使用C# 讀取條碼

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安裝條碼庫到您的 Visual Studio 專案

C# NuGet 程式庫用于

安裝與 NuGet

Install-Package BarCode

下載 DLL



C# NuGet 程式庫用于

安裝與 NuGet

Install-Package BarCode

下載 DLL




green arrow pointer

查看 IronBarcodeNuget 快速安裝和部署。已被下載超過800萬次,它正用C#改變。

C# NuGet 程式庫用于 nuget.org/packages/BarCode/
Install-Package BarCode

請考慮安裝 IronBarcode DLL 直接下載並手動安裝到您的專案或GAC表單: IronBarCode.zip



IronBarcode 提供了一個多功能、高級且高效的庫,用於在 .NET 中讀取條碼。

第一步將是安裝 IronBarcode,最簡單的方法是使用我們的 NuGet 套件,當然你也可以選擇手動安裝 DLL 添加到您的專案或全域組件快取。IronBarcode 適用於製作 C# 條碼掃描應用程式。

Install-Package BarCode


在 .NET 中使用 IronBarcode 類庫來讀取條碼或 QR 碼非常容易。 .NET 條碼讀取器在我們的第一個示例中,我們可以看到如何用一行代碼讀取這個 Barcode。

用 C# 掃描 Code128 條碼圖像

我們可以提取其值、其影像、其編碼類型、其二進位數據 (如果有),然後我們可以將其輸出到控制台。

using IronBarCode;
using System;

BarcodeResult Result = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode("GetStarted.png");

if (Result !=null && Result.Text == "https://ironsoftware.com/csharp/barcode/")
  Console.WriteLine("GetStarted was a success.  Read Value: " + Result.Text);
using IronBarCode;
using System;

BarcodeResult Result = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode("GetStarted.png");

if (Result !=null && Result.Text == "https://ironsoftware.com/csharp/barcode/")
  Console.WriteLine("GetStarted was a success.  Read Value: " + Result.Text);
Imports IronBarCode
Imports System

Private Result As BarcodeResult = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode("GetStarted.png")

If Result IsNot Nothing AndAlso Result.Text = "https://ironsoftware.com/csharp/barcode/" Then
  Console.WriteLine("GetStarted was a success.  Read Value: " & Result.Text)
End If
VB   C#


在下一個例子中,我們將在 QuicklyReadOneBarcode 方法中添加 TryHarder 變數。這使得它更努力地嘗試,實際上花費更多時間,但更深入地掃描可能被遮蔽、損壞或傾斜角度的 QR 碼。

BarcodeResult Result = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode("TryHarderQR.png", BarcodeEncoding.QRCode 
 BarcodeEncoding.Code128 , true);
BarcodeResult Result = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode("TryHarderQR.png", BarcodeEncoding.QRCode 
 BarcodeEncoding.Code128 , true);
Dim Result As BarcodeResult = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode("TryHarderQR.png", BarcodeEncoding.QRCode BarcodeEncoding.Code128, True)
VB   C#

這將讀取這個傾斜的 QR 碼:

使用 C# 掃描旋轉 45 度的 QR 碼

在我們的示例中,您可以看到我們可以指定條碼編碼(s) 我們正在尋找或指定多種格式。這樣做可以大大提高條碼讀取的性能和準確性。 管道字符或“按位 OR”用於同時指定多種格式。

如果我們進一步使用,可以達到更高的特定性。 BarcodeReader.ReadASingleBarcode 方法。

BarcodeResult Result = IronBarCode.BarcodeReader.ReadASingleBarcode("TryHarderQR.png", BarcodeEncoding.QRCode 
 BarcodeEncoding.Code128, BarcodeReader.BarcodeRotationCorrection.High, BarcodeReader.BarcodeImageCorrection.MediumCleanPixels);
BarcodeResult Result = IronBarCode.BarcodeReader.ReadASingleBarcode("TryHarderQR.png", BarcodeEncoding.QRCode 
 BarcodeEncoding.Code128, BarcodeReader.BarcodeRotationCorrection.High, BarcodeReader.BarcodeImageCorrection.MediumCleanPixels);
Dim Result As BarcodeResult = IronBarCode.BarcodeReader.ReadASingleBarcode("TryHarderQR.png", BarcodeEncoding.QRCode BarcodeEncoding.Code128, BarcodeReader.BarcodeRotationCorrection.High, BarcodeReader.BarcodeImageCorrection.MediumCleanPixels)
VB   C#


