C# ZIP File (Developer Tutorial Using IronZip)

Published November 29, 2023

ZIP is a popular method for efficiently compressing and consolidating multiple files and folders into a unified ZIP archive using FileStream. Working with these files in C# is made accessible using IronZIP namespace, which provides classes to create and extract existing ZIPs from a path or individual file contained and manipulate ZIP archives. Whether you're compressing files, dealing with password-protected ZIPs, or unzipping files, the ZipFile class within the IronZIP namespace becomes your invaluable ally.

In this tutorial, we not only explore the fundamental processes of creating and extracting ZIP archives but also learn code samples to achieve it. The ZipArchive class seamlessly progress through the string path, enabling you to navigate and manipulate ZIP files with unparalleled precision.

Moreover, extending beyond ZIP manipulation, we'll also explore IronPDF a tool for compressing PDF files without compromising document integrity. Together, the tandem of IronZIP and IronPDF equips developers with a robust set of tools to efficiently manage compressed files and streamline PDFs within the C# environment.


Before you explore ZIP file manipulation with IronZIP and IronPDF, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  1. Visual Studio: Install Visual Studio or any other C# Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of your choice.
  2. Basic C# knowledge: Familiarize yourself with fundamental concepts of the C# programming language.

Install IronZIP Package

To kick-start your journey with IronZIP, swiftly install the IronZIP NuGet Package in your project. Execute the following command in the NuGet Package Manager Console:

Install-Package IronZip

Alternatively, download the package directly from the official IronZIP NuGet website.

Once the installation is complete, initiate your C# code by adding the using IronZIP; statement at the top.

Apply License Key

Ensure you have a valid license or trial key for IronZIP. Apply the license key by assigning it to the LicenseKey property of the License class. Include the following code immediately after the import statement and before using any IronZIP methods:

IronZip.Licensing.License.LicenseKey = "IRONZIP.MYLICENSE.KEY.1EF01";
IronZip.Licensing.License.LicenseKey = "IRONZIP.MYLICENSE.KEY.1EF01";
IronZip.Licensing.License.LicenseKey = "IRONZIP.MYLICENSE.KEY.1EF01"
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This step is crucial for unleashing the full potential of IronZIP in your project.

Create a ZIP File

Creating a ZIP file with IronZIP is simple. Utilize the IronArchive class to establish an empty ZIP archive and then add files to it. The following code snippet demonstrates the creation of a ZIP file named "" and the addition of four image files to it:

using IronZip;
namespace C__ZipArchive
    internal class Program
        static void Main(string [] args)
            using (var archive = new IronArchive(""))
                // Add files to the ZIP
using IronZip;
namespace C__ZipArchive
    internal class Program
        static void Main(string [] args)
            using (var archive = new IronArchive(""))
                // Add files to the ZIP
Imports IronZip
Namespace C__ZipArchive
	Friend Class Program
		Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
			Using archive = New IronArchive("")
				' Add files to the ZIP
			End Using
		End Sub
	End Class
VB   C#

The using statement creates a scoped instance of the IronArchive class and associates it with the variable archive. The constructor of IronArchive takes a single argument: the name of a ZIP file. ("" in this case).

The code adds four files to the ZIP archive represented by the archive variable. The files are specified by their full paths:

  • E:\Datasets\1002-v1.png
  • E:\Datasets\1002-v2.png
  • E:\Datasets\1002-v3.png
  • E:\Datasets\1002-v4.png

Since the IronArchive class implements IDisposable, the using statement ensures the archive is closed correctly, and resources are released when the code block is exited.

In this way, this program creates a ZIP archive named "" and adds four image files to it. IronZip made this super easy, fast, and efficient.

Extract ZIP File

We can extract a zip file using a single line of code in C#.

using IronZip; //add references
public static void Main(string [] args)
    IronArchive.ExtractArchiveToDirectory("", "Extracted Images");
using IronZip; //add references
public static void Main(string [] args)
    IronArchive.ExtractArchiveToDirectory("", "Extracted Images");
Imports IronZip 'add references
Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
	IronArchive.ExtractArchiveToDirectory("", "Extracted Images")
End Sub
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The above code extracts the contents of the ZIP archive file named "". The extracted files are placed in a directory named "Extracted Images". The IronArchive class provides the ExtractArchiveToDirectory method for this purpose, which makes extracting the content of a zip file very efficient.

csharp-zip-library-tutorial-1 This one-liner efficiently handles the extraction process, simplifying file management.

