Wie man Daten von Websites in C# ausliest#
IronWebscraper ist eine .NET Bibliothek für Web Scraping, Web Daten Extraktion und Web Content Parsing. Es handelt sich um eine einfach zu verwendende Bibliothek, die zu Microsoft Visual Studio-Projekten hinzugefügt werden kann, um sie in der Entwicklung und Produktion einzusetzen.
IronWebscraper verfügt über viele einzigartige Funktionen und Möglichkeiten, wie z.B. die Kontrolle von erlaubten und verbotenen Seiten, Objekten, Medien, etc. Es ermöglicht auch die Verwaltung mehrerer Identitäten, Web-Cache und viele andere Funktionen, die wir in diesem Tutorial behandeln werden.
Erste Schritte mit IronWebscraper
Beginnen Sie noch heute mit der Verwendung von IronWebScraper in Ihrem Projekt mit einer kostenlosen Testversion.
Dieses Tutorial richtet sich an Softwareentwickler mit grundlegenden oder fortgeschrittenen Programmierkenntnissen, die Lösungen für erweiterte Scraping-Funktionen erstellen und implementieren möchten(scraping von Websites, Sammeln und Extrahieren von Website-Daten, Parsing von Website-Inhalten, Web Harvesting).

Erforderliche Fähigkeiten
Grundlegende Programmierkenntnisse mit Kenntnissen in einer der Microsoft-Programmiersprachen wie C# oder VB.NET
Grundlegendes Verständnis von Webtechnologien(HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, usw.) und wie sie funktionieren
- Grundkenntnisse von DOM, XPath, HTML und CSS-Selektoren
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 oder höher
- Webentwickler-Erweiterungen für Browser wie der Web-Inspektor für Chrome oder Firebug für Firefox
Warum kratzen?
(Begründungen und Konzepte)
Wenn Sie ein Produkt oder eine Lösung entwickeln wollen, das/die dazu in der Lage ist:
Website-Daten extrahieren
Vergleichen Sie Inhalte, Preise, Funktionen usw. von mehreren Websites
Scannen und Zwischenspeichern von Website-Inhalten
Wenn Sie einen oder mehrere der oben genannten Gründe haben, dann ist IronWebscraper eine großartige Bibliothek, die Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht
Wie wird IronWebScraper installiert?
Nachdem Sie ein neues Projekt erstellt haben(Siehe Anhang A) können Sie die IronWebscraper-Bibliothek zu Ihrem Projekt hinzufügen, indem Sie die Bibliothek automatisch mit NuGet einfügen oder die DLL manuell installieren.
Installation mit NuGet
Um die IronWebScraper-Bibliothek mit NuGet zu unserem Projekt hinzuzufügen, können wir die visuelle Schnittstelle verwenden(NuGet-Paketmanager) oder per Befehl über die Paketmanager-Konsole.
NuGet-Paketmanager verwenden
Mit der Maus -> Rechtsklick auf den Projektnamen -> NuGet-Paket verwalten auswählen
Auf der Registerkarte Durchsuchen -> IronWebscraper suchen -> Installieren
Ok klicken
- Und wir sind fertig
NuGet-Paketkonsole verwenden
Über Werkzeuge -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console
Wählen Sie Klassenbibliotheksprojekt als Standardprojekt
- Befehl ausführen -> Install-Package IronWebscraper
Manuell installieren
Gehe zuironsoftware.de
Klicken Sie auf IronWebscraper oder besuchen Sie seine Seite direkt über die URLhttps://ironsoftware.com/csharp/webscraper/
Klicken Sie auf DLL herunterladen.
Heruntergeladene komprimierte Datei entpacken
Klicken Sie in Visual Studio mit der rechten Maustaste auf Projekt -> Hinzufügen -> Referenz -> Durchsuchen
Gehen Sie zum extrahierten Ordner -> "netstandard2.0" -> und wählen Sie alle ".dll"-Dateien aus
- Und es ist vollbracht!
HelloScraper - Unser erstes IronWebScraper-Beispiel
Wie üblich beginnen wir mit der Implementierung der Hello Scraper App, um unseren ersten Schritt mit IronWebscraper zu machen.