PDF 文件

在我們的下一個範例中,我們將會觀察如何閱讀一個 掃描的PDF文件 並且在極少的代碼行中找到所有一維格式的條碼。


using IronBarCode;
using System;
using System.Drawing;

// Multiple barcodes may be scanned up from a single document or image.  A PDF document may also used as the input image
PagedBarcodeResult [] PDFResults = BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodesFromPdf("MultipleBarcodes.pdf");

// Work with the results
foreach (var PageResult in PDFResults)
    string Value = PageResult.Value;
    int PageNum = PageResult.PageNumber;
    System.Drawing.Bitmap Img = PageResult.BarcodeImage;
    BarcodeEncoding BarcodeType = PageResult.BarcodeType;
    byte [] Binary = PageResult.BinaryValue;
    Console.WriteLine(PageResult.Value+" on page "+ PageNum);

using IronBarCode;
using System;
using System.Drawing;

// Multiple barcodes may be scanned up from a single document or image.  A PDF document may also used as the input image
PagedBarcodeResult [] PDFResults = BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodesFromPdf("MultipleBarcodes.pdf");

// Work with the results
foreach (var PageResult in PDFResults)
    string Value = PageResult.Value;
    int PageNum = PageResult.PageNumber;
    System.Drawing.Bitmap Img = PageResult.BarcodeImage;
    BarcodeEncoding BarcodeType = PageResult.BarcodeType;
    byte [] Binary = PageResult.BinaryValue;
    Console.WriteLine(PageResult.Value+" on page "+ PageNum);
Imports IronBarCode
Imports System
Imports System.Drawing

' Multiple barcodes may be scanned up from a single document or image.  A PDF document may also used as the input image
Private PDFResults() As PagedBarcodeResult = BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodesFromPdf("MultipleBarcodes.pdf")

' Work with the results
For Each PageResult In PDFResults
	Dim Value As String = PageResult.Value
	Dim PageNum As Integer = PageResult.PageNumber
	Dim Img As System.Drawing.Bitmap = PageResult.BarcodeImage
	Dim BarcodeType As BarcodeEncoding = PageResult.BarcodeType
	Dim Binary() As Byte = PageResult.BinaryValue
	Console.WriteLine(PageResult.Value &" on page " & PageNum)
Next PageResult
VB   C#


C# - 從 PDF 結果中讀取條碼



C# - 從多幀TIFF圖像中讀取條碼
// Multi frame TIFF and GIF images can also be scanned, and multiple threads will be used automatically in the background for improved performance
PagedBarcodeResult [] MultiFrameResults = BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodesFromMultiFrameTiff("Multiframe.tiff", BarcodeEncoding.Code128, BarcodeReader.BarcodeRotationCorrection.High, BarcodeReader.BarcodeImageCorrection.MediumCleanPixels);            

 foreach (var PageResult in MultiFrameResults)
// Multi frame TIFF and GIF images can also be scanned, and multiple threads will be used automatically in the background for improved performance
PagedBarcodeResult [] MultiFrameResults = BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodesFromMultiFrameTiff("Multiframe.tiff", BarcodeEncoding.Code128, BarcodeReader.BarcodeRotationCorrection.High, BarcodeReader.BarcodeImageCorrection.MediumCleanPixels);            

 foreach (var PageResult in MultiFrameResults)
' Multi frame TIFF and GIF images can also be scanned, and multiple threads will be used automatically in the background for improved performance
Dim MultiFrameResults() As PagedBarcodeResult = BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodesFromMultiFrameTiff("Multiframe.tiff", BarcodeEncoding.Code128, BarcodeReader.BarcodeRotationCorrection.High, BarcodeReader.BarcodeImageCorrection.MediumCleanPixels)

 For Each PageResult In MultiFrameResults
 Next PageResult
VB   C#


為了讀取多個文件,我們通過創建文件列表並使用 IronBarcode 可以獲得更好的結果。 BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodesMultithreaded 方法。這個方法使用多個執行緒,並可能使用 CPU 的所有核心進行條碼掃描過程,速度比逐個讀取條碼快了數倍。

// The BarcodeResult.ReadBarcodesMultiThreaded method allows for faster barcode scanning of multiple images or PDFs.  All threads are automatically managed by IronBarCode.
var ListOfDocuments = new [] { "Image1.png", "image2.JPG", "image3.pdf" };
PagedBarcodeResult [] BatchResults = BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodesMultiThreaded(ListOfDocuments);

