from ironxl import * # Create new Excel WorkBook document workbook = WorkBook.Create() # Create a blank WorkSheet worksheet = workbook.CreateWorkSheet("new_sheet") # Add data and styles to the new worksheet worksheet["A1"].Value = "Hello World" worksheet["A2"].Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("#ff6600") # Save the excel file as XLS, XLSX, XLSM, CSV, TSV, JSON, XML, HTML workbook.SaveAs("sample.xls") workbook.SaveAs("sample.xlsx") workbook.SaveAs("sample.tsv") # Save the excel file as CSV workbook.SaveAsCsv("sample.csv") # Save the excel file as JSON workbook.SaveAsJson("sample.json") # Save the excel file as XML workbook.SaveAsXml("sample.xml") # Export the excel file as HTML workbook.ExportToHtml("sample.html")