Updated December 17, 2024

How to Create Barcode Images

by Hairil Hasyimi Bin Omar

Generate Barcodes and Save as Image Files

Besides reading barcodes, IronBarcode is a powerful tool that also allows users to write barcodes with very minimal coding. To achieve this, simply call the CreateBarcode() method from the BarcodeWriter class, where the barcode value, type, width, and height can be specified in the method parameters. This outputs a GeneratedBarcode object, which can then be saved as an image file using the SaveAs() method. Let's discuss each parameter in detail and later see how to implement barcode writing with a code snippet.

Barcode Value

The BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode() method accepts multiple data types for barcode values. These include byte[] array, MemoryStream, and string. The lengths of the string and what characters are accepted vary depending on the barcode type, but this is all detailed within our documentation.

Barcode Encoding Types

IronBarcode supports a wide variety of barcode formats for writing—the complete list can be found in our Supported Barcode Formats article. These barcode types all have their own unique properties, specialties, and uses—you can research which one is the best fit for your use case with our documentation.

Width and Height

Set the width and height of the output barcode image in pixels. By default, both measurements are set at 250 px. Several barcode types, such as QR and PDF417, require having certain dimensions to be compliant, so for input widths and heights that don't match the required dimensions of the barcode, the barcode will be generated at the compliant dimensions and whitespace will fill the remaining space. If the dimensions are too small for the barcode, an exception will be thrown.

Import Barcodes as Image

When creating a barcode with the BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode() method, a GeneratedBarcode object will be generated. With this object, we can save the barcode to a variety of image types with several SaveAs() methods specific to each image format. These methods include:

  • SaveAsGif(): This method saves the GeneratedBarcode as a GIF image file and accepts image file path as string argument.
  • SaveAsJpeg(): This method saves the GeneratedBarcode as a JPEG image file and accepts image file path as string argument.
  • SaveAsPng(): This method saves the GeneratedBarcode as a PNG image file and accepts image file path as string argument.
  • SaveAsTiff(): This method saves the GeneratedBarcode as a TIFF image file and accepts image file path as string argument.
  • SaveAsWindowsBitmap(): This method saves the GeneratedBarcode as a BMP image file and accepts image file path as string argument.
  • SaveAsImage(): This is a general method for saving the GeneratedBarcode as an image file—users must specify the desired file format extension when inputting the file path.

Generate a Barcode and Save As Image File

Now we will use BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode() to demonstrate the creation of a Code128 barcode, and save it to disk as a JPEG image file.

using IronBarCode;

BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("IronBarcode123", BarcodeEncoding.Code128, 200, 100).SaveAsJpeg("OneDBarcode.jpeg");
Imports IronBarCode

BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("IronBarcode123", BarcodeEncoding.Code128, 200, 100).SaveAsJpeg("OneDBarcode.jpeg")
VB   C#
One dimensional barcode from snippet

Generate QR Codes and Save as Image Files

One of the most popular barcodes nowadays, QR code, which is also one of the barcodes classified as a two-dimensional barcode is fully supported by IronBarcode. Due to its versatility, cosmetic appeal, and highly customizable features, QR codes have gained high popularity among users.

Different from creation of 1-dimensional and other barcodes, creating QR codes will be using different method from different class in IronBarcode because of the intricacy of QR code that would need different properties and arguments in order to produce a high quality QR codes as required by customers. To create QR codes in IronBarcode, users will need to call CreateQrCode() method from QRCodeWriter class. QRCodeWriter.CreateQrCode() method accepts 4 arguments, whereby barcode value as the first argument, size of the output QR code as the second, QRCodeWriter.QrErrorCorrectionLevel enum field as the third argument, and lastly is the QRVersion. Let us discuss in detail on the arguments for this method.

QR Code Values

Same as BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode() method, QRCodeWriter.CreateQrCode() first accept value for the QR Code which can be of numerical, alphabetical, or alphanumerical. These values can be input inside the method as byte [] array, MemoryStream, and System.String type.

QR Code Size

Users can also specify the size of the QR code directly into the method as Int32 type. The measurement unit for QR code size used in this method is in pixels(px) . Default QR code size is 500 px.

QR Error Correction Level

QRErrorCorrectionLevel is a member property of QRCodeWriter class whereby it has 4 fields, which are Highest, High, Medium, and Low. Basically, this property is the fault tolerance level of a QR code, in which higher correction level creates a more complex QR codes that are less prone to reading errors, even if it is damaged, or partially obscured. Now, let us discuss in detail each of the fields in this property, as well as look at the difference on the look of the QR code produced.


QR codes generated with Highest correction level will have the most complex QR code image, whereby 30% of it is error correction. QR code produced can also be stamped with logo or image graphics on the QR code.

QR Code with highest correction level


Setting the property field to be High will result in application of 25% error correction in the QR code image. It will be less complex than QR code image produced from QRErrorCorrectionLevel.Highest.

QR Code with high correction level


This field applies only 15% error correction in the QR code image. By using this setting, users will get to produce QR code faster, however, more prone to error.

QR Code with medium correction level


This is the lowest setting for error correction level, which only applies 7% error correction in the QR code image and produce the least complex QR Code.

QR Code with low correction level


QR Version is the symbole version of QR code that runs from 1 - 40, whereby higher QR version will produce a more complex QR code, that enable users to store more data, and vice versa for the lower version of QR code. Please note however, if the QR version is set too low, issues might occur when users are trying to encode more data than what is allowed by the version. Setting the QR version as 0 will automatically assign the appropriate QR version based on the value to be encode. Please refer to this site for more information on QR version : QR Version

Create a QR Code image

Code snippet below demonstrate on how to use QRCodeWriter.CreateQrCode() method in IronBarcode to write a QR code and save it as image file to disk by using SaveAsJpeg() method.

using IronBarCode;

QRCodeWriter.CreateQrCode("IronBarcode1234", 250, QRCodeWriter.QrErrorCorrectionLevel.Medium, qrVersion: 0).SaveAsJpeg("QRMedium.jpeg");
Imports IronBarCode

QRCodeWriter.CreateQrCode("IronBarcode1234", 250, QRCodeWriter.QrErrorCorrectionLevel.Medium, qrVersion:= 0).SaveAsJpeg("QRMedium.jpeg")
VB   C#
QR Code with medium correction level

From the code snippet above, alphanumerical value was used as value to be encoded in QR code, and we used 250 pixel as the measurement of the produced QR code. We also specified the error correction of the produced QR code to be medium and let the program decide which QR code version is suitable for our QR code value. Apart from that, we also attached SaveAsJpeg() that accepts the QR code image file name with the image format extension, which is a JPEG in this case, to be saved as the argument.

Hairil related to Create a QR Code image

Hairil Hasyimi Bin Omar

Software Engineer

Like all great engineers, Hairil is an avid learner. He’s refining his knowledge of C#, Python, and Java, using that knowledge to add value to team members across Iron Software. Hairil joined the Iron Software team from Universiti Teknologi MARA in Malaysia, where he graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Chemical and Process Engineering.