Changelog: Updates and Roadmap

Concept and Philosophy

IronSecureDoc was created to make it easy for developers to securely manage and manipulate PDF documents through a self-hosted RESTful API.

IronSecureDoc is leading the charge to empower developers to apply document security measures such as encryption, redaction, and digital signatures, all within their own infrastructure, eliminating the need for third-party services and expensive ongoing cloud costs.

Today, our team is focused on further advancing IronSecureDoc by prioritizing feedback from our developer community, ensuring that the product evolves to meet real-world needs.

Build releases are happening with new functionality making ItonSecureDoc the preferred choice for many developers who need robust and secure document management capabilities.

Long term, we plan to expand IronSecureDoc's capabilities to support additional document formats and security features. Early stage R&D is in progress for building further integrations and tools to enhance the document security ecosystem.

The Roadmap 2024 - 2025

This solution's future is entirely industry and customer-driven. All feedback is encouraged, to ensure meaningful and useful updates are coming to subscribed customers. That being said, the current roadmap for 2024-2025 is as follows:

More Document Formats than just PDF

  • Accepting input documents from image, and other MS office file formats
    • Images: .png, .jpg, .svg, .tiff
    • MS Office: .docx, .ppt

Better Extraction through use of OCR

  • Sometimes extracting embedded text is not enough. We want options to extract text from images too

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September 2024

September 3rd, 2024

Release Notes:

  • More logging added with better formatting
  • Adds pdfs/verify-signatures endpoint
  • Minor bugs addressed.

July 2024

July 22nd, 2024

Initial Public Release:

  • Redaction, Certification, Extraction, and Encryption all available with API v1.