How to Write A CSV File in C#

Updated August 23, 2024

This article will introduce how to write CSV files using a C# library named IronXL in a new project.

How to Write a CSV File

  1. Install the C# library for writing into a CSV File.

  2. Use WorkBook.Create to create a new workbook.

  3. Create a new worksheet using WorkBook.CreateWorkSheet.

  4. Add values to individual cells using workSheet["cell name"].Value using var.

  5. Save the spreadsheet as a CSV file using the SaveAs method.


IronXL emerges as a beacon of efficiency for C# developers seeking a seamless and powerful solution for writing data to CSV files as compared to the CSVHelper NuGet package. In the dynamic landscape of software development, the ability to handle and manipulate data is paramount, and IronXL steps up to the plate with its robust set of tools tailored for C#.

This article delves into the features and methodologies that make IronXL the go-to choice for C# developers looking to enhance the process of writing data to CSV files, striking the perfect balance between simplicity and precision.

Create a New Visual Studio Project

To begin using an existing library IronXL, the initial step involves either creating a fresh Visual Studio C# project or loading an existing one. Here are the instructions for generating a new project in Visual Studio

  1. Open Visual Studio and navigate to the "File" menu. A drop-down menu will be displayed; within this menu, select "New". This action will reveal another side menu.

    How to Write A CSV File in C#, Figure 1: File Menu File Menu

  2. In the side menu, locate and click on "Project". This will open a new window. Within this window, utilize the search bar to find "Console Application". Choose the option associated with C# and proceed by clicking the Next button.

    How to Write A CSV File in C#, Figure 2: New Project- Console Application New Project- Console Application

  3. A configuration window will appear next. Enter the project name, specify the project location, and click on the Next button.

    How to Write A CSV File in C#, Figure 3: Configure Project Configure Project

  4. The final window will emerge. Here, pick the target framework and initiate the project creation process by clicking on the Create button.

    How to Write A CSV File in C#, Figure 4: Target Framework Target Framework

Installing CSV Library IronXL

Now that you've set up the project, it's time to incorporate the IronXL C# library. Follow these steps to install IronXL in your C#

  1. In Visual Studio, navigate to Tools. A dropdown menu will emerge—select the NuGet Package Manager from this menu.
  2. Within the NuGet Package Manager, choose the Manage NuGet Packages for Solutions from the side menu that unfolds.

    How to Write A CSV File in C#, Figure 5: NuGet Packages NuGet Packages

  3. A new window will pop up. Head to the browser tab within this window, and in the search bar, type "IronXL". You'll see a list of IronXL packages; opt for the latest one and proceed to click on the Install button.

    How to Write A CSV File in C#, Figure 6: IronXL IronXL

Writing CSV Files Using IronXL

Write data into CSV file using C# CSV library IronXL such as public string firstname, public string lastname. In this section, we will create a new CSV file and write data in it. The following example uses the IronXL library to create a simple receipt in a CSV file. Let's break down the program code step by step class Program.

Importing IronXL and System.Linq

using IronXL; 
using System.Linq;

public class Program {
    static void Main() {

using IronXL; 
using System.Linq;

public class Program {
    static void Main() {

Imports IronXL
Imports System.Linq

Public Class Program
	Shared Sub Main()

	End Sub
End Class
$vbLabelText   $csharpLabel

These lines import the necessary classes and functionalities from the IronXL library for working with Excel files and the LINQ extension methods from the System.Linq namespace within the static void main.

Creating a WorkBook and WorkSheet

WorkBook workBook = WorkBook.Create(); 
WorkSheet workSheet = workBook.CreateWorkSheet("Receipt");
WorkBook workBook = WorkBook.Create(); 
WorkSheet workSheet = workBook.CreateWorkSheet("Receipt");
Dim workBook As WorkBook = WorkBook.Create()
Dim workSheet As WorkSheet = workBook.CreateWorkSheet("Receipt")
$vbLabelText   $csharpLabel

This code creates a new Excel workbook (WorkBook) and a worksheet (WorkSheet) within that workbook named "Receipt".

Adding Headers

workSheet["A1"].Value = "Product"; 
workSheet["B1"].Value = "Price";
workSheet["A1"].Value = "Product"; 
workSheet["B1"].Value = "Price";
workSheet("A1").Value = "Product"
workSheet("B1").Value = "Price"
$vbLabelText   $csharpLabel

These lines set the header row for the columns in the first row of the worksheet.

