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QR codes have become a ubiquitous part of our digital world, capable of storing a variety of information like URLs, contact details, or product specifics. For VB.NET developers seeking to incorporate QR code generation into their applications, IronQR stands out as a formidable tool.
This article guides you through the process of creating QR codes and exporting them in image and PDF formats within VB.NET environments, utilizing the capabilities of IronQR. This library streamlines the integration of QR code functionality, making it a practical choice for developers looking to enhance their applications with this modern data encoding technology.
IronQR is a comprehensive and developer-friendly library tailored for .NET applications, specializing in the efficient generation and manipulation of QR codes. It's a go-to tool for developers looking to integrate QR code functionality into their C# or VB.NET projects. Creating QR code VB.NET projects is far easier with IronQR.
Key features of IronQR include:
Before delving into coding with IronQR, ensure you have the following:
By fulfilling these prerequisites, you're well-equipped to leverage IronQR's capabilities in your .NET projects, enhancing your application's interaction with QR codes.
Let's start by creating a new VB.NET project in Visual Studio:
Now that you have your project set up, you'll need to install the IronQR library:
Remember, always ensure that the NuGet package you are installing is the correct one and that it's from a trusted source. NuGet packages are third-party libraries, and it's essential to use reliable and secure packages in your projects.
With IronQR installed, you can create QR codes in your VB.NET application. Here's a few quick lines of code.
Imports System
Imports IronQr
Imports IronSoftware.Drawing
Module Program
Sub Main(args As String())
' Create a QR Code object
Dim myQr As QrCode = QrWriter.Write("hello world")
' Save QR Code as a Bitmap
Dim qrImage As AnyBitmap = myQr.Save()
' Save QR Code Bitmap as File
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine("Error saving the QR code: " & ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
End Module
Imports System
Imports IronQr
Imports IronSoftware.Drawing
Module Program
Sub Main(args As String())
' Create a QR Code object
Dim myQr As QrCode = QrWriter.Write("hello world")
' Save QR Code as a Bitmap
Dim qrImage As AnyBitmap = myQr.Save()
' Save QR Code Bitmap as File
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine("Error saving the QR code: " & ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
End Module
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: The following line uses invalid syntax:
'@Imports System @Imports IronQr @Imports IronSoftware.Drawing Module Program @Sub Main(args @As String()) ' Create a QR Code object @Dim myQr @As QrCode = QrWriter.Write("hello world") ' Save QR TryCast(Code, a) Bitmap @Dim qrImage @As AnyBitmap = myQr.Save() ' Save QR Code TryCast(Bitmap, File) @Try qrImage.SaveAs("c:/qr.png") @Catch ex @As Exception Console.WriteLine("Error saving the QR code: " & ex.Message) @End @Try @End @Sub @End Module
Here's the output:
Here's the complete source code to create QR code images with a logo:
Imports System
Imports IronQr
Imports IronSoftware.Drawing
Module Program
Sub Main(args As String())
IronQr.License.LicenseKey = "Add-License-Key"
' Set QR options
Private options As New QrOptions(QrErrorCorrectionLevel.High, 20)
' Create a QR Code object
Private myQr As QrCode = QrWriter.Write("greetings terra", options)
' Fancy style options
Private logoBmp As New AnyBitmap("logo.png")
Private style As New QrStyleOptions With {
.Dimensions = 300,
.Margins = 10,
.Color = Color.Gray,
.Logo = New QrLogo With {
.Bitmap = logoBmp,
.Width = 100,
.Height = 100,
.CornerRadius = 2
' Save QR Code as a Bitmap
Private qrImage As AnyBitmap = myQr.Save(style)
' Save QR Code Bitmap as File
End Sub
End Module
Imports System
Imports IronQr
Imports IronSoftware.Drawing
Module Program
Sub Main(args As String())
IronQr.License.LicenseKey = "Add-License-Key"
' Set QR options
Private options As New QrOptions(QrErrorCorrectionLevel.High, 20)
' Create a QR Code object
Private myQr As QrCode = QrWriter.Write("greetings terra", options)
' Fancy style options
Private logoBmp As New AnyBitmap("logo.png")
Private style As New QrStyleOptions With {
.Dimensions = 300,
.Margins = 10,
.Color = Color.Gray,
.Logo = New QrLogo With {
.Bitmap = logoBmp,
.Width = 100,
.Height = 100,
.CornerRadius = 2
' Save QR Code as a Bitmap
Private qrImage As AnyBitmap = myQr.Save(style)
' Save QR Code Bitmap as File
End Sub
End Module
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: The following line uses invalid syntax:
'@Imports System @Imports IronQr @Imports IronSoftware.Drawing Module Program @Sub Main(args @As String()) IronQr.License.LicenseKey = "Add-License-Key" ' @Set QR options @Private options @As @New QrOptions(QrErrorCorrectionLevel.High, 20) ' Create a QR Code object @Private myQr @As QrCode = QrWriter.Write("greetings terra", options) ' Fancy style options @Private logoBmp @As @New AnyBitmap("logo.png") @Private style @As @New QrStyleOptions @With { .Dimensions = 300, .Margins = 10, .Color = Color.Gray, .Logo = @New QrLogo @With { .Bitmap = logoBmp, .Width = 100, .Height = 100, .CornerRadius = 2 } } ' Save QR TryCast(Code, a) Bitmap @Private qrImage @As AnyBitmap = myQr.Save(style) ' Save QR Code TryCast(Bitmap, File) qrImage.SaveAs("qr_styled.png") @End @Sub @End Module
Here's the output:
For more detailed information on exporting the generated QR codes and barcodes in VB.NET, visit this tutorial link here.
Integrating a QR code generator into your VB.NET applications is straightforward with IronQR. This guide has outlined the key steps to incorporate QR code generation and processing in your projects, whether you want to generate a new QR code, create QR code barcodes, or export QR codes. IronQR's versatility makes it suitable for various applications, including marketing and data management.
Choosing IronQR for your VB.NET projects offers a blend of ease of use, comprehensive features, and strong documentation. It simplifies adding QR code capabilities to your applications.
IronQR is available under a free commercial license for development, with professional licenses required for commercial deployment. A free trial is offered, allowing you to explore its full capabilities. For more information and to download IronQR, visit their product page and licensing page.