Read Passport

This code example demonstrates how to use the IronTesseract OCR engine to extract and process passport information from an image.

The IronTesseract OCR engine is instantiated. An OcrInput object is created to load the image containing the passport ("passport.jpg") using the LoadImage method. The ReadPassport method is used to process the image and extract passport information, returning an OcrPassportResult object that contains details like the given names, surname, country, passport number, date of birth, and date of expiry. The extracted passport information is then outputted to the console: The given names are accessed through result.PassportInfo.GivenNames. The country is retrieved using result.PassportInfo.Country. The passport number is available via result.PassportInfo.PassportNumber. The surname is accessed with result.PassportInfo.Surname. The date of birth is printed using result.PassportInfo.DateOfBirth. The expiry date is outputted with result.PassportInfo.DateOfExpiry. This method is useful for automating the extraction of key passport data for processing or verification purposes.