Populating Item Information

workSheet["A2"].Value = "Item 1"; 
workSheet["B2"].DoubleValue = 20.10; 
workSheet["A3"].Value = "Item 2"; //next row
workSheet["B3"].DoubleValue = 15.50; 
workSheet["A4"].Value = "Item 3"; 
workSheet["B4"].DoubleValue = 10.25;
workSheet["A2"].Value = "Item 1"; 
workSheet["B2"].DoubleValue = 20.10; 
workSheet["A3"].Value = "Item 2"; //next row
workSheet["B3"].DoubleValue = 15.50; 
workSheet["A4"].Value = "Item 3"; 
workSheet["B4"].DoubleValue = 10.25;
workSheet("A2").Value = "Item 1"
workSheet("B2").DoubleValue = 20.10
workSheet("A3").Value = "Item 2" 'next row
workSheet("B3").DoubleValue = 15.50
workSheet("A4").Value = "Item 3"
workSheet("B4").DoubleValue = 10.25
$vbLabelText   $csharpLabel

These lines populate the worksheet with information about three items, including their names and price columns for users.

Calculating Total Price

var range = workSheet["B2:B4"]; 
decimal sum = range.Sum(); //sum of rows
var range = workSheet["B2:B4"]; 
decimal sum = range.Sum(); //sum of rows
Dim range = workSheet("B2:B4")
Dim sum As Decimal = range.Sum() 'sum of rows
$vbLabelText   $csharpLabel

Using LINQ, this code calculates the sum of the prices from cells B2 to B4 using the var range. The sum is stored in the sum variable.

Displaying and Updating Total in the WorkSheet

System.Console.WriteLine(sum); //write to console
workSheet["B5"].Value = sum;
System.Console.WriteLine(sum); //write to console
workSheet["B5"].Value = sum;
System.Console.WriteLine(sum) 'write to console
workSheet("B5").Value = sum
$vbLabelText   $csharpLabel

The sum is printed to the console, and the total is updated in cell B5 of the worksheet.

Saving the Workbook as a CSV File

$vbLabelText   $csharpLabel

Finally, the entire workbook is saved as a CSV file named "receipt.csv".

In summary, this code creates a basic receipt in an Excel worksheet using IronXL, calculates the total price, prints it to the console, and then saves the workbook output as a CSV file. The receipt includes columns for "Product" and "Price", and it calculates the total price based on the individual item prices.

How to Write A CSV File in C#, Figure 7: Receipt CSV File Output with Header Receipt CSV File Output with Header


This comprehensive article underscores the significance of writing CSV files in C# and elucidates the process using the IronXL library. It emphasizes the fundamental nature of this skill in diverse data-centric applications and showcases IronXL's prowess in simplifying and optimizing data manipulation tasks within the C# ecosystem. The step-by-step approach, from project setup to utilizing IronXL to create a receipt and save it as a CSV file, provides developers with a practical understanding of the seamless integration between C#.

By offering versatility and efficiency, IronXL emerges as a valuable tool for C# developers seeking to enhance their program and ability to handle and export data in the ubiquitous CSV format, making it a crucial asset for various software development scenarios.

IronXL provides a solution for all Excel-related tasks to be done programmatically whether it be formula calculation, string sorting, trimming, finding and replacing, merging and unmerging, saving files etc. You can also set cell data formats.

For the complete tutorial on writing into a CSV file, visit this blog here. The code example for creating a CSV file can be found in the following blog.

IronXL offers a free trial, allowing you to evaluate its capabilities. If you find it useful for your projects, you can purchase a license starting from $749.

Jordi Bardia

Jordi Bardia

Software Engineer

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Jordi is most proficient in Python, C# and C++, when he isn’t leveraging his skills at Iron Software; he’s game programming. Sharing responsibilities for product testing, product development and research, Jordi adds immense value to continual product improvement. The varied experience keeps him challenged and engaged, and he says it’s one of his favorite aspects of working with Iron Software. Jordi grew up in Miami, Florida and studied Computer Science and Statistics at University of Florida.
C# CSV Library (Developer Tutorial)
How to Export to Excel With Formatting in C#