Wir haben eine neue Konsolenanwendung mit dem Namen "IronWebScraperSample" erstellt
Schritte zur Erstellung eines IronWebscraper Beispiels
Erstellen Sie einen Ordner und nennen Sie ihn "HelloScraperSample"
Dann eine neue Klasse und nennen Sie sie "HelloScraper"
- Fügen Sie diesen Codeschnipsel zu HelloScraper hinzu
public class HelloScraper : WebScraper
/// <summary>
/// Override this method initialize your web-scraper.
/// Important tasks will be to Request at least one start url... and set allowed/banned domain or url patterns.
/// </summary>
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey"; // Write License Key
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All; // All Events Are Logged
this.Request("https://blog.scrapinghub.com", Parse);
/// <summary>
/// Override this method to create the default Response handler for your web scraper.
/// If you have multiple page types, you can add additional similar methods.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="response">The http Response object to parse</param>
public override void Parse(Response response)
// set working directory for the project
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot()+ @"\HelloScraperSample\Output\";
// Loop on all Links
foreach (var title_link in response.Css("h2.entry-title a"))
// Read Link Text
string strTitle = title_link.TextContentClean;
// Save Result to File
Scrape(new ScrapedData() { { "Title", strTitle } }, "HelloScraper.json");
// Loop On All Links
if (response.CssExists("div.prev-post > a [href]"))
// Get Link URL
var next_page = response.Css("div.prev-post > a [href]")[0].Attributes ["href"];
// Scrape Next URL
this.Request(next_page, Parse);
public class HelloScraper : WebScraper
/// <summary>
/// Override this method initialize your web-scraper.
/// Important tasks will be to Request at least one start url... and set allowed/banned domain or url patterns.
/// </summary>
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey"; // Write License Key
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All; // All Events Are Logged
this.Request("https://blog.scrapinghub.com", Parse);
/// <summary>
/// Override this method to create the default Response handler for your web scraper.
/// If you have multiple page types, you can add additional similar methods.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="response">The http Response object to parse</param>
public override void Parse(Response response)
// set working directory for the project
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot()+ @"\HelloScraperSample\Output\";
// Loop on all Links
foreach (var title_link in response.Css("h2.entry-title a"))
// Read Link Text
string strTitle = title_link.TextContentClean;
// Save Result to File
Scrape(new ScrapedData() { { "Title", strTitle } }, "HelloScraper.json");
// Loop On All Links
if (response.CssExists("div.prev-post > a [href]"))
// Get Link URL
var next_page = response.Css("div.prev-post > a [href]")[0].Attributes ["href"];
// Scrape Next URL
this.Request(next_page, Parse);
IRON VB CONVERTER ERROR developers@ironsoftware.com
- Jetzt zu starten Scrape Fügen Sie diesen Code Snippet zu Main
static void Main(string [] args)
// Create Object From Hello Scrape class
HelloScraperSample.HelloScraper scrape = new HelloScraperSample.HelloScraper();
// Start Scraping
static void Main(string [] args)
// Create Object From Hello Scrape class
HelloScraperSample.HelloScraper scrape = new HelloScraperSample.HelloScraper();
// Start Scraping
IRON VB CONVERTER ERROR developers@ironsoftware.com
Scrape.Start() => feuert die Scrape-Logik wie folgt ab:
Aufruf der Init() Methode zunächst für die Initiierung der Variablen, scrapen Eigenschaften und Verhalten Attribute..,
Wie wir sehen können, wird die Startseite auf Request("https://blog.scrapinghub.com", Parsen) und Parsen(Antwort Antwort) definiert als der Prozess, der zur Analyse der Antwort verwendet wird.
Webscraper verwaltet parallel: http und Threads... damit Ihr Code einfach zu debuggen und synchron ist.
- Start der Parse-Methode nach Init() um die Seite zu analysieren.
Sie können Elemente mit Hilfe von (Css-Selektoren, Js DOM, XPath) finden
Ausgewählte Elemente werden in den Typ ScrapedData-Klasse umgewandelt, Sie können sie in jede beliebige benutzerdefinierte Klasse umwandeln (z. B. Produkt, Mitarbeiter, Nachrichten usw.)
