using IronBarCode;
BarcodeReaderOptions myOptionsExample = new BarcodeReaderOptions()
// Choose a reading speed from: Faster, Balanced, Detailed, ExtremeDetail
// There is a tradeoff in performance as more detail is set
Speed = ReadingSpeed.Balanced,
// Reader will stop scanning once a single barcode is found (if set to true)
ExpectMultipleBarcodes = true,
// By default, all barcode formats are scanned for
// Specifying a subset of barcode types to search for would improve performance
ExpectBarcodeTypes = BarcodeEncoding.AllOneDimensional,
// Utilize multiple threads to read barcodes from multiple images in parallel
Multithreaded = true,
// Maximum threads for parallelized barcode reading
// Default is 4
MaxParallelThreads = 2,
// The area of each image frame in which to scan for barcodes
// Specifying a crop area will significantly improve performance and avoid noisy parts of the image
CropArea = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(),
// Special setting for Code39 barcodes
// If a Code39 barcode is detected, try to read with both the base and extended ASCII character sets
UseCode39ExtendedMode = true
Imports IronBarCode
Private myOptionsExample As New BarcodeReaderOptions() With {
.Speed = ReadingSpeed.Balanced,
.ExpectMultipleBarcodes = True,
.ExpectBarcodeTypes = BarcodeEncoding.AllOneDimensional,
.Multithreaded = True,
.MaxParallelThreads = 2,
.CropArea = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(),
.UseCode39ExtendedMode = True
Install-Package BarCode
Set Barcode Reader Options
IronBarcode has a variety of options in the BarcodeReaderOptions class to support customized and optimized reads. You can set it to spend more resources for a more accurate read, to stop after finding one barcode or read all, narrow the scope of Barcode types to detect, focus a crop region, and limit the number of parallel threads.