How to Scan QR Codes in C#

Published May 20, 2024

In today's digital age, QR codes (Quick Response Code) are used extensively for quick information access and data sharing. As a C# developer, having a reliable QR scanner in your toolkit is essential for creating versatile applications. Whether it's for scanning tickets, verifying product authenticity, or streamlining inventory processes, a C# QR scanner enables your applications to read and interpret QR codes efficiently. In C# we have many QR code libraries but some of them are more efficient. Many of these are open source and their source code can be found on GitHub. In this article, we'll use IronQR to scan QR codes.

Introduction to IronQR

How to Scan QR Codes in C#: Figure 1 - IronQR homepage

As a C# QR code scanner, IronQR is a powerful library that makes the tasks of QR operations straightforward. Designed specifically for C# and .NET, IronQR provides a simple API for both generating and scanning QR codes, ensuring you can quickly integrate this functionality into your projects.

IronQR stands out for its ease of use and flexibility. Whether you're developing a desktop application, a web service, or a mobile app, IronQR offers the tools you need. It supports various QR code formats, even providing multipage images such as gif images, and provides high-speed processing, making it a reliable choice for any project. In this article, we'll cover setting up IronQR, basic QR code scanning, and some advanced features. By the end, you'll be ready to use IronQR to enhance your applications with QR code capabilities.

Reading QR Codes Using IronQR

  1. Setup C# Console Project in Visual Studio.
  2. Install the C# QR Code library in the C# Project.
  3. Import Required namespace.
  4. Load the QR into the program.
  5. Scan the QR using the C# QR Code Library.
  6. Display the QR Code value on the console.

Setting Up IronQR in Your C# Project

Prerequisites for Using IronQR

Before integrating IronQR into your C# project, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Visual Studio: An up-to-date version installed on your machine.
  • .NET Framework: IronQR is compatible with .NET Framework 4.0 and above, so make sure your project targets a compatible version.
  • NuGet Package Manager: IronQR is distributed via NuGet, so you need NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio.

Installing IronQR via NuGet

To install IronQR, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project in Visual Studio.
  2. Navigate to the NuGet Package Manager: Right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer and select "Manage NuGet Packages."
  3. Search for IronQR: In the NuGet Package Manager, type "IronQR" in the search bar.
  4. Install IronQR: Select the IronQR package from the search results and click "Install."

Alternatively, you can install IronQR using the NuGet Package Manager Console with the following command:

Install-Package IronQR

This command downloads and adds IronQR to your project, making its functionalities available for you to use. After installing IronQR, you can start using it in your project. Ensure you include the necessary directives and configure any initial settings required by your application.

Steps to Scan QR Code in C#

Using Namespaces and Class Structure

To begin, it's essential to include the necessary namespaces and set up the class structure for your C# application. This ensures that all required libraries and classes are available for use. The IronQr and IronSoftware.Drawing namespaces are included for their respective functionalities. The class is defined within the Program class, and the Main method serves as the entry point of the application.

using IronQr;
using IronSoftware.Drawing;
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Code implementation here
using IronQr;
using IronSoftware.Drawing;
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Code implementation here
VB   C#

Loading the QR Code Image from the File

The first step in our QR code scanning process is to load the image that contains the QR code. In this example, we use the AnyBitmap class from IronSoftware.Drawing namespace. The AnyBitmap.FromFile method allows us to load an image from a specified file path.

This method is flexible and can handle various image formats. Here, the QR code image is located on the user's desktop at the path QR.png. By calling AnyBitmap.FromFile("QR.png"), we load the image and store it in the qrImage variable. This variable now contains the image data, which will be used in subsequent steps.

var qrImage = AnyBitmap.FromFile("QR.png");
var qrImage = AnyBitmap.FromFile("QR.png");
VB   C#

Initializing the QR Code Image Input

After loading the image, the next step is to create a QrImageInput object. This object serves as the input for the QR code reader. The QrImageInput class is designed to encapsulate the image and prepare it for scanning. By initializing the QrImageInput object with the loaded image (qrImage), we ensure that the image is correctly formatted and ready to be processed by the QR code reader.

QrImageInput qrImageInput = new QrImageInput(qrImage);
QrImageInput qrImageInput = new QrImageInput(qrImage);
VB   C#

Creating a QR Code Reader

To read the QR code from the image, we need a QR code reader. This is achieved by creating an instance of the QrReader class. The QrReader class is designed to handle the process of decoding QR codes from various input sources, including images.

By instantiating the QrReader class with QrReader qrReader = new QrReader();, we set up a QR code reader that is capable of processing the QR code image input and extracting the encoded information. The QrReader instance is now ready to perform the scanning operation.

QrReader qrReader = new QrReader();
QrReader qrReader = new QrReader();
VB   C#

Reading the QR Code from the Image Input

With the QR code reader initialized, we can proceed to read the QR code from the image input. This is done using the Read method of the QrReader class. The Read method takes the QrImageInput object as a parameter and returns an IEnumerable<QrResult> containing the results of the QR code scanning.

The code IEnumerable<QrResult> qrResults = qrReader.Read (qrImageInput); executes the reading process and stores the results in the qrResults variable. This variable now holds a collection of QR code results, each representing a QR code found in the image.

IEnumerable<QrResult> qrResults = qrReader.Read(qrImageInput);
IEnumerable<QrResult> qrResults = qrReader.Read(qrImageInput);
VB   C#

Extracting the Value of the First QR Code Found

After reading the QR codes from the image, the next step is to extract the value of the first QR code found. This is typically the data encoded in the QR code, such as a URL, text, or other information. The qrResults variable holds a collection of QR code results, and we use the First method to access the first result in the collection.

The code var qrCodeValue = qrResults.First().Value; retrieves the value of the first QR code and stores it in the qrCodeValue variable. This variable now contains the decoded information from the QR code, which can be used as needed.

var qrCodeValue = qrResults.First().Value;
var qrCodeValue = qrResults.First().Value;
VB   C#

Printing the QR Code Value to the Console

Finally, we print the extracted QR code value to the console to verify that the QR code has been read and decoded correctly. This is done using the Console.WriteLine method, which outputs the value to the console window.

The code Console.WriteLine(qrCodeValue); displays the decoded QR code value, allowing us to confirm that the QR code scanning process was successful. This step is crucial for debugging and ensuring that the application correctly interprets the QR code data.

VB   C#

How to Scan QR Codes in C#: Figure 2 - Extracted URL value from the QR code input from the code example above using IronQR

Real-World Example

QR codes have become popular in digital payment systems. Customers can make payments by scanning a QR code with their mobile devices. Financial institutions and payment service providers can integrate IronQR into their C# applications to facilitate secure and swift transactions. The QR codes can contain payment details, which, when scanned, complete the transaction seamlessly.


How to Scan QR Codes in C#: Figure 3 - IronQR licensing page

IronQR is a powerful tool for C# developers looking to add QR code scanning and generation capabilities to their applications. Its ease of use, flexibility, and robust feature set make it an ideal choice for various real-world applications, from event management and inventory tracking to digital payments and marketing campaigns. It can scan QR codes from the video stream as well. Similarly, if you are looking for a library for reading barcodes, you should visit IronBarcode offering similar functionality and flexibility as a powerful barcode reader.

IronQR offers a free trial, allowing you to explore its features before committing to a purchase. If you decide to use IronQR for your projects, licenses start at $749, providing a cost-effective solution for integrating advanced QR code functionality into your applications. Whether you're building a small project or a large-scale enterprise application, IronQR equips you with the tools you need to succeed.

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How to read QR Codes in C#

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