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Working with CSV files can be a challenging task. However, today there are many libraries available to help developers with this task, and without the need to have Microsoft Excel installed.
In this article, we are going to discuss and compare how to work with Microsoft Excel documents programmatically in C# .NET technologies, either in CSV format or the standard Excel format, using two of the most popular libraries, IronXL and CSVWriter.
Let's look firstly at what both libraries have to offer.
IronXL is a .NET library that facilitates the reading and editing of Microsoft Excel documents with C#. IronXL. Excel is a standalone .NET software library for reading a wide range of spreadsheet formats. It does not require Microsoft Excel to be installed, nor does it depend on Interop.
IronXL is an intuitive C# API that allows you to read, edit and create Excel spreadsheet files in .NET with lightning-fast performance. IronXL fully supports .NET Core, .NET Framework, Xamarin, Mobile, Linux, macOS, and Azure.
IronXL is a leading .NET core and .net framework Excel spreadsheet library for C#.
A .NET library for writing CSV files. Extremely fast, flexible, and easy to use. Supports writing custom class objects.
Use the following steps to create a Console Application:
Create Project - Console Application
Create Project - .NET Framework
The project is now created and we are almost ready to test the libraries. However, we still need to install and integrate them into our project. Let's install IronXL first.
You can download and install the IronXL library using the following methods:
Let’s take a closer look at each one.
Visual Studio provides the NuGet Package Manager to install NuGet packages in your projects. You can access it through the Project Menu, or by right-clicking your project in the Solution Explorer.
Search for IronXL
This can be done by visiting the NuGet site directly and downloading the package. The steps are:
Another way to download and install the IronXL C# Library is to make use of the following steps to install the IronXL NuGet package through the Developer Command Prompt.
PM > Install-Package IronXL.Excel
using IronXL;
using IronXL;
Imports IronXL
All done! IronXL is downloaded, installed and ready to use. However, before that we should install CsvHelper.
To work with CSVWriter you need to download and install the CsvHelper C# Library. To do so, make use of the following steps to install the NuGet package through the Developer Command Prompt.
PM> Install-Package CsvHelper -Version 27.2.1
Download from the NuGet website: https://www.nuget.org/packages/CsvHelper/
A comma-separated values (CSV) file is a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values. Each line of the file is a data record. To manipulate these files for calculations can be a challenging task, but IronXL provides a pretty good and easy option to achieve this, and without using Microsoft Excel. Let's first convert a CSV file to a normal Excel file.
The process is pretty simple and easy. It is usually done with one line of code.
CSV to Excel formats:
WorkBook workbook = WorkBook.LoadCSV("test.csv", fileFormat: ExcelFileFormat.XLSX, ListDelimiter: ",");
WorkSheet ws = workbook.DefaultWorkSheet;
WorkBook workbook = WorkBook.LoadCSV("test.csv", fileFormat: ExcelFileFormat.XLSX, ListDelimiter: ",");
WorkSheet ws = workbook.DefaultWorkSheet;
Dim workbook As WorkBook = WorkBook.LoadCSV("test.csv", fileFormat:= ExcelFileFormat.XLSX, ListDelimiter:= ",")
Dim ws As WorkSheet = workbook.DefaultWorkSheet
The IronXL WorkBook class represents an Excel sheet. To open an Excel File using C#, we use WorkBook.Load and specify the path of the Excel file (.xlsx). The following one-line code is used to open the file for reading:
//Load WorkBook
var workbook = WorkBook.Load(@"Spreadsheets\\sample.xlsx");
//Load WorkBook
var workbook = WorkBook.Load(@"Spreadsheets\\sample.xlsx");
'Load WorkBook
Dim workbook = WorkBook.Load("Spreadsheets\\sample.xlsx")
Each WorkBook can contain multiple WorkSheet objects. These represent worksheets in the Excel document. If the workbook contains worksheets, retrieve them by name as follows:
//Open Sheet for reading
var worksheet = workbook.GetWorkSheet("sheetnamegoeshere");
//Open Sheet for reading
var worksheet = workbook.GetWorkSheet("sheetnamegoeshere");
'Open Sheet for reading
Dim worksheet = workbook.GetWorkSheet("sheetnamegoeshere")
Code for reading the cell values:
// Read from Ranges of cells elegantly.
foreach (var cell in worksheet ["A2:A10"])
Console.WriteLine("Cell {0} has value '{1}'", cell.AddressString, cell.Text);
// Read from Ranges of cells elegantly.
foreach (var cell in worksheet ["A2:A10"])
Console.WriteLine("Cell {0} has value '{1}'", cell.AddressString, cell.Text);
' Read from Ranges of cells elegantly.
For Each cell In worksheet ("A2:A10")
Console.WriteLine("Cell {0} has value '{1}'", cell.AddressString, cell.Text)
Next cell
After loading and reading the workbook and worksheet, the following code sample can be used to either make changes to formulas or applied to specific cells. The code goes as follows:
// Set Formulas
worksheet ["A1"].Formula = "Sum(B8:C12)";
worksheet ["B8"].Formula = "=C9/C11";
worksheet ["G30"].Formula = "Max(C3:C7)";
// Force recalculate all formula values in all sheets.
// Set Formulas
worksheet ["A1"].Formula = "Sum(B8:C12)";
worksheet ["B8"].Formula = "=C9/C11";
worksheet ["G30"].Formula = "Max(C3:C7)";
// Force recalculate all formula values in all sheets.