Die Objekte werden in einer Datei im Json-Format im Verzeichnis ("bin/Scrape/") gespeichert. Oder Sie können den Pfad der Datei als Parameter angeben, wie wir später in anderen Beispielen sehen werden.
IronWebscraper Bibliothek Funktionen und Optionen
Die aktualisierte Dokumentation finden Sie in der Zip-Datei, die mit der manuellen Installationsmethode heruntergeladen wurde(IronWebscraper Dokumentation.chm Datei)
Sie können auch online nachsehen, ob die Bibliothek auf dem neuesten Stand isthttps://ironsoftware.com/csharp/webscraper/object-reference/
Um IronWebscraper in Ihrem Projekt zu verwenden, müssen Sie von(IronWebScraper.WebScraper) klasse, die Ihre Klassenbibliothek erweitert und ihr Scraping-Funktionen hinzufügt.
Außerdem müssen Sie implementieren{Init()parsen(Antwort Antwort)} methoden.
namespace IronWebScraperEngine
public class NewsScraper : IronWebScraper.WebScraper
public override void Init()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override void Parse(Response response)
throw new NotImplementedException();
namespace IronWebScraperEngine
public class NewsScraper : IronWebScraper.WebScraper
public override void Init()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override void Parse(Response response)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Namespace IronWebScraperEngine
Public Class NewsScraper
Inherits IronWebScraper.WebScraper
Public Overrides Sub Init()
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Parse(ByVal response As Response)
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Eigenschaften \ Funktionen | Typ | Beschreibung |
Init () | Methode | für die Einrichtung des Scrapers verwendet |
Parse (Antwort Antwort) | Methode | Wird verwendet, um die Logik zu implementieren, die der Scraper verwenden und wie er sie verarbeiten wird. Die folgende Tabelle enthält eine Liste der Methoden und Eigenschaften, die die IronWebscraper Bibliothek zur Verfügung stellt HINWEIS: Es können mehrere Methoden für verschiedene Verhaltensweisen oder Strukturen der Seiten implementiert werden |
| Sammlungen | Zum Verbieten/Zulassen von URLs und/oder Domains verwendet Beispiel: BannedUrls.Add ("*.zip", "*.exe", "*.gz", "*.pdf"); Anmerkung:
ObeyRobotsDotTxt | Boolesche | Wird verwendet, um das Lesen und Befolgen der robots.txt-Direktive zu aktivieren oder zu deaktivieren oder nicht |
public override bool ObeyRobotsDotTxtForHost (string Host) | Methode | Zum Aktivieren oder Deaktivieren des Lesens und Befolgens der robots.txt-Direktive für eine bestimmte Domain |
Kratzen | Methode | |
ScrapeUnique | Methode | |
ThrottleMode | Aufzählung | |
EnableWebCache () | Methode | |
EnableWebCache (TimeSpan cacheDuration) | Methode | |
MaxHttpConnectionLimit | Int | |
RateLimitPerHost | Zeitspanne | |
OpenConnectionLimitPerHost | Int | |
ObeyRobotsDotTxt | Boolesche | |
ThrottleMode | Enum | Enum Optionen:
SetSiteSpecificCrawlRateLimit (string hostName, TimeSpan crawlRate) | Methode | |
Identitäten | Sammlungen | Eine Liste von HttpIdentity (), die zum Abrufen von Webressourcen verwendet werden soll. Jede Identität kann eine andere Proxy-IP-Adresse, einen anderen Benutzer-Agenten, andere http-Header, dauerhafte Cookies, einen anderen Benutzernamen und ein anderes Passwort haben. Am besten erstellen Sie Identitäten in Ihrer WebScraper.Init-Methode und fügen Sie sie zu dieser WebScraper.Identities-Liste hinzu. |
WorkingDirectory | string | Einstellung des Arbeitsverzeichnisses, in dem alle Scrape-bezogenen Daten auf der Festplatte gespeichert werden sollen. |
Beispiele und Praxis aus der Praxis
Scraping einer Online-Film-Website
Beginnen wir mit einem weiteren Beispiel von einer echten Website. Wir werden eine Film-Website scrapen.
