Docker sign PDF (Developer Tutorial

Published October 24, 2024

In a fast-moving environment of software development and deployment, one would consider security at the top of their priority list. Docker is a containerization platform popular because of the benefits it brings to an application regarding consistency, scalability, and isolation. As usual, though, any technology can turn out vulnerable in case improper practices are followed in its operation. One of the most important aspects when it comes to Docker Security is keeping a clean and full-of-trust Docker image. Here is where Docker Signer Add steps in. The following article will look into what Docker Signer is, why it is important, and how to effectively implement it in your development pipeline.

What is Docker Signer?

Docker Signer is a utility designed to enhance the security of Docker images through the use of digital signatures. The signature is used to provide authentication and validation of integrity for Docker images, thereby ensuring that no tampering or alteration of any kind has taken place.

In the case of digital signatures, they are usable after generating a cryptographic signature of the docker image to prove that no image modifications have been performed since the image was signed. Plugging Docker Signer into your CI/CD pipeline means you're applying a strong security model in which you only deploy trusted images.

Why is Docker Signer Important?

Integrity Verification: A Docker image is essentially just a tarball of files and metadata. There's no guarantee, otherwise, that the thing you're deploying is what you intend. Docker Signer provides the means to assure integrity, checking the images haven't changed or are corrupted.

Authentication: Digital signatures ensure the Docker image source. It means you have an assurance that it came from someone you trust and nothing changed in transit.

Compliance and Auditing: Many industries and enterprises have tough compliance requirements concerning security and auditing. The Docker signer aids in compliance through a very clear trail of image authenticity and integrity.

Trust Management: This goes without saying in any multi-team or multi-organization setup. Docker Signer allows trust management by not using unsigned images—source-verified, at a minimum.

How Docker Signer Works

Docker Signer uses some cryptography techniques to generate and verify signatures. The steps are as follows:

1. Docker Image Signing:

Generate Signature: Cryptographically generates a digital signature for the container in building a Docker container with a previously used root key and created private key as part of a public-private key pair.

Include Signature in Image: This outputted signature will be applied to the Docker container, either via associated metadata or in an entirely different signature file.

2. Docker Image Verification:

Signature Verification: Docker Signer checks an image's signature on the corresponding public key with the ID of some deployed or pulled private key for which a corresponding private key had been used in signing its Docker image.

Integrity Check: Verification Succeeded—Proof that an image has not been modified since signing; Verification Failed—Probable tampering or corruption.

Implementing Docker Signer With IronSecureDoc

To implement Docker Signer effectively, follow these steps:

Steps To Set Up Docker Signer add

Enable Docker Content Trust

Docker Content Trust is off by default. You can turn it on by setting an environment variable DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST to 1.


Initialize Notary Repository

Before you can actually sign an image, you have to initialize a Notary server repository. Delegation Keys and signatures for your images will be stored within it.

docker trust key generate <name>

It will generate a new key pair and save the private key locally.

Docker Sign Pdf 1 related to Initialize Notary Repository

Load Created Key

The docker trust key load is used to load an existing private key into Docker's Trust Management system. The command is used for importing a new repository key, for example, which a user has generated or otherwise received from another source so that it can be used in signing Docker images under Docker Content Trust.

docker trust key load --name <name> <path-to-public/private-key>

The below image shows the corresponding public key file.

Docker Sign Pdf 2 related to Load Created Key

Sign the Docker Image

One can sign an image by simply pushing it to a Docker registry. Docker Content Trust: On enabling, the push will sign the image.

docker push <your-registry>/<your-image>:<tag>

If Docker Content Trust is enabled, the image will be signed by Docker using your private key and the signature will also go out with that.

Verify the Signed Image

We can use the command docker trust inspect to validate a signed image.

docker trust inspect --pretty <your-registry>/<your-image>:<tag>

This command will return the signing keys and the signatures that are attached to the image.

docker trust inspect command to validate a signed image

Manage Signing Keys

The signing keys can be managed by the docker trust signers key and docker trust signer commands.

For example, to add a signer:

docker trust signer add --key <path-to-key> <signer-name> <your-registry>/<your-image>

The below image shows that we need to add the repository key with ID into the console then the certificate will be added to the docker repository and it will show the successfully added signer message.

docker trust signer command to add repository key

Using a Custom Certificate Authority (CA)

If we are using a custom CA, you need to ensure that Docker trusts this CA. Typically, it would involve configuring Docker to trust your CA by placing the CA certificate in the Docker daemon's trusted certificates.

