A Comparison between IronBarcode and Dynamsoft Barcode Reader

Published May 27, 2022

1. Introduction

What exactly is a barcode? A barcode is a square or rectangular picture made up of a sequence of parallel black lines and white spaces of varying lengths that can be read by a scanner. Products are labeled with barcodes to make them easier to recognize. They're utilized in a variety of places, including retail businesses to aid in the purchasing process, in warehouses to manage inventory, and for bills to aid in accounting.

Can you use the .NET platform to read and produce barcodes? Yes, you may use the .NET framework to create and scan barcodes. In this article, we'll look at how a developer may produce and scan barcodes within a .NET language environment. We will discuss and compare two software programs that developers use to work with barcodes. These are the tools you'll need:

  • IronBarcode
  • Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK

2. IronBarcode

IronBarcode is a.NET library for reading and creating barcodes. IronBarcode, a popular .NET barcode library, can create a wide variety of 1 and 2 dimensional barcodes, as well as customizable (colored and branded) QR codes. IronBarcode allows programmers to utilize any .NET language.

IronBarcode is compatible with .NET Core 2x and 3x,.NET Standard,.NET Framework 4x, and Azure. It generates postscript output and converts text strings using a number of standard codes.

2.1. IronBarcode Features

2.1.1. Barcode Formats

  • 2-Dimensional Matrix Barcode Formats include QR Code, Aztec, and Data Matrix .NET reading and creation.
  • Modern Linear Barcode Formats supporting Text, Numbers and Binary Data including PDF417, Code 39, Code 128 barcode generator for C#.
  • Older Linear Barcode Formats supporting Numeric codes only including UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, Codabar, ITF, MSI and Plessey.

2.1.2. Barcode Reading Features

  • IronBarcode.BarcodeReader Static Class API reduces barcode and QR code reading to a single line of code.
  • Supports barcode reading from Jpeg, Jpeg2000, Png, BMP, multi-page Tiff and Gif image formats from files.
  • Greater accuracy and performance. To improve accuracy and performance, tell the reader to scan for one, several, or all barcode formats.
  • Image correction to read barcodes. To interpret faulty scans and images, apply noise and contrast adjustments to the document.

2.1.3. Barcode Writing Features

  • The BarcodeWriter and QRCodeWriter static classes are used to create a fault-tolerant barcode and QR-writing API. Barcode data can usually be extracted with two lines of code.
  • IronBarcode allows its users to export as images, export to HTML pages, and export to PDF or add to an existing PDF.
  • The class QRCodeWriter provides advanced support for rendering QR codes with advanced features.

3. The Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK

Developers use the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader to swiftly integrate 1D and 2D barcode scanning into their programs that operate on a variety of platforms. It may also be used as a strong QR code reader or a 2D imager in addition to scanning linear barcodes.

The barcode scanning SDK from Dynamsoft is the finest in the business. It can readily deal with a variety of situations, including:

  • Scanning video broadcasts on mobile phones.
  • Scanning static pictures from industrial cameras with high resolution.
  • An automatic desktop service that scans huge photos and PDF files.

3.1. Dynasoft Barcode Reader Features

3.1.1. Barcode Reading Functionality

  • Barcode processing in several threads
  • Multiple barcodes can be read in a single picture.
  • Barcodes are detected at any orientation and rotation angle.
  • Decodes barcodes from fuzzy, out-of-focus photos.
  • With preprocessing, reads barcodes from low-quality photos.

3.1.2. Customization and Flexibility

With its default scanning settings, this SDK works well in many typical circumstances, but to get the best performance for your unique business requirements, this SDK is entirely adjustable so as to be able to optimize performance specifically for you. Select from a vast list of parameters, each of which contains a variety of modes. A mode is a particular function that the barcode reader may perform, and each mode can include a number of parameters that can be used to fine-tune or personalize the application further.