Fügen wir eine neue Klasse hinzu und nennen sie "MovieScraper":
Werfen wir nun einen Blick auf die Website, die wir scrapen werden:
Dies ist ein Teil der HTML-Homepage, die wir auf der Website sehen:
<div id="movie-featured" class="movies-list movies-list-full tab-pane in fade active">
<div data-movie-id="20746" class="ml-item">
<a href="https://website.com/film/king-arthur-legend-of-the-sword-20746/">
<span class="mli-quality">CAM</span>
<img data-original="https://img.gocdn.online/2017/05/16/poster/2116d6719c710eabe83b377463230fbe-king-arthur-legend-of-the-sword.jpg"
class="lazy thumb mli-thumb" alt="King Arthur: Legend of the Sword"
style="display: inline-block;">
<span class="mli-info"><h2>King Arthur: Legend of the Sword</h2></span>
<div data-movie-id="20724" class="ml-item">
<a href="https://website.com/film/snatched-20724/" >
<span class="mli-quality">CAM</span>
<img data-original="https://img.gocdn.online/2017/05/16/poster/5ef66403dc331009bdb5aa37cfe819ba-snatched.jpg"
class="lazy thumb mli-thumb" alt="Snatched"
style="display: inline-block;">
<span class="mli-info"><h2>Snatched</h2></span>
<div id="movie-featured" class="movies-list movies-list-full tab-pane in fade active">
<div data-movie-id="20746" class="ml-item">
<a href="https://website.com/film/king-arthur-legend-of-the-sword-20746/">
<span class="mli-quality">CAM</span>
<img data-original="https://img.gocdn.online/2017/05/16/poster/2116d6719c710eabe83b377463230fbe-king-arthur-legend-of-the-sword.jpg"
class="lazy thumb mli-thumb" alt="King Arthur: Legend of the Sword"
style="display: inline-block;">
<span class="mli-info"><h2>King Arthur: Legend of the Sword</h2></span>
<div data-movie-id="20724" class="ml-item">
<a href="https://website.com/film/snatched-20724/" >
<span class="mli-quality">CAM</span>
<img data-original="https://img.gocdn.online/2017/05/16/poster/5ef66403dc331009bdb5aa37cfe819ba-snatched.jpg"
class="lazy thumb mli-thumb" alt="Snatched"
style="display: inline-block;">
<span class="mli-info"><h2>Snatched</h2></span>
Wie wir sehen können, haben wir eine Film-ID, einen Titel und einen Link zur Detailseite.
Beginnen wir mit dem Scrapen dieses Datensatzes:
public class MovieScraper : WebScraper
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey";
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\MovieSample\Output\";
this.Request("www.website.com", Parse);
public override void Parse(Response response)
foreach (var Divs in response.Css("#movie-featured > div"))
if (Divs.Attributes ["class"] != "clearfix")
var MovieId = Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id");
var link = Divs.Css("a")[0];
var MovieTitle = link.TextContentClean;
Scrape(new ScrapedData() { { "MovieId", MovieId }, { "MovieTitle", MovieTitle } }, "Movie.Jsonl");
public class MovieScraper : WebScraper
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey";
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\MovieSample\Output\";
this.Request("www.website.com", Parse);
public override void Parse(Response response)
foreach (var Divs in response.Css("#movie-featured > div"))
if (Divs.Attributes ["class"] != "clearfix")
var MovieId = Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id");
var link = Divs.Css("a")[0];
var MovieTitle = link.TextContentClean;
Scrape(new ScrapedData() { { "MovieId", MovieId }, { "MovieTitle", MovieTitle } }, "Movie.Jsonl");
Public Class MovieScraper
Inherits WebScraper
Public Overrides Sub Init()
License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey"
Me.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All
Me.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() & "\MovieSample\Output\"
Me.Request("www.website.com", AddressOf Parse)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Parse(ByVal response As Response)
For Each Divs In response.Css("#movie-featured > div")
If Divs.Attributes ("class") <> "clearfix" Then
Dim MovieId = Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id")
Dim link = Divs.Css("a")(0)
Dim MovieTitle = link.TextContentClean
Scrape(New ScrapedData() From {
{ "MovieId", MovieId },
{ "MovieTitle", MovieTitle }
End If
Next Divs
End Sub
End Class
Was ist neu an diesem Code?
