Barcode Generator .NET Tutorial

Updated January 20, 2024

Given the swift rise in barcode usage, developers must be able to generate barcodes in their preferred programming language. So, this tutorial will demonstrate how to generate barcodes in .NET.

Barcode Generator .NET Tutorial

  1. Creating a project in Visual Studio
  2. Installing the C# Barcode Generator Library
  3. Designing the UI for the Windows Forms Application
  4. Writing the code for core functionality
  5. Run the .NET barcode generator Let's begin the tutorial.

Create the Project

This tutorial uses the latest version of Visual Studio and the Windows Forms Application template. You can use the application of your choice and use your own existing project and version.

Open Visual Studio > Click on Create New Project > Select Windows Forms Application Template > Press Next > Name the Project > Press Next => Select your target .NET Framework => Click on Create Button.

Barcode Generator .NET Tutorial, Figure 1: Create a new Windows Forms Application Create a new Windows Forms Application

Installing the Barcode Library

There are many benefits to installing a barcode generator library. IronBarcode, written in C#, provides functions to create barcodes and QR codes with just a single line of code. It also supports saving the QR code or barcode in the desired file format. Furthermore, it provides free service and runtime support for generating barcodes in .NET.

Let's start with installing the IronBarcode NuGet Package. You can install it using one of the following three methods:

Package Manager Console

Write the following command in the Package Manager Console. It will download and install the package for you.

Install-Package BarCode

Barcode Generator .NET Tutorial, Figure 2: Package Manager Console installation step Package Manager Console installation step

NuGet Package Manager Solution

You can also install the Barcode Package by using the NuGet Package Solution. Simply follow these steps:

Click on Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution.

This will open NuGet Package Manager for you. Click on Browse and search BarCode, then install the library.

Barcode Generator .NET Tutorial, Figure 3: NuGet Package Manager UI NuGet Package Manager UI

As an alternative, the IronBarCode.Dll can be downloaded and added to your project as a reference from .NET Barcode DLL.

Design the Windows Forms

The UI for the .NET Barcode generator should have 2 labels, 1 rich text box, and 1 picture box to display the generated barcode image. The image below shows a simple design for demonstration purposes.

Barcode Generator .NET Tutorial, Figure 4: Design the Windows Forms Application Design the Windows Forms Application

Write Code for Generating Barcode

Double-click the "Generate" button. The following code will appear:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub
VB   C#

Add the following namespace

using IronBarCode;
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using IronBarCode;
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
Imports IronBarCode
Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
VB   C#

Write the following code inside the button1_Click() function:

GeneratedBarcode MyBarCode = IronBarCode.BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode(BarcodeValue.Text, BarcodeWriterEncoding.Code128);
BarcodeImage.Image = new Bitmap("MyBarCode.png");
GeneratedBarcode MyBarCode = IronBarCode.BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode(BarcodeValue.Text, BarcodeWriterEncoding.Code128);
BarcodeImage.Image = new Bitmap("MyBarCode.png");
Dim MyBarCode As GeneratedBarcode = IronBarCode.BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode(BarcodeValue.Text, BarcodeWriterEncoding.Code128)
BarcodeImage.Image = New Bitmap("MyBarCode.png")
VB   C#

Let's understand the code, line by line.

GeneratedBarcode is a data type of barcode. CreateBarcode is the function provided by the BarcodeWriter class of the IronBarCode package.

BarcodeValue.Text is the value of the TextBox which will be provided by the user on run time.

BarcodeWriterEncoding.Code128 is the encoding scheme used for generating barcodes. This code type can be changed to another encoding scheme, BarcodeWriterEncoding.QRCode, to generate a QR code.

IronBarcode provides an ability to interact with multiple image formats such as PNG, JPEG, HTML, PDF, GIF or TIFF, such as SaveAsPng to save a barcode in PNG format. Additionally, IronBarcode also works with PDF files to extract barcodes or QR codes from all pages.

BarcodeImage is the name of the PictureBox to display the generated barcode images to the user.

Run the .NET Barcode Generator

Press Ctrl + F5 to run the application.

Barcode Generator .NET Tutorial, Figure 5: Run the Barcode generator application Run the Barcode generator application

Write the value inside the text box that you want to encode in the barcode as shown below.

Barcode Generator .NET Tutorial, Figure 6: Paste the URL to generate a barcode Paste the URL to generate a barcode

Now, click the "Generate" button. The barcode will be generated as shown below.

Barcode Generator .NET Tutorial, Figure 7: Generated barcode in the Windows Forms Application Generated barcode in the Windows Forms Application

Display the Value of the Barcode

Next, display the value of the barcode in a single line of code:

VB   C#


Barcode Generator .NET Tutorial, Figure 8: Generate a barcode from a string value Generate a barcode from a string value


IronBarcode features a friendly API for developers to read and write barcodes for .NET, optimizing accuracy and ensuring a low error rate in real-world software. Visit the official documentation page for more information about IronBarcode.

Currently, if you buy the complete Iron Suite, you can get five libraries for the price of two. For more information.

You can also download a zip file project.

How to Print Barcode in ASP.NET in C#
How to Use Barcode Scanners in C# Windows Application

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