3.1.3. Using Image Processing

The Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK contains a functionality that isn't seen in any other barcode SDK. Developers may use it to get several data points from the decoding process. These "intermediate picture results" contain data that advanced users may utilize to increase efficiency or generate new applications in other workflows. In the process of decoding a barcode, numerous distinct sorts of intermediate picture outputs are generated.

3.1.4. Barcode Decoding from Images and PDFs

  • Image file types include BMP, jpg, png, gif, and Tiff.
  • Single-page and multi-page PDFs.
  • DIB (device-independent bitmap) formats derived from cameras or scanners.
  • A base64 string encoding of an image.
  • A raw buffer for an image file stream.

3.1.5. Supported Barcode Types

The Dynamsoft barcode reader SDK is a reliable barcode scanner software that provides a barcode reading functionality for various types of barcodes.

  • Linear Barcodes (1D)
  • 2D Barcodes
  • GS1 Composite Code
  • Patch Code
  • Pharmacode
  • GS1 DataBar
  • Postal Codes

4. Creating a New Project in Visual Studio

Open the Visual Studio software and go to the File menu. Select "new project" and then select console application.

Enter the project name and select the path in the appropriate text box. Then, click the Create button. Select the required .NET framework, as in the screenshot below:

Onbarcode Generator Alternatives 1 related to 4. Creating a New Project in Visual Studio

The Visual Studio project will now generate the structure for the selected application, and if you have selected the console, Windows, and web application, it will open the program.cs file where you can enter the code and build/run the application.

Onbarcode Generator Alternatives 2 related to 4. Creating a New Project in Visual Studio

Now we can add the library and test the program.

5. Install the IronBarcode Library

The IronBarcode library can be downloaded and installed in four different ways. These are:

  • Using the Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager
  • Using the Visual Studio Command-Line.
  • Direct Download from the NuGet Webpage.
  • Direct Download from the IronBarcode Webpage.

5.1 Using the Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager

The Visual Studio software provides the NuGet Package Manager option to install the package directly to the solution. The below screenshot shows how to open the NuGet Package Manager.

Onbarcode Generator Alternatives 3 related to 5.1 Using the Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager

It provides the search box to show the list of available package libraries from the NuGet site. In the package manager, we need to search for the keyword "IronBarCode", as in the below screenshot:

Onbarcode Generator Alternatives 4 related to 5.1 Using the Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager

From the above image, we can see the list of the related packages in the search list. We need to select the IronBarcode option and install the package in our solution.

5.2 Using the Visual Studio Command-Line

In the Visual Studio menu, Go to Tools-> NuGet Package manager -> Package manager console.

Enter the following line in the package manager console tab:

Install-Package BarCode

Now the package will download/install to the current project and be ready to use.

Onbarcode Generator Alternatives 5 related to 5.2 Using the Visual Studio Command-Line
Onbarcode Generator Alternatives 6 related to 5.2 Using the Visual Studio Command-Line

5.3 Direct Download from the NuGet Website

The third way is to download the package directly from the website.

  • Navigate to the Link.
  • Select the download package option from the right-hand side menu.
  • Double-click the downloaded package. It will be installed automatically.
  • Now reload the solution and start using it in the project.

5.4 Direct Download from the IronBarcode Website

Click the link to download the latest package from the website. After the download, follow the steps below to add the package to the project.

  • Right-click the project from the solution window.
  • Then, select the option reference and browse the location of the downloaded reference.
  • Then, click OK to add the reference.

6. Install the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader

The IronBarCode library can be downloaded and installed in four different ways. These are:

  • Using the Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager
  • Using the Visual Studio Command-Line.
  • Direct Download from the NuGet Webpage.
  • Direct Download from the Dynamsoft Webpage.