Die Eigenschaft Arbeitsverzeichnis wird verwendet, um das Hauptarbeitsverzeichnis für alle gescrapten Daten und die zugehörigen Dateien festzulegen.
Lasst uns mehr tun.
Was, wenn wir typisierte Objekte erstellen müssen, die gescrapte Daten in formatierten Objekten enthalten?
Implementieren wir eine Filmklasse, die unsere formatierten Daten aufnehmen wird:
public class Movie
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string URL { get; set; }
public class Movie
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string URL { get; set; }
Public Class Movie
Public Property Id() As Integer
Public Property Title() As String
Public Property URL() As String
End Class
Jetzt werden wir unseren Code aktualisieren:
public class MovieScraper : WebScraper
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey";
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\MovieSample\Output\";
this.Request("https://website.com/", Parse);
public override void Parse(Response response)
foreach (var Divs in response.Css("#movie-featured > div"))
if (Divs.Attributes ["class"] != "clearfix")
var movie = new Movie();
movie.Id = Convert.ToInt32( Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id"));
var link = Divs.Css("a")[0];
movie.Title = link.TextContentClean;
movie.URL = link.Attributes ["href"];
Scrape(movie, "Movie.Jsonl");
public class MovieScraper : WebScraper
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey";
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\MovieSample\Output\";
this.Request("https://website.com/", Parse);
public override void Parse(Response response)
foreach (var Divs in response.Css("#movie-featured > div"))
if (Divs.Attributes ["class"] != "clearfix")
var movie = new Movie();
movie.Id = Convert.ToInt32( Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id"));
var link = Divs.Css("a")[0];
movie.Title = link.TextContentClean;
movie.URL = link.Attributes ["href"];
Scrape(movie, "Movie.Jsonl");
Public Class MovieScraper
Inherits WebScraper
Public Overrides Sub Init()
License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey"
Me.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All
Me.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() & "\MovieSample\Output\"
Me.Request("https://website.com/", AddressOf Parse)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Parse(ByVal response As Response)
For Each Divs In response.Css("#movie-featured > div")
If Divs.Attributes ("class") <> "clearfix" Then
Dim movie As New Movie()
movie.Id = Convert.ToInt32(Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id"))
Dim link = Divs.Css("a")(0)
movie.Title = link.TextContentClean
movie.URL = link.Attributes ("href")
Scrape(movie, "Movie.Jsonl")
End If
Next Divs
End Sub
End Class
Was gibt es Neues?
Wir implementieren Movie Class, um unsere gescrapten Daten zu speichern
- Wir übergeben Filmobjekte an die Scrape-Methode und sie versteht unser Format und speichert in einem definierten Format, wie wir hier sehen können:
Beginnen wir mit dem Scannen einer detaillierteren Seite.
Die Filmseite sieht wie folgt aus:
<div class="mvi-content">
<div class="thumb mvic-thumb"
style="background-image: url(https://img.gocdn.online/2017/04/28/poster/5a08e94ba02118f22dc30f298c603210-guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-2.jpg);"></div>
<div class="mvic-desc">
<h3>Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2</h3>
<div class="desc">
Set to the backdrop of Awesome Mixtape #2, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 continues the team's adventures as they travel throughout the cosmos to help Peter Quill learn more about his true parentage.
