How to use IronSecureDoc from C# in .NET

Your Gateway to Enhanced Document Security

IronSoftware.SecureDoc.Client is a robust client-side library designed to interact seamlessly with the IronSecureDoc API, a comprehensive document security solution hosted in a Docker container.

This client library facilitates easy integration into your existing .NET applications, enabling you to leverage the powerful features of IronSecureDoc, including PDF encryption, redaction, and digital signing, all through simple REST API calls.

With IronSoftware.SecureDoc.Client, developers can ensure the security and integrity of documents within their applications, maintaining all operations on-site for enhanced data protection. Whether you need to redact sensitive information, certify documents with digital signatures, or enforce document encryption, IronSoftware.SecureDoc.Client provides the necessary tools to accomplish these tasks efficiently and securely.


Key Features:

  • Easy integration with IronSecureDoc's REST API.
  • Support for document encryption, redaction, and digital signing.
  • Facilitates secure document processing within self-hosted environments.
  • Enhances data protection by keeping document security operations on-site.
  • Compatible with .NET applications, offering a straightforward approach to secure document management.


Let's start from installing the NuGet package from the package manager:

Option 1: Download from NuGet

There NuGet package is listed here on the official NuGet website:

Option 2: PM Install Command

PM> Install-Package IronSoftware.SecureDoc.Client

Code Example

using IronSecureDoc;

// Replace with your IRONSECUREDOC URL
var client = new IronSecureDocClient("http://localhost:5185");

// Replace with your PDF or CERT paths
string PDF_PATH = "path/to/your.pdf";
string CERT_PATH = "path/to/your.p12";

if (await client.TryConnectAsync())
    // Redact Text
        await client.RedactTextAsync(PDF_PATH, ["Dummy"])

    // Redact Region
        await client.RedactRegionAsync(PDF_PATH, 50, 50, 200, 100);

    // Certify
        await client.CertifyAsync(PDF_PATH, CERT_PATH, "123456", CertifyPermissions.FormFillingAllowed);

    // Encrypt
        await client.EncryptAsync(PDF_PATH, "iron");
using IronSecureDoc;

// Replace with your IRONSECUREDOC URL
var client = new IronSecureDocClient("http://localhost:5185");

// Replace with your PDF or CERT paths
string PDF_PATH = "path/to/your.pdf";
string CERT_PATH = "path/to/your.p12";

if (await client.TryConnectAsync())
    // Redact Text
        await client.RedactTextAsync(PDF_PATH, ["Dummy"])

    // Redact Region
        await client.RedactRegionAsync(PDF_PATH, 50, 50, 200, 100);

    // Certify
        await client.CertifyAsync(PDF_PATH, CERT_PATH, "123456", CertifyPermissions.FormFillingAllowed);

    // Encrypt
        await client.EncryptAsync(PDF_PATH, "iron");
Imports IronSecureDoc

' Replace with your IRONSECUREDOC URL
Private client = New IronSecureDocClient("http://localhost:5185")

' Replace with your PDF or CERT paths
Private PDF_PATH As String = "path/to/your.pdf"
Private CERT_PATH As String = "path/to/your.p12"

If Await client.TryConnectAsync() Then
	' Redact Text
	File.WriteAllBytes("redact_text_example.pdf", Await client.RedactTextAsync(PDF_PATH, ("Dummy")))

	' Redact Region
	File.WriteAllBytes("redact_region_example.pdf", Await client.RedactRegionAsync(PDF_PATH, 50, 50, 200, 100);)

	' Certify
	File.WriteAllBytes("certify_example.pdf", Await client.CertifyAsync(PDF_PATH, CERT_PATH, "123456", CertifyPermissions.FormFillingAllowed);)

	' Encrypt
	File.WriteAllBytes("encrypt_example.pdf", Await client.EncryptAsync(PDF_PATH, "iron");)
End If
VB   C#


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