OCR Receipt Data Extraction (Step-By-Step Tutorial)

Updated January 28, 2024

Receipt OCR using IronOCR is a game changer for businesses and individuals alike. The process allows you to extract important information from physical receipts and convert them into digital data. This article will take you through a step-by-step journey of how to use IronOCR to get the most out of your receipts.

A Quick Introduction to OCR

Optical Character Recognition, or OCR, is a technology that allows computers to read and understand text from images or scanned documents. By converting handwritten or printed text into machine-readable text, OCR enables you to store, process, and analyze the information contained in physical documents.

2. Introduction to IronOCR

IronOCR is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) library for C# and .NET developers. It enables developers to extract text from images, PDFs, and other document formats. IronOCR is built upon the popular Tesseract OCR engine and adds additional functionality, making it an ideal choice for various applications, including receipt OCR.

3. Benefits of Using IronOCR for Data Extraction

The following are some key benefits of using IronOCR for OCR receipt data extraction:

High accuracy: IronOCR provides excellent OCR API accuracy, ensuring reliable data extraction from receipts and other documents. Multilingual support: IronOCR supports over 125 languages, making it suitable for global applications. Easy to use: The library offers a simple and intuitive API, making it easy for developers to implement OCR functionality in their projects. Customizable: IronOCR provides various options for fine-tuning OCR results, ensuring optimal data extraction for your specific use case.

4. How IronOCR Works

IronOCR employs advanced OCR algorithms to recognize and extract text from images and documents. It can process various formats, including JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and PDF. The library reads the input file, recognizes the text within, and outputs the extracted text as a string, which can then be processed or stored as required. IronOCR also uses computer vision for the best results.

5. Prerequisites for using IronOCR

To begin using IronOCR for receipt data extraction, you'll first need to install the IronOCR package. This can be done easily through NuGet, the package manager for .NET. Simply open your project in Visual Studio and follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer and select "Manage NuGet Packages".
  2. In the NuGet Package Manager window, search for "IronOCR".
  3. Select the IronOcr package and click "Install".

    OCR Receipt Data Extraction (Step-By-Step Tutorial), Figure 1: Search for IronOcr package in NuGet Package Manager UI Search for IronOcr package in NuGet Package Manager UI

6. Preparing the Receipt Image

Before extracting data from the receipt, you'll want to ensure the receipt images are of high quality to improve the accuracy of the receipt OCR API process. Here are some tips for capturing a good image of your receipt:

  1. Use a scanned document. You can use a high-resolution scanner for receipt scanning.
  2. Ensure the receipt is well-lit and free from shadows.
  3. Straighten any creases or folds on the receipt, so no key information is hidden.
  4. Ensure the text on the receipt is clear and not smudged to improve receipt processing.

    OCR Receipt Data Extraction (Step-By-Step Tutorial), Figure 2: Sample Receipt image for text extraction Sample Receipt image for text extraction

7. Performing OCR on the Receipt Image

With IronOCR installed and your receipt image ready, it's time to perform the OCR process. In your .NET application, use the following code snippet:

using IronOcr;

var ocr = new IronTesseract();
using (var ocrInput = new OcrInput(@"path/to/your/receipt/image.png"))
    var result = ocr.Read(ocrInput);
using IronOcr;

var ocr = new IronTesseract();
using (var ocrInput = new OcrInput(@"path/to/your/receipt/image.png"))
    var result = ocr.Read(ocrInput);
Imports IronOcr

Private ocr = New IronTesseract()
Using ocrInput As New OcrInput("path/to/your/receipt/image.png")
	Dim result = ocr.Read(ocrInput)
End Using
VB   C#

Explanation of Code

using IronOcr;
using IronOcr;
Imports IronOcr
VB   C#

This line imports the IronOCR library into your .NET application, allowing you to access its features.

var ocr = new IronTesseract();
var ocr = new IronTesseract();
Dim ocr = New IronTesseract()
VB   C#

This line creates a new instance of the IronTesseract class, the main class responsible for OCR operations in IronOCR.

using (var ocrInput = new OcrInput(@"path/to/your/receipt/image.png"))
using (var ocrInput = new OcrInput(@"path/to/your/receipt/image.png"))
Using ocrInput As New OcrInput("path/to/your/receipt/image.png")
VB   C#

Here, a new instance of the OcrInput class is created, which represents the input image for the OCR process. The @"path/to/your/receipt/image.png" should be replaced with the actual file path of your receipt image. The using statement ensures that the resources allocated to the OcrInput instance are properly released once the OCR operation is completed.

var result = Ocr.Read(ocrInput);
var result = Ocr.Read(ocrInput);
Dim result = Ocr.Read(ocrInput)
VB   C#

This line calls the Read method of the IronTesseract instance, passing the OcrInput object as a parameter. The Read method processes the input image and performs the OCR operation, recognizing and extracting text from the image. It'll begin the receipt recognition process.