<div class="mvic-info">
<div class="mvici-left">
<strong>Genre: </strong>
<a href="https://Domain/genre/action/" title="Action">Action</a>,
<a href="https://Domain/genre/adventure/" title="Adventure">Adventure</a>,
<a href="https://Domain/genre/sci-fi/" title="Sci-Fi">Sci-Fi</a>
<strong>Actor: </strong>
<a target="_blank" href="https://Domain/actor/chris-pratt" title="Chris Pratt">Chris Pratt</a>,
<a target="_blank" href="https://Domain/actor/-zoe-saldana" title="Zoe Saldana">Zoe Saldana</a>,
<a target="_blank" href="https://Domain/actor/-dave-bautista-" title="Dave Bautista">Dave Bautista</a>
<strong>Director: </strong>
<a href="#" title="James Gunn">James Gunn</a>
<strong>Country: </strong>
<a href="https://Domain/country/us" title="United States">United States</a>
<div class="mvici-right">
<p><strong>Duration:</strong> 136 min</p>
<p><strong>Quality:</strong> <span class="quality">CAM</span></p>
<p><strong>Release:</strong> 2017</p>
<p><strong>IMDb:</strong> 8.3</p>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="mvi-content">
<div class="thumb mvic-thumb"
style="background-image: url(https://img.gocdn.online/2017/04/28/poster/5a08e94ba02118f22dc30f298c603210-guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-2.jpg);"></div>
<div class="mvic-desc">
<h3>Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2</h3>
<div class="desc">
Set to the backdrop of Awesome Mixtape #2, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 continues the team's adventures as they travel throughout the cosmos to help Peter Quill learn more about his true parentage.
<div class="mvic-info">
<div class="mvici-left">
<strong>Genre: </strong>
<a href="https://Domain/genre/action/" title="Action">Action</a>,
<a href="https://Domain/genre/adventure/" title="Adventure">Adventure</a>,
<a href="https://Domain/genre/sci-fi/" title="Sci-Fi">Sci-Fi</a>
<strong>Actor: </strong>
<a target="_blank" href="https://Domain/actor/chris-pratt" title="Chris Pratt">Chris Pratt</a>,
<a target="_blank" href="https://Domain/actor/-zoe-saldana" title="Zoe Saldana">Zoe Saldana</a>,
<a target="_blank" href="https://Domain/actor/-dave-bautista-" title="Dave Bautista">Dave Bautista</a>
<strong>Director: </strong>
<a href="#" title="James Gunn">James Gunn</a>
<strong>Country: </strong>
<a href="https://Domain/country/us" title="United States">United States</a>
<div class="mvici-right">
<p><strong>Duration:</strong> 136 min</p>
<p><strong>Quality:</strong> <span class="quality">CAM</span></p>
<p><strong>Release:</strong> 2017</p>
<p><strong>IMDb:</strong> 8.3</p>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
Wir können unsere Filmklasse um neue Eigenschaften erweitern(Beschreibung, Genre, Darsteller, Regisseur, Land, Dauer, IMDB Score) aber wir verwenden(Beschreibung, Genre, Akteur) nur für unsere Stichprobe.
public class Movie
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string URL { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public List<string> Genre { get; set; }
public List<string> Actor { get; set; }
public class Movie
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string URL { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public List<string> Genre { get; set; }
public List<string> Actor { get; set; }
Public Class Movie
Public Property Id() As Integer
Public Property Title() As String
Public Property URL() As String
Public Property Description() As String
Public Property Genre() As List(Of String)
Public Property Actor() As List(Of String)
End Class
Jetzt navigieren wir zu der Seite Detailliert, um sie zu scrapen.