// Work with the results
foreach (var Result in BatchResults)
    string Value = Result.Value;
// The BarcodeResult.ReadBarcodesMultiThreaded method allows for faster barcode scanning of multiple images or PDFs.  All threads are automatically managed by IronBarCode.
var ListOfDocuments = new [] { "Image1.png", "image2.JPG", "image3.pdf" };
PagedBarcodeResult [] BatchResults = BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodesMultiThreaded(ListOfDocuments);

// Work with the results
foreach (var Result in BatchResults)
    string Value = Result.Value;
' The BarcodeResult.ReadBarcodesMultiThreaded method allows for faster barcode scanning of multiple images or PDFs.  All threads are automatically managed by IronBarCode.
Dim ListOfDocuments = { "Image1.png", "image2.JPG", "image3.pdf" }
Dim BatchResults() As PagedBarcodeResult = BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodesMultiThreaded(ListOfDocuments)

' Work with the results
For Each Result In BatchResults
	Dim Value As String = Result.Value
Next Result
VB   C#


在現實世界的使用場景中,我們可能希望讀取不完美的條碼。它們可能是不完美的圖像、掃描或照片,並且可能包含數位噪音或歪斜。使用大多數傳統的開源 .NET 條碼生成器和讀取庫,這將是不可行的。然而, C# 條碼掃描器 使這變得非常簡單。

在我們的下一個例子中,我們將看一下 QuicklyReadOneBarcode 的 TryHarder 方法。這個單一參數會使 IronBarcode 嘗試去除傾斜並從不完美的數位樣本中讀取條碼。



使用 C# 從手機相機讀取條碼
using IronBarCode;
using System;
using System.Drawing;

// All BarcodeResult.Read methods provide the developer with control to correct image and photograph correction and straightening rotation and perspective from skewed images
// * RotationCorrection   e.g BarcodeReader.BarcodeRotationCorrection.Extreme  un-rotates and removes perspective from barcode images.
// * ImageCorrection      e.g BarcodeReader.BarcodeImageCorrection.DeepCleanPixels  separates Barcodes from background imagery and digital noise.
// * BarcodeEncoding      e.g. BarcodeEncoding.Code128  Setting a specific Barcode format improves speed and reduces the risk of false positive results

// Example with a photo image
var PhotoResult = BarcodeReader.ReadASingleBarcode("Photo.png", BarcodeEncoding.Code128, BarcodeReader.BarcodeRotationCorrection.Medium, BarcodeReader.BarcodeImageCorrection.DeepCleanPixels);

string Value = PhotoResult.Value;
System.Drawing.Bitmap Img = PhotoResult.BarcodeImage;
BarcodeEncoding BarcodeType = PhotoResult.BarcodeType;
byte [] Binary = PhotoResult.BinaryValue;
using IronBarCode;
using System;
using System.Drawing;

// All BarcodeResult.Read methods provide the developer with control to correct image and photograph correction and straightening rotation and perspective from skewed images
// * RotationCorrection   e.g BarcodeReader.BarcodeRotationCorrection.Extreme  un-rotates and removes perspective from barcode images.
// * ImageCorrection      e.g BarcodeReader.BarcodeImageCorrection.DeepCleanPixels  separates Barcodes from background imagery and digital noise.
// * BarcodeEncoding      e.g. BarcodeEncoding.Code128  Setting a specific Barcode format improves speed and reduces the risk of false positive results

// Example with a photo image
var PhotoResult = BarcodeReader.ReadASingleBarcode("Photo.png", BarcodeEncoding.Code128, BarcodeReader.BarcodeRotationCorrection.Medium, BarcodeReader.BarcodeImageCorrection.DeepCleanPixels);

string Value = PhotoResult.Value;
System.Drawing.Bitmap Img = PhotoResult.BarcodeImage;
BarcodeEncoding BarcodeType = PhotoResult.BarcodeType;
byte [] Binary = PhotoResult.BinaryValue;
Imports IronBarCode
Imports System
Imports System.Drawing

' All BarcodeResult.Read methods provide the developer with control to correct image and photograph correction and straightening rotation and perspective from skewed images
' * RotationCorrection   e.g BarcodeReader.BarcodeRotationCorrection.Extreme  un-rotates and removes perspective from barcode images.
' * ImageCorrection      e.g BarcodeReader.BarcodeImageCorrection.DeepCleanPixels  separates Barcodes from background imagery and digital noise.
' * BarcodeEncoding      e.g. BarcodeEncoding.Code128  Setting a specific Barcode format improves speed and reduces the risk of false positive results