VB   C#

Finally, this line outputs the extracted text to the console. The result object, which is an instance of the OcrResult class, contains the recognized text and additional information about the OCR process. The extracted text can be displayed by accessing the Text property of the result object.

OCR Receipt Data Extraction (Step-By-Step Tutorial), Figure 3: Output of extracted texts Output of extracted texts

Fine-tuning OCR Results

IronOCR offers several options to improve OCR accuracy and performance. These include pre-processing the image, adjusting the OCR engine settings, and choosing the appropriate language for your receipt.

Image Pre-processing

You can enhance the OCR results by applying image pre-processing techniques like:

  1. Deskewing: Correct any rotation or tilt in the image.
  2. Denoising: Improve the readability of text by removing noise from the pictures.

Here's an example of how to apply these techniques:

using IronOcr;

var ocr = new IronTesseract();
using (var input = new OcrInput(@"path/to/your/receipt/image.png"))

    var result = ocr.Read(input);
using IronOcr;

var ocr = new IronTesseract();
using (var input = new OcrInput(@"path/to/your/receipt/image.png"))

    var result = ocr.Read(input);
Imports IronOcr

Private ocr = New IronTesseract()
Using input = New OcrInput("path/to/your/receipt/image.png")

	Dim result = ocr.Read(input)
End Using
VB   C#

Language Selection

IronOCR supports more than 125 languages, and choosing the correct language for your receipt can significantly improve the OCR results. To specify the language, add the following line to your code:

ocr.Configuration.Language = OcrLanguage.English;
ocr.Configuration.Language = OcrLanguage.English;
ocr.Configuration.Language = OcrLanguage.English
VB   C#

Extracting Data from OCR Results

With the OCR process complete, it's time to extract specific information from the text. Depending on your needs, you may want to extract data such as:

  1. Store name and address.
  2. Date and time of purchase.
  3. Item names and prices.
  4. Subtotal, tax, and total amount.

To do this, you can use regular expressions or string manipulation techniques in your .NET application. For example, you can extract the date from the OCR result using the following code snippet:

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

//Rest of the Code

var DatePattern = @"\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{2,4}";
var DateMatch = Regex.Match(Result.Text, DatePattern);
if (DateMatch.Success)
    var DateValue = DateTime.Parse(DateMatch.Value);
    Console.WriteLine("Date: " + DateValue);
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

//Rest of the Code

var DatePattern = @"\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{2,4}";
var DateMatch = Regex.Match(Result.Text, DatePattern);
if (DateMatch.Success)
    var DateValue = DateTime.Parse(DateMatch.Value);
    Console.WriteLine("Date: " + DateValue);
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

'Rest of the Code

Private DatePattern = "\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{2,4}"
Private DateMatch = Regex.Match(Result.Text, DatePattern)
If DateMatch.Success Then
	Dim DateValue = DateTime.Parse(DateMatch.Value)
	Console.WriteLine("Date: " & DateValue)
End If
VB   C#

You can create similar patterns for other pieces of information you need to extract from the receipt.

Storing and Analyzing Extracted Data

Now that you have extracted the relevant information from your receipt, you can store it in a database, analyze it, or export it to other file formats such as CSV, JSON, or Excel.


In conclusion, Receipt OCR using IronOCR is an innovative and efficient solution for digitizing and managing your financial data; with IronOCR, you can replace manual data entry. By following this step-by-step guide, you can harness the power of IronOCR to improve your expense tracking and data analysis. The best part is that IronOCR offers a free trial, allowing you to experience its capabilities without any commitment.

After the trial period, if you decide to continue using IronOCR, the license starts from $749, providing a cost-effective way to leverage the benefits of OCR technology in your applications.

How to Read Text From Image in Blazor
OCR With Computer Vision (Example Tutorial)

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