Add Files to an Existing ZIP file using C

In C# software applications, adding files to an existing zip file is valuable for dynamic content management. Imagine a file manager application where users can easily expand a compressed archive by adding new files. IronZIP provides seamless functionality to modify any existing zip file.

using (var archive = IronArchive.FromFile("", ""))
    // Add files
using (var archive = IronArchive.FromFile("", ""))
    // Add files
Using archive = IronArchive.FromFile("", "")
	' Add files
End Using
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The IronArchive.FromFile("", "") method creates an archive object from an existing ZIP file named "" and specifies that the new archive should be named "".

The two lines within the using block add files to the newly created archive:

  • archive.Add(@"E:\Datasets\1011-v1.png");
  • archive.Add(@"E:\Datasets\1011-v2.png");

These lines add the specified image files to the "" archive.

File System

Compress PDF File

In addition to managing ZIPs, C# also offers the capability to compress PDF files seamlessly. This task is made achievable with the assistance of a third-party library: IronPDF. It stands out as a reliable solution for compressing PDFs while preserving their quality.

Introducing IronPDF

IronPDF is a versatile C# library designed to empower developers in efficiently handling PDF documents within their .NET applications. It provides many features, including PDF generation, manipulation, text and image extraction, forms handling, digital signatures, HTML to PDF conversion, PDF compression, and security enhancements. These capabilities make it an invaluable tool for tasks such as PDF creation, editing, report generation, and document management within the .NET framework, ensuring productivity and the ability to customize PDF operations.

Install IronPDF

To incorporate IronPDF into your project, execute the following command in the Package Manager Console:

Install-Package IronZip

Write a Code to Compress PDF File in C

The following code sample demonstrates PDF file compression while maintaining the archive quality.

using IronPdf;

static void Main(string [] args)
    var pdf = new PdfDocument(@"E:\myPDF.pdf");
    // Quality parameter can be 1-100, where 100 is 100% of original quality
using IronPdf;

static void Main(string [] args)
    var pdf = new PdfDocument(@"E:\myPDF.pdf");
    // Quality parameter can be 1-100, where 100 is 100% of original quality
Imports IronPdf

Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
	Dim pdf = New PdfDocument("E:\myPDF.pdf")
	' Quality parameter can be 1-100, where 100 is 100% of original quality
End Sub
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In the above code, we have opened "myPDF.pdf" using IronPDF. The 'CompressImages' method reduces image quality to 60%, and the compressed PDF is saved as "myCompressedPDF.pdf" in the specified location.


Executing the above code yields a tangible reduction in file size, as evidenced by the output, where the compressed PDF's size is diminished to 254 KB from its original 0.9 MB size. This demonstrates the effectiveness of IronPDF in efficiently compressing PDF files without compromising their quality.

File Size Comparison

Efficient File Management with IronZIP and IronPDF in C

In C# development, the combination between IronZIP and IronPDF presents a robust solution for comprehensive file management. IronZIP excels in efficiently compressing and manipulating ZIP files, offering developers a seamless experience for creating and extracting archives. Simultaneously, IronPDF serves as a powerful tool for handling PDF documents, enabling file compression while maintaining document integrity. This integration allows developers to navigate effortlessly between compressed archives and PDF files, enhancing the overall functionality and performance of their applications.

Whether compressing diverse files into a ZIP archive or optimizing PDF document sizes, the combined power of IronZIP and IronPDF forms a flexible toolkit for developers, addressing a range of file-related challenges.


In conclusion, IronZIP for C# offers robust capabilities for working with compress files, enabling developers to create ZIP files and extract and manipulate archives efficiently. IronPDF is also a powerful tool for compressing PDF files, making it easy to reduce file sizes while maintaining document integrity. Developers can leverage these features to enhance their applications' performance and functionality, ensuring the seamless handling of archived and compressed files. Furthermore, it's worth noting that IronPDF offers a flexible licensing model, including a free trial, allowing developers to explore its capabilities and determine the best fit for their projects. This trial period provides a valuable opportunity for developers to evaluate IronZIP IronPDF's features before committing to licensing.

How to Create Zip Archive in C#
How to Extract Zip File in C#

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