We will need to paste your CA certificate in the /etc/docker/certs.d/ /ca.crt file on the Docker host.

Using Docker with TLS

The Docker daemon itself could be protected by TLS by generating server and client certificates, and then configuring Docker to use them in communications.

Generate Certificates

Use OpenSSL to generate the required certificates:

openssl genrsa -aes256 -out ca-key.pem 4096
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key ca-key.pem -sha256 -out ca.pem

Now, generate server and client keys and certificates:

openssl genrsa -out server-key.pem 4096
openssl req -subj "/CN=your-server" -sha256 -new -key server-key.pem -out server.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -sha256 -in server.csr -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca-key.pem -CAcreateserial -out server-cert.pem

Finally, configure Docker to use these certificates: put them in the right directories and adjust the Docker daemon configuration.

Configure Docker Daemon

Modify the Docker daemon’s configuration to use the generated certificates:

  "tls": true,
  "tlsverify": true,
  "tlscacert": "/etc/docker/ca.pem",
  "tlscert": "/etc/docker/server-cert.pem",
  "tlskey": "/etc/docker/server-key.pem",
  "hosts": ["tcp://", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"]

Restart the Docker daemon to apply the changes.

What is IronSecureDoc?

IronSecureDoc is an enterprise-level document security solution that will protect confidential documents from unauthorized access and data leakage. This includes but is not limited to powerful industry-grade encryption at rest and in transit, thus providing ample assurance that your documents are safely stored and transferred. It incorporates super-fine access controls an organization could implement in controlling the permission levels of the users who could view and edit a document. It will also provide more advanced data-manipulating tools that allow critical information to get blurred in advance before sharing.

IronSecureDoc: The PDF Security and Compliance Server

In addition, IronSecureDoc provides real-time tracking, and auditing features, and saves logs of all activities done with documents. This feature thus helps in compliance with GDPR and HIPAA. It integrates with Document Management Systems and Collaboration Platforms to ensure enhanced security without disrupting the workflows. This protects the critical information of organizations from probable risks and provides a compliable format. Protection-intensive industries like financial, health, and legal sectors are ideal. To know about the usage of the Ironsecuredoc, please refer to the tutorial page.

Advantages of Adding Signer to IronSecureDoc

Signing Docker images in the IronSecureDoc framework inherits all security capabilities of Docker image signing and augments them with the specialist capabilities of IronSecureDoc. Here are the benefits:

End-to-End Security and Compliance

More Confident Image Integrity: Signing Docker images in IronSecureDoc ensures integrity from 'Build' to 'Run'. Images created cannot be tampered with or altered unauthorizedly.

Regulatory Compliance: IronSecureDoc would have been aimed at quite a few security standards; therefore, making a Docker signer fit within these strict industry regulations for auditing became much easier.

Single Pane of Security

Integrated Security Management: IronSecureDoc is designed to completely manage and secure documents and images. This framework, coupled with Docker image signing, centralizes the management for the consistent enforcement of security policies across all assets.

Seamless Workflow Integration: Integrate Docker signing with IronSecureDoc to provide for the integration of image signing and verification into your existing security workflow, thereby reducing complexity and related security gaps.

More Secure Supply Chains:

CI/CD Secure Pipelines: IronSecureDoc enforces the sign-off of Docker images within your CI/CD pipelines, guaranteeing that only verified and trusted images are deployed, thus enhancing security within your software supply chain.

Secure Deployment: IronSecureDoc images are signed to reduce the risk of a supply chain attack and assure that only valid signer, trusted images are used in a production environment.


Integrate Docker image signing with IronSecureDoc for very high security, compliance, and operational efficiency in your containerized applications. This combination ensures that Docker images cannot be tampered with, meet regulatory standards, and finally, maintain a verifiable chain of trust all the way through a software supply chain. Bring image signing under the rigorous security framework of IronSecureDoc for a unified, automated process of securing all digital assets under consistent, enforceable policies. This will simplify compliance and auditing and engender greater trust with your stakeholders through the protection of your brand and deployments across dissimilar environments.

IronSecureDoc: License Information

IronSecureDoc comes with a free-trial license. To learn more about the enterprise licensing, please check out the license page. IronSecureDoc also provides thorough documentation to help you get started. Likewise, Iron Software offers various types of software products such as IronPDF, IronXL, IronOCR, etc. to help developers automate and optimize solutions related to PDF conversion, Excel tasks, OCR processing and much more. To learn more about these other products, please check out our website.

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