using IronXL;
using System;
WorkBook workBook = WorkBook.Load("sample.xlsx");
// Set author
workBook.Metadata.Author = "Your Name";
// Set comments
workBook.Metadata.Comments = "Monthly report";
// Set title
workBook.Metadata.Title = "July";
// Set keywords
workBook.Metadata.Keywords = "Report";
// Read the creation date of the excel file
DateTime? creationDate = workBook.Metadata.Created;
// Read the last printed date of the excel file
DateTime? printDate = workBook.Metadata.LastPrinted;
Imports IronXL
Imports System
Private workBook As WorkBook = WorkBook.Load("sample.xlsx")
' Set author
workBook.Metadata.Author = "Your Name"
' Set comments
workBook.Metadata.Comments = "Monthly report"
' Set title
workBook.Metadata.Title = "July"
' Set keywords
workBook.Metadata.Keywords = "Report"
' Read the creation date of the excel file
Dim creationDate? As DateTime = workBook.Metadata.Created
' Read the last printed date of the excel file
Dim printDate? As DateTime = workBook.Metadata.LastPrinted