' Set Formulas
worksheet ("A1").Formula = "Sum(B8:C12)"
worksheet ("B8").Formula = "=C9/C11"
worksheet ("G30").Formula = "Max(C3:C7)"
' Force recalculate all formula values in all sheets.
Writing CSV files is an easy process with IronXL. The following code simply saves the Excel file in the CSV format by using the SaveAsCsv method.
WorkBook wb = WorkBook.Load("Normal_Excel_File.xlsx");
//Import .xls, .csv, or .tsv file
wb.SaveAsCsv("SaveAsCSV.csv", ",");
//Saved as : SaveAsCSV.Sheet1.csv
WorkBook wb = WorkBook.Load("Normal_Excel_File.xlsx");
//Import .xls, .csv, or .tsv file
wb.SaveAsCsv("SaveAsCSV.csv", ",");
//Saved as : SaveAsCSV.Sheet1.csv
Dim wb As WorkBook = WorkBook.Load("Normal_Excel_File.xlsx")
'Import .xls, .csv, or .tsv file
wb.SaveAsCsv("SaveAsCSV.csv", ",")
'Saved as : SaveAsCSV.Sheet1.csv
Writing data to a CSV file is a common operation. CSVHelper method CSVWriter with supplied separator all the characters and new line characters can be handled in a very simple CSV writer released for C#. Here we are going to look at how to write data using CSVWriter.
Create a simple CSVWriter with supplied separator console application using Visual Studio. Once the project is created, the next step is to create a Person class:
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool IsLiving { get; set; }
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool IsLiving { get; set; }
Public Class Person
Public Property Id() As Integer
Public Property Name() As String
Public Property IsLiving() As Boolean
End Class
Within the Main method, let’s now make a list of Person objects which we will write to the CSV file:
var myPersonObjects = new List<Person>()
new Person { Id = 1, IsLiving = true, Name = "John" },
new Person { Id = 2, IsLiving = true, Name = "Steve" },
new Person { Id = 3, IsLiving = true, Name = "James" }
var myPersonObjects = new List<Person>()
new Person { Id = 1, IsLiving = true, Name = "John" },
new Person { Id = 2, IsLiving = true, Name = "Steve" },
new Person { Id = 3, IsLiving = true, Name = "James" }
Dim myPersonObjects = New List(Of Person)() From {
New Person With {
.Id = 1,
.IsLiving = True,
.Name = "John"
New Person With {
.Id = 2,
.IsLiving = True,
.Name = "Steve"
New Person With {
.Id = 3,
.IsLiving = True,
.Name = "James"
CsvHelper has emerged as the standard way to write CSV in C# using the CSVWriter method, and it is very easy to use:
using (var writer = new StreamWriter("filePersons.csv"))
using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
using (var writer = new StreamWriter("filePersons.csv"))
using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
Using writer = New StreamWriter("filePersons.csv")
Using csv = New CsvWriter(writer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
End Using
End Using
We need to keep in mind the fact that every time we run our program, old CSV files will be overwritten. Sometimes we want the data to be appended at the end of a file, instead of overwriting existing data. CSVWriter doesn’t provide a method to do this, as opening/writing a file is not the responsibility of CSVWriter with supplied separator. We can achieve this by using a FileStream, and then constructing our StreamWriter by using that FileStream. Although this does not fall within the scope of this article, I will show you how to do it, as it is an integral part of any application.
var configPersons = new CsvConfiguration(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
HasHeaderRecord = false
using (var stream = File.Open("filePersons.csv", FileMode.Append))
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream))
using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer, configPersons))
var configPersons = new CsvConfiguration(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
HasHeaderRecord = false
using (var stream = File.Open("filePersons.csv", FileMode.Append))
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream))
using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer, configPersons))
Dim configPersons = New CsvConfiguration(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) With {.HasHeaderRecord = False}
Using stream = File.Open("filePersons.csv", FileMode.Append)
Using writer = New StreamWriter(stream)
Using csv = New CsvWriter(writer, configPersons)
End Using
End Using
End Using
Appending to an existing file is tricky, however, as the ordering might be changed when we append, or we might have added new properties. We should make sure to take this into account when appending.
IronXL is an openly commercial C# Excel library. It is free for development and can always be licensed for commercial deployment. Licenses are available for single-project use, single developers, agencies, and global corporations, as well as SaaS and OEM redistribution. All licenses include a 30-day money-back guarantee, one year of product support and updates, validity for dev/staging/production, and also a permanent license (one-time purchase). The Lite package starts from $749.
CSVWriter with supplied separator is a comma-separated element and completely free for commercial-friendly use.
IronXL is a complete library offering everything you need to be able to manipulate an Excel file. It provides you the facility to convert various formats to XLSX, and also from XLSX to other formats, such as CSV. This interconversion provides users the flexibility to manipulate other file formats with ease.
On the other hand, CSVWriter works only with CSV file formats and with very limited options. Users can not switch between different file formats, whereas with IronXL they can. All the code samples can be found in the CsvHelper documentation files. This document provides guidelines on how to use CSVWriter in your project.
IronXL has a clear advantage over CSVHelper.CSVWriter, as it supports working with multiple formats. Moreover, you can apply formulas and styles according to your choice, whereas CsvHelper only allows for the reading and writing of CSV files, and with limited options. Further, you can not append new records to an existing CSV file, as it simply overwrites previous entries.
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