Create QR Code
IronBarcode offers developers intuitive and easy-to-use methods to create unique QR codes with a plethora of customizations. Whether you are a developer looking for a simple QR code generator with few lines of code or a more complex generator where you can control all aspects of the QR code, such as the correction level, size, and version, IronBarcode offers everything you need in one library.
Barcode Generator in C#
GeneratedBarcode qrCode = QRCodeWriter.CreateQrCode("");
var correction = QRCodeWriter.QrErrorCorrectionLevel.Highest;
int size = 500;
int qrVersion = 0;
GeneratedBarcode qrCodeComplex = QRCodeWriter.CreateQrCode(value, size, correction, qrVersion)
After importing the IronBarcode library, we first instantiate the QRCodeWriter
class and then use QRCodeWriter.CreateQrCode
to create a new QR code with a string value of a URL. The method is the simplest way to make a QR with no settings. We can adjust the QR code's correction level for more customizations, which correlates to the amount of redundancy or error recovery data included in the QR code for a more fault-tolerant QR code, ensuring it works under harsh conditions.
To control the size
, simply assign an integer value between 1 and 40 to the qrVersion
representing the QR code version. Depending on how much data you wish to store and the capacity you want the QR code you have, developers can fine-tune it to weight between the capacity and size to ensure optimization. For more information on how to determine the version of your QR code, please refer to this documentation here.
Finally, we pass all our established variables, size
, qrVersion
, and correction
, to the QRCodeWriter.
The CreateQrCode method again and generate a customized QR code with all the attributes listed above.
Click here to view the How-to-Guide, including examples, sample code and files