' Example with a photo image
Private PhotoResult = BarcodeReader.ReadASingleBarcode("Photo.png", BarcodeEncoding.Code128, BarcodeReader.BarcodeRotationCorrection.Medium, BarcodeReader.BarcodeImageCorrection.DeepCleanPixels)

Private Value As String = PhotoResult.Value
Private Img As System.Drawing.Bitmap = PhotoResult.BarcodeImage
Private BarcodeType As BarcodeEncoding = PhotoResult.BarcodeType
Private Binary() As Byte = PhotoResult.BinaryValue
VB   C#


以下示例向我们展示了如何从 QR 码和 PDF-417 条形码读取信息。 掃描 PDF請注意,我們已經設定了適當的條碼旋轉校正和條碼圖像校正的級別,以輕微清理文件,但不會因過度滿足需求而造成巨大的性能損失。

在 C# 中從掃描的 PDF 文件讀取條碼
// Multi frame TIFF and GIF images can also be scanned, and multiple threads will be used automatically in the background for improved performance
var ScanResults = BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodesFromPdf("Scan.pdf", BarcodeEncoding.All, BarcodeReader.BarcodeRotationCorrection.Low, BarcodeReader.BarcodeImageCorrection.LightlyCleanPixels);

// Work with the results
foreach (var PageResult in ScanResults)
  string Value = PageResult.Value;
// Multi frame TIFF and GIF images can also be scanned, and multiple threads will be used automatically in the background for improved performance
var ScanResults = BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodesFromPdf("Scan.pdf", BarcodeEncoding.All, BarcodeReader.BarcodeRotationCorrection.Low, BarcodeReader.BarcodeImageCorrection.LightlyCleanPixels);

// Work with the results
foreach (var PageResult in ScanResults)
  string Value = PageResult.Value;
' Multi frame TIFF and GIF images can also be scanned, and multiple threads will be used automatically in the background for improved performance
Dim ScanResults = BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodesFromPdf("Scan.pdf", BarcodeEncoding.All, BarcodeReader.BarcodeRotationCorrection.Low, BarcodeReader.BarcodeImageCorrection.LightlyCleanPixels)

' Work with the results
For Each PageResult In ScanResults
  Dim Value As String = PageResult.Value
Next PageResult
VB   C#


在最後一個範例中,我們將看到這個 C# 條碼生成器 甚至能讀取損壞的條碼縮圖。

條碼縮圖大小自動校正。可使用 C# 中的 Iron Barcode 讀取檔案


// Small or 'Thumbnail' barcode images are automatically detected by IronBarCode and corrected for wherever possible even if they have much digital noise.
BarcodeResult SmallResult = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode("ThumbnailOfBarcode.gif", BarcodeEncoding.Code128);
// Small or 'Thumbnail' barcode images are automatically detected by IronBarCode and corrected for wherever possible even if they have much digital noise.
BarcodeResult SmallResult = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode("ThumbnailOfBarcode.gif", BarcodeEncoding.Code128);
' Small or 'Thumbnail' barcode images are automatically detected by IronBarCode and corrected for wherever possible even if they have much digital noise.
Dim SmallResult As BarcodeResult = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode("ThumbnailOfBarcode.gif", BarcodeEncoding.Code128)
VB   C#


總而言之,Iron Barcode 是一個多功能的 .NET 軟體庫,並且 C# QR碼生成器 用於讀取各種條碼格式,無論這些條碼是完美的螢幕截圖,還是實際的照片、掃描或其他不完美的現實世界圖像,都能讀取。


要了解更多有關使用 IronBarcode 的資訊,您可以查看此部分中的其他教程,以及我們首頁上的示例; 大部分開發人員發現這些資訊足夠他們開始使用。 API 參考文獻 特別參考 條碼讀取器 類別 and the 條碼編碼 枚舉會詳細展示使用此功能可以實現的內容 C# 條碼庫### 原始碼下載

我們也非常鼓勵您下載此教程並自行運行。您可以通過下載原始碼或者在 GitHub 上分支我們來做到這一點。本文教程的原始碼 .NET 條碼讀取器 教學範本可以作為使用C#撰寫的Visual Studio 2017主控台應用程式專案。 教學 GitHub 儲存庫

.NET軟體工程師 對很多人來說,這是從 .NET 生成 PDF 文件的最有效方法,因為不需要學習額外的 API 或導航複雜的設計系統


.NET 產品開發人員

Frank 一直是 IronBarcode 開發的創始力量。 在過去一年中與 IronOCR 合作,Frank 對於在 OCR 中為 IronBarcode 構建用例,並將其打造成現在的工具具有重大影響。