6.1 Using the Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager

The Dynamsoft barcode reader enables developers to easily integrate its tool with .NET projects using the Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager. Follow the steps below:

Dynamsoft Barcode Reader Alternatives 1 related to 6.1 Using the Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager

It provides a search box to show the list of available package libraries from the NuGet site. In the package manager, we need to search for the keyword "Dynamsoft", as in the below screenshot:

Dynamsoft Barcode Reader Alternatives 2 related to 6.1 Using the Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager

In the above image we can see the list of the related packages from the search. We need to select the Dynamsoft option and install the package to our solution.

6.2 Using the Visual Studio Command-Line

In the Visual Studio menu, go to Tools-> NuGet Package manager -> Package manager console

Enter the following line in the package manager console tab:

Install-Package Dynamsoft.DotNet.Barcode

The package will now download/install to the current project and be ready to use.

Dynamsoft Barcode Reader Alternatives 3 related to 6.2 Using the Visual Studio Command-Line
Dynamsoft Barcode Reader Alternatives 4 related to 6.2 Using the Visual Studio Command-Line

6.3 Direct Download from the NuGet Website

The third way is to download the NuGet package directly from the webpage.

  • Navigate to the Link ""
  • Select the download package option from the menu on the right-hand side.
  • Double-click the downloaded package; it will be installed automatically.
  • Now reload the solution and begin using it in the project.

6.4 Direct Download from the Dynamsoft Website

Click the link here to download the latest package directly from the webpage. After the download, follow the steps below to add the package to the project.

  • Right-click the project from the solution window.
  • Then, select option reference and browse the location of the downloaded reference.
  • Next, click OK to add the reference.

7. Reading Barcode

Reading barcodes to get the information embedded within is useful. In this section we will discuss how these tools read different barcodes.

7.1. Reading Barcode using IronBarcode

The Barcode Reader is a script that reads barcodes. The IronBarCode namespace's QuicklyReadOneBarcode function is a fantastic tool for reading barcodes in the .NET framework. We can considerably enhance speed by choosing a barcode encoding scheme, and we can force it to automatically adjust for perspective and digital noise by setting the TryHarder option to True.

The QuicklyReadAllBarcodes technique is similar, but it can scan multiple barcodes for multipage documents like PDFs and multipage TIFFs.

using IronBarCode;
using System;
using System.Drawing;
BarcodeResult QRResult = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode("QR.png");
if (QRResult != null)
    string Value = QRResult.Value;
    Bitmap Img = QRResult.BarcodeImage;
    BarcodeEncoding BarcodeType = QRResult.BarcodeType;
    byte [] Binary = QRResult.BinaryValue;
using IronBarCode;
using System;
using System.Drawing;
BarcodeResult QRResult = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode("QR.png");
if (QRResult != null)
    string Value = QRResult.Value;
    Bitmap Img = QRResult.BarcodeImage;
    BarcodeEncoding BarcodeType = QRResult.BarcodeType;
    byte [] Binary = QRResult.BinaryValue;
Imports IronBarCode
Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Private QRResult As BarcodeResult = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode("QR.png")
If QRResult IsNot Nothing Then
	Dim Value As String = QRResult.Value
	Dim Img As Bitmap = QRResult.BarcodeImage
	Dim BarcodeType As BarcodeEncoding = QRResult.BarcodeType
	Dim Binary() As Byte = QRResult.BinaryValue
End If
VB   C#

7.2. Reading Barcode using Dynamsoft Barcode

The Dynamsoft barcode reader offers a powerful QR code reader and barcode reading functionality with simple code. Here we will discuss the simplest way to read barcodes from an image file and output barcode format and text.

using System;
using Dynamsoft;
using Dynamsoft.DBR;

namespace HelloWorld
    class Program
        static void Main(string [] args)
                // 1.Initialize license.
                EnumErrorCode errorCode = BarcodeReader.InitLicense("DLS2eyJvcmdhbml6YXRpb25JRCI6IjIwMDAwMSJ9", out string errorMsg);
                if (errorCode != EnumErrorCode.DBR_SUCCESS)

                // 2. Create an instance of Barcode Reader
                BarcodeReader dbr = new BarcodeReader();

                    TextResult [] results = null;

                    // 3. Read barcode from an image file
                    results = dbr.DecodeFile("../../../../images/AllSupportedBarcodeTypes.png", "");

                    if (results != null && results.Length > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; ++i)
                            Console.WriteLine("Result " + (i + 1).ToString() + ":");

                            // 4. Get format of each barcode
                            if (results [i].BarcodeFormat != EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_NULL)
                                Console.WriteLine("    Barcode Format: " + results [i].BarcodeFormatString);
                                Console.WriteLine("    Barcode Format: " + results [i].BarcodeFormatString_2);

                            // 5. Get text result of each barcode
                            Console.WriteLine("    Barcode Text: " + results [i].BarcodeText);
                        Console.WriteLine("No barcode detected.");
                catch (BarcodeReaderException exp)
            catch (Exception exp)
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit...");
using System;
using Dynamsoft;
using Dynamsoft.DBR;

namespace HelloWorld
    class Program
        static void Main(string [] args)
                // 1.Initialize license.
                EnumErrorCode errorCode = BarcodeReader.InitLicense("DLS2eyJvcmdhbml6YXRpb25JRCI6IjIwMDAwMSJ9", out string errorMsg);
                if (errorCode != EnumErrorCode.DBR_SUCCESS)

                // 2. Create an instance of Barcode Reader
                BarcodeReader dbr = new BarcodeReader();

                    TextResult [] results = null;

                    // 3. Read barcode from an image file
                    results = dbr.DecodeFile("../../../../images/AllSupportedBarcodeTypes.png", "");

                    if (results != null && results.Length > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; ++i)
                            Console.WriteLine("Result " + (i + 1).ToString() + ":");

                            // 4. Get format of each barcode
                            if (results [i].BarcodeFormat != EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_NULL)
                                Console.WriteLine("    Barcode Format: " + results [i].BarcodeFormatString);
                                Console.WriteLine("    Barcode Format: " + results [i].BarcodeFormatString_2);

                            // 5. Get text result of each barcode
                            Console.WriteLine("    Barcode Text: " + results [i].BarcodeText);
                        Console.WriteLine("No barcode detected.");
                catch (BarcodeReaderException exp)
            catch (Exception exp)
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit...");
Imports System
Imports Dynamsoft
Imports Dynamsoft.DBR

Namespace HelloWorld
	Friend Class Program
		Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
				' 1.Initialize license.
				Dim errorMsg As String
				Dim errorCode As EnumErrorCode = BarcodeReader.InitLicense("DLS2eyJvcmdhbml6YXRpb25JRCI6IjIwMDAwMSJ9", errorMsg)
				If errorCode <> EnumErrorCode.DBR_SUCCESS Then
				End If

				' 2. Create an instance of Barcode Reader
				Dim dbr As New BarcodeReader()

					Dim results() As TextResult = Nothing

					' 3. Read barcode from an image file
					results = dbr.DecodeFile("../../../../images/AllSupportedBarcodeTypes.png", "")

					If results IsNot Nothing AndAlso results.Length > 0 Then
						For i As Integer = 0 To results.Length - 1
							Console.WriteLine("Result " & (i + 1).ToString() & ":")

							' 4. Get format of each barcode
							If results (i).BarcodeFormat <> EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_NULL Then
								Console.WriteLine("    Barcode Format: " & results (i).BarcodeFormatString)
								Console.WriteLine("    Barcode Format: " & results (i).BarcodeFormatString_2)
							End If

							' 5. Get text result of each barcode
							Console.WriteLine("    Barcode Text: " & results (i).BarcodeText)
						Next i
						Console.WriteLine("No barcode detected.")
					End If
				Catch exp As BarcodeReaderException
				End Try
			Catch exp As Exception
			End Try
			Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit...")
		End Sub
	End Class
End Namespace
VB   C#

8. Licensing

IronBarcode is a library that provides a developer's license for free. IronBarcode also has a distinct pricing structure: the Lite bundle starts at $749 with no hidden fees. The redistribution of SaaS and OEM products is also possible. All licenses have a 30-day money-back guarantee, a year of software support and upgrades, dev/staging/production validity, and a perpetual license (one-time purchase). IronBarcode also offers a free version. To see IronBarcode's entire price structure and license, go here.

The Dynamsoft barcode reader offers flexible licensing options based on both "per barcode reading" and "per active browser client". The Dynamsoft barcode reader pricing is as follows:

Per Barcode Scanning

  • Counts the total number of barcodes successfully scanned by the SDK in a year and charges you accordingly.
  • The 10,000 barcode scan bundle costs $1,249/year.
  • The 50,000 barcode scan bundle costs $5,999/year.
  • The 100,000 barcode scan bundle costs $4,999/year.

Per Active Browser Client

  • Counts the total number of unique browser clients that access the barcode scanner feature and charges you accordingly.
  • The 15-browser client bundle costs $1,249/year.
  • The 50-browser client bundle costs $5,999/year.
  • The 100-browser client bundle costs $4,999/year.

The Dynamsoft barcode reader provides excellent licensing and support options to encourage developers to choose the Dynamsoft barcode reader SDK.

9. Conclusion

IronBarcode is a leading .NET barcode library that enables programmers to read and create barcodes. It supports a broad range of 1 and 2 dimensional barcodes, as well as customized (colored and branded) QR codes. IronBarCode allows developers to use all .NET related languages. IronBarcode is faster then any other C# Barcode reader and generator. It employs a unique algorithm that can easily scan crumpled QR codes with exceptional barcode recognition accuracy. It also offers a powerful QR code reader that is able to read any type of barcode and QR code with just a few lines of code. IronBarcode is excellent at reading barcodes from blurred images, and technical support is available to provide lifetime assistance.

The Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK also has a leg up on the competition when it comes to scanning numerous barcodes at once. It has different usage scenarios such as the barcode reading functionality for android mobile applications, Linux desktop, Linux mobile applications and iPhone mobile applications, as well as support for multiple browsers. Its also helps to scan low quality images for barcodes. Its provide embedded barcode reading functionality in your web, desktop, or mobile application, using just a few lines of code. The Dynamsoft barcode reader meets developers' needs for custom scanner resolution settings, providing timely and helpful responses, as well as implementing 1d and 2d decode barcodes. The Dynamsoft barcode reader support teams are available as long as licenses remain valid. It also offers the scanning of low quality images with high accuracy using the embedded barcode reading functionality.

The IronBarcode pricing structure is relatively low compared to the Dynamsoft licensing options, and it is probably the cost of the Dynamsoft barcode reader that makes it less desirable to users. Dynamsoft's fee structure is count-based, meaning that it depends on how many barcodes are scanned across different platforms such as Windows desktop and Mac desktop in single purchasing software. On the other hand IronBarcode offers a one-time purchase with no ongoing costs, whereas the Dynamsoft barcode reader pricing is based on yearly purchases.

After comparing both IronBarcode and the Dynamsoft barcode reader, we can conclude that IronBarcode offers additional features, not only for barcode reading, but also in providing functionality for barcode generation, and at a lower price. The Dynamsoft barcode reader offers more on the reading side, whereas IronBarcode offers all types of barcode-related services. For .NET programming, IronBarcode offers all the functions with only a few lines of code, something that its competitor fails to provide. On top of all that, Iron Software is currently offering all of its five software tools for the price of just two. The tools are as follows:

  • IronBarcode
  • IronXL
  • IronOCR
  • IronPDF
  • IronWebScraper

Please visit this link to explore Iron Suite.

A Comparison between IronBarcode and OnBarcode