IronWebscraper ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Scrape-Funktion zu erweitern, um verschiedene Arten von Seitenformaten zu scrapen
Wie wir hier sehen können:
public class MovieScraper : WebScraper
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey";
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\MovieSample\Output\";
this.Request("https://domain/", Parse);
public override void Parse(Response response)
foreach (var Divs in response.Css("#movie-featured > div"))
if (Divs.Attributes ["class"] != "clearfix")
var movie = new Movie();
movie.Id = Convert.ToInt32( Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id"));
var link = Divs.Css("a")[0];
movie.Title = link.TextContentClean;
movie.URL = link.Attributes ["href"];
this.Request(movie.URL, ParseDetails, new MetaData() { { "movie", movie } });// to scrap Detailed Page
public void ParseDetails(Response response)
var movie = response.MetaData.Get<Movie>("movie");
var Div = response.Css("div.mvic-desc")[0];
movie.Description = Div.Css("div.desc")[0].TextContentClean;
foreach(var Genre in Div.Css("div > p > a"))
foreach (var Actor in Div.Css("div > p:nth-child(2) > a"))
Scrape(movie, "Movie.Jsonl");
public class MovieScraper : WebScraper
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey";
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\MovieSample\Output\";
this.Request("https://domain/", Parse);
public override void Parse(Response response)
foreach (var Divs in response.Css("#movie-featured > div"))
if (Divs.Attributes ["class"] != "clearfix")
var movie = new Movie();
movie.Id = Convert.ToInt32( Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id"));
var link = Divs.Css("a")[0];
movie.Title = link.TextContentClean;
movie.URL = link.Attributes ["href"];
this.Request(movie.URL, ParseDetails, new MetaData() { { "movie", movie } });// to scrap Detailed Page
public void ParseDetails(Response response)
var movie = response.MetaData.Get<Movie>("movie");
var Div = response.Css("div.mvic-desc")[0];
movie.Description = Div.Css("div.desc")[0].TextContentClean;
foreach(var Genre in Div.Css("div > p > a"))
foreach (var Actor in Div.Css("div > p:nth-child(2) > a"))
Scrape(movie, "Movie.Jsonl");
Public Class MovieScraper
Inherits WebScraper
Public Overrides Sub Init()
License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey"
Me.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All
Me.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() & "\MovieSample\Output\"
Me.Request("https://domain/", AddressOf Parse)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Parse(ByVal response As Response)
For Each Divs In response.Css("#movie-featured > div")
If Divs.Attributes ("class") <> "clearfix" Then
Dim movie As New Movie()
movie.Id = Convert.ToInt32(Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id"))
Dim link = Divs.Css("a")(0)
movie.Title = link.TextContentClean
movie.URL = link.Attributes ("href")
Me.Request(movie.URL, AddressOf ParseDetails, New MetaData() From {
{ "movie", movie }
}) ' to scrap Detailed Page
End If
Next Divs
End Sub
Public Sub ParseDetails(ByVal response As Response)
Dim movie = response.MetaData.Get(Of Movie)("movie")
Dim Div = response.Css("div.mvic-desc")(0)
movie.Description = Div.Css("div.desc")(0).TextContentClean
For Each Genre In Div.Css("div > p > a")
Next Genre
For Each Actor In Div.Css("div > p:nth-child(2) > a")
Next Actor
Scrape(movie, "Movie.Jsonl")
End Sub
End Class
Was gibt es Neues?
Wir können Scrape-Funktionen hinzufügen(ParseDetails) zum Scrapen von Detailseiten
Wir haben die Scrape-Funktion, die unsere Datei erzeugt, in die neue Funktion
Wir haben die IronWebScraper-Funktion(MetaDaten) um unser Filmobjekt an die neue Scrape-Funktion zu übergeben
- Wir haben die Seite ausgewertet und unsere Filmobjektdaten in einer Datei gespeichert
Scrapen von Inhalten einer Shopping-Website
Wir wählen eine Einkaufsseite aus, um den Inhalt von ihr zu scrapen
Wie Sie auf dem Bild sehen können, haben wir eine linke Leiste, die Links zu den Produktkategorien der Website enthält
Unser erster Schritt besteht also darin, den HTML-Code der Website zu untersuchen und zu planen, wie wir sie scrapen wollen.
Die Kategorien der Modeseiten haben Unterkategorien(Männer, Frauen, Kinder)
<li class="menu-item" data-id="">
<a href="https://domain.com/fashion-by-/" class="main-category">
<i class="cat-icon osh-font-fashion"></i> <span class="nav-subTxt">FASHION </span> <i class="osh-font-light-arrow-left"></i><i class="osh-font-light-arrow-right"></i>
</a> <div class="navLayerWrapper" style="width: 633px; display: none;"><div class="submenu"><div class="column"><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/fashion-by-/?sort=newest&dir=desc&viewType=gridView3">New Arrivals !</a> </div><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/men-fashion/">Men</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/mens-shoes/">Shoes</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/mens-clothing/">Clothing</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/mens-accessories/">Accessories</a> </div><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/women-fashion/">Women</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/womens-shoes/">Shoes</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/womens-clothing/">Clothing</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/womens-accessories/">Accessories</a> </div><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/girls-boys-fashion/">Kids</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/boys-fashion/">Boys</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/girls/">Girls</a> </div><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/maternity-clothes/">Maternity Clothes</a> </div></div><div class="column"><div class="categories"> <span class="category defaultCursor">Men Best Sellers</span> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/mens-casual-shoes/">Casual Shoes</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/mens-sneakers/">Sneakers</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/mens-t-shirts/">T-shirts</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/mens-polos/">Polos</a> </div><div class="categories"> <span class="category defaultCursor">Women Best Sellers</span> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/womens-sandals/">Sandals</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/womens-sneakers/">Sneakers</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/women-dresses/">Dresses</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/women-tops/">Tops</a> </div><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/womens-curvy-clothing/">Women's Curvy Clothing</a> </div><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/fashion-bundles/v/">Fashion Bundles</a> </div><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/hijab-fashion/">Hijab Fashion</a> </div></div><div class="column"><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/brands/fashion-by-/">SEE ALL BRANDS</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/adidas/">Adidas</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/converse/">Converse</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/ravin/">Ravin</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/dejavu/">Dejavu</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/agu/">Agu</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/activ/">Activ</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/oxford--bellini--tie-house--milano/">Tie House</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/shoe-room/">Shoe Room</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/town-team/">Town Team</a> </div></div></div></div>
<li class="menu-item" data-id="">
<a href="https://domain.com/fashion-by-/" class="main-category">
<i class="cat-icon osh-font-fashion"></i> <span class="nav-subTxt">FASHION </span> <i class="osh-font-light-arrow-left"></i><i class="osh-font-light-arrow-right"></i>
</a> <div class="navLayerWrapper" style="width: 633px; display: none;"><div class="submenu"><div class="column"><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/fashion-by-/?sort=newest&dir=desc&viewType=gridView3">New Arrivals !</a> </div><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/men-fashion/">Men</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/mens-shoes/">Shoes</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/mens-clothing/">Clothing</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/mens-accessories/">Accessories</a> </div><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/women-fashion/">Women</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/womens-shoes/">Shoes</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/womens-clothing/">Clothing</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/womens-accessories/">Accessories</a> </div><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/girls-boys-fashion/">Kids</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/boys-fashion/">Boys</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/girls/">Girls</a> </div><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/maternity-clothes/">Maternity Clothes</a> </div></div><div class="column"><div class="categories"> <span class="category defaultCursor">Men Best Sellers</span> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/mens-casual-shoes/">Casual Shoes</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/mens-sneakers/">Sneakers</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/mens-t-shirts/">T-shirts</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/mens-polos/">Polos</a> </div><div class="categories"> <span class="category defaultCursor">Women Best Sellers</span> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/womens-sandals/">Sandals</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/womens-sneakers/">Sneakers</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/women-dresses/">Dresses</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/women-tops/">Tops</a> </div><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/womens-curvy-clothing/">Women's Curvy Clothing</a> </div><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/fashion-bundles/v/">Fashion Bundles</a> </div><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/hijab-fashion/">Hijab Fashion</a> </div></div><div class="column"><div class="categories"><a class="category" href="https://domain.com/brands/fashion-by-/">SEE ALL BRANDS</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/adidas/">Adidas</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/converse/">Converse</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/ravin/">Ravin</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/dejavu/">Dejavu</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/agu/">Agu</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/activ/">Activ</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/oxford--bellini--tie-house--milano/">Tie House</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/shoe-room/">Shoe Room</a> <a class="subcategory" href="https://domain.com/town-team/">Town Team</a> </div></div></div></div>
Richten wir ein Projekt ein
Erstellen Sie eine neue Konsolenanwendung oder fügen Sie einen neuen Ordner für unser neues Beispiel mit dem Namen "ShoppingSiteSample" hinzu
Neue Klasse mit dem Namen "ShoppingScraper" hinzufügen
Der erste Schritt besteht darin, die Website-Kategorien und ihre Unterkategorien zu durchsuchen
Lassen Sie uