Color.DarkSlateBlue)

' Resize, add Margins and Check final Image Dimensions
MyBarCode.ResizeTo(300, 300) ' pixels
MyBarCode.SetMargins(0, 20, 0, 20)

Dim FinalWidth As Integer = MyBarCode.Width
Dim FinalHeight As Integer = MyBarCode.Height

'Recolor the barcode and its background
If Not MyBarCode.Verify() Then
	Console.WriteLine("Color contrast should be at least 50% or a barcode may become unreadable.  Test using GeneratedBarcode.Verify()")
End If

' Finally save the result


' Fluent API
BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("https://ironsoftware.com", BarcodeWriterEncoding.Aztec).ResizeTo(250, 250).SetMargins(10).AddBarcodeValueTextAboveBarcode().SaveAsImage("StyledBarcode.png")


' Use the QRCodeWriter.CreateQrCodeWithLogo Method instead of BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode
' Logo will automatically be sized appropriately and snapped to the QR grid.

Dim qrCodeLogo As New QRCodeLogo("ironsoftware_logo.png")
Dim myQRCodeWithLogo As GeneratedBarcode = QRCodeWriter.CreateQrCodeWithLogo("https://ironsoftware.com/", qrCodeLogo)
myQRCodeWithLogo.ResizeTo(500, 500).SetMargins(10).ChangeBarCodeColor(Color.DarkGreen)
myQRCodeWithLogo.ResizeTo(500, 500).SetMargins(10).ChangeBarCodeColor(Color.DarkGreen)
myQRCodeWithLogo.SaveAsPng("QRWithLogo.Png").SaveAsPdf("MyVerifiedQR.html") ' save as 2 formats

In this sample, we see that barcodes may be annotated with text of your choosing or the barcode's own value using any typeface which is installed on the target machine. If that typeface is not available, an appropriate similar typeface will be chosen. Barcodes may be resized, have margins added, and both the barcode and the background may be recolored. They may then be saved as an appropriate format.

In the final few lines of code, you can see that using our fluent style operators, it's possible to create and style a barcode in only a few lines of code, similar to System.Linq.

C# + VB.NET: Export Barcodes as HTML Export Barcodes as HTML
using IronBarCode;


GeneratedBarcode MyBarCode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("1234567890", BarcodeWriterEncoding.Code128);

// Save as a stand-alone HTML file with no image assets required

// Save as a stand-alone HTML image tag which can be served in HTML files, ASPX or MVC Views.  No image assets required, the tag embeds the entire image in its Src contents
string ImgTag = MyBarCode.ToHtmlTag();

// Turn the image into an Html/CSS Data URI.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme
string DataURI = MyBarCode.ToDataUrl();
Imports IronBarCode


Private MyBarCode As GeneratedBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("1234567890", BarcodeWriterEncoding.Code128)

' Save as a stand-alone HTML file with no image assets required

' Save as a stand-alone HTML image tag which can be served in HTML files, ASPX or MVC Views.  No image assets required, the tag embeds the entire image in its Src contents
Dim ImgTag As String = MyBarCode.ToHtmlTag()

' Turn the image into an Html/CSS Data URI.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme
Dim DataURI As String = MyBarCode.ToDataUrl()

Iron Barcode has a very useful feature allowing barcodes to be exported as HTML that is self-contained, such that it has no associated image assets. Everything is contained within the HTML file.

We may export as an HTML file, HTML image tag or to a data URI.

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Recognizes 1D and 2D Barcodes in .NET Core, .NET Standard and .NET Framework

IronBarcode .NET barcode library reads any type of barcode within the BarcodeEncoding Enum. It recognizes barcodes in .NET Core, .NET Standard and .NET Framework.

To save time and improve efficiency for inventory workflows, IronBarcode recommends one-dimensional (1D) or linear barcodes, including the traditional and established barcode types such as UPC and EAN codes. Points of sale services across the glove usually use UPC (Universal Product Code) barcodes (including its variations UPC-A and UPC-E). It benefits the target consumer by making it easier to identify and track product features in warehouses and at checkout. Where UPCA is limited to having only numerical contentof 12 to 13 digits long, UPCE supports content between 8 to 13 digits.

Like UPC, European markets use EAN barcodes to label consumer goods for point-of-sale scanning. Its variant includes EAN-13 as the default, whereas EAN-8 is used for limited packaging spaces, like candies. In addition to their flexibility, as a high-density barcode, EAN-13 encodes larger data sets compactly.

1D barcodes do not end there.

The automotive and defense industry utilizes Code 39 barcodes. Its title axplains its ability to encode 39 characters (now revised to 43). Similarly, Code 128-character set and high data density. Continuing with logistics, the packaging industry prefers ITF (Interleaved 2 of 5) barcodes to label packaging materials, such as corrugated sheets due to their high printing tolerance. Whereas, MSI is preferred for product indentification and inventory management.

The Pharma industry utilizes Pharmaceutical Binary COde. Whereas RSS 14 (Reduced Space Symbologies) and Databar barcodes are a 1D and 2D barcode hybrid. It is a healthcare favorite to mark small items. Similar to Code 128 barcodes, Codabar is a logistics and healthcare favorite as well. It works without a computer, readable from a dot-matrix printer output.

2D barcodes include Aztec, Data Matrix, Data Bar, IntelligentMail, Maxicode, QR code. Used in different industries, Aztec is used in the transportation industry on tickets and boarding passes with readability in lower resolution. While IntelligentMail is limited to a specific purpose in US Mail, Maxicode is utilized to standardize shipment tracking.

The widest known amongst barcodes is the QR code. It has a plethora of purposes from B2B to B2C due to its flexibility, fault tolerance, readability, various data support such as numeric, alphanumeric, byte/binary, and Kanji.

Once the type is finalized, IronBarcode - the leading barcode generator takes it from there!

See Full Function List

Begin Your Barcode Generation and Reading Project with .NET Barcode Reader

Reading barcode types in .NET is now a breeze with IronBarcode's versatile, advanced, and efficient library.

Where do you begin?

Install IronBarcode's NuGet package or manually install the DLL to your project or your globally assembly cache. You are now one step closer to producing a C# Barcode image scanner application in one live of code. Extract barcode images, values, encoding types, binary data (if any) and then output it all to the console.

TryHarder - Deeper Scans for Skewed Barcode Formats

Adding IronBarcode's TryHarder variable to the QuicklyReadOneBarcode method makes the application try harder, albeit consuming more time, but more thoroughly for analyzing obscured, skewed, or corrupted QR code image formats.

Feel Free to Specify Multiple Formats

You can specify barcode encoding(s) that you are looking for, or specify multiple formats - IronBarcode empowers you with unlimited barcode analysis tools.

You can improve barcode reading performance and accuracy. You can specify various barcode formats simultaneously with the pipe character or 'Bitwize OR'. Alternatively, achieve more specificity and quality with the BarcodeReader.ReadASingleBarcode Method.

Read Barcodes from PDF Documents, to Scans, to Multithreading

If your next project is reading a scanned PDF document and looking for all the 1D barcodes, again IronBarcode will not disappoint. It is similar to reading a single barcode from a single document, except now there is added information about the page number the barcode belongs to.

Similarly, the same result is achieved from a multi-frame TIFF. It is treated similarly to a PDF in this respect.

Is multithreading bothering you? If so, it is supported with IronBarcode!

To read mulitple documents, you can achieve better results with IronBarcode, by creating a list of documents and using the BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodesMultithreaded method. This uses multiple threads and potentially all your CPU cores for the barcode scanning process and can be exponentially faster than reading barcodes one at a time.

Worrying about Imperfect Images is in the Past with Perfect Barcode Generator

In the real world, users may wish to scan a barcode that is not perfect screenshots or PNG images or photographs. Conventional open source .NET barcode generators and reader libraries would make it impossible to read any less-than-perfect image format. However, IronBarcode makes this incredibly straightforward.

The TryHarder method of QuicklyReadOneBarcode results in IronBarcode to deskew and read barcodes from imperfect digital samples.

Photographs, Scans, and Thumbnails

If a photograph is skewed, set specific barcode rotation and image correction to correct the digital noise, skewness, perspective, and rotation reasonably expected from a cellphone camera.

Similarly, reading QR codes and PDF-417 barcodes from a scanned PDF requires setting an appropriate level of barcode rotation correction and barcode image correction to lightly clean the document. However, caution is practiced by not over-specifying and compromising performance.

If you have a corrupted barcode thumbnail then the IronBarcode reader methods automatically detect barcode images that are too small, and upscales, and cleans all the digital noise associated with thumbnailing; making them readable again.

Things could not have been made easier for a developer!

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Built for easy use in .NET Core Projects

Get started in minutes with a few lines of code. Built for .NET Core, .NET Standard, and Framework as an easy to use single DLL; without dependencies; supporting 32 & 64 bit; in any .NET Language. Use in Web, Cloud, Desktop or Console Applications; supporting Mobile & Desktop devices. You can download the software product from this link.

Built for .NET, C#, QR Codes

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Summing Up IronBarcode - For Creating and Manipulating Barcode Images

As IronBarcode facilitates the creation, resizing, and saving of various barcode types and formats, there is no reason to not begin with it right away!

With the Fluent API, use the generated barcode class to set margins, resize, and annotate barcodes. Then save as images with IronOCR automatically assuming the correct image type from a file name. Whether it is GIF, HTML file, HTML tag, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and Windows Bitmaps.

The StampToExistingPdfPage method allows a barcode to be generated and stamped onto an existing PDF. It is useful when editing a generic PDF or adding an internal identification number to a document via a barcode.

Connect with LIVE 24/7 human support right away. Whether you have a question or require project support; begin with our 30-day trial key, benefit from our broad documentation resource in easy-to-understand English, or benefit from our lifetime licensing from $749.

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  • .NET Core 2.0 and above
  • .NET Framework 4.0 and above support C#, VB, F#
  • Microsoft Visual Studio. .NET Development IDE Icon
  • NuGet Installer Support for Visual Studio
  • JetBrains ReSharper C# language assistant compatible
  • Microsoft Azure C# .NET  hosting platform compatible

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Barcode & QR Tutorials for C# & VB .NET

Tutorial + Code Examples Reading Barcodes in C# | .NET Tutorial

C# .NET Barcode QR

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Writing Barcode Tutorial + Code Examples in C# & VB.NET

C# .NET Barcode

Francesca Miller Junior .NET Engineer

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Accounting and Finance Systems

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  • # Reporting
  • # Invoice Printing
Add PDF Support to ASP.NET Accounting and Finance Systems

Business Digitization

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  • # Ordering & Labelling
  • # Paper Replacement
C# Business Digitization Use Cases

Enterprise Content Management

  • # Content Production
  • # Document Management
  • # Content Distribution
.NET CMS PDF Support

Data and Reporting Applications

  • # Performance Tracking
  • # Trend Mapping
  • # Reports
C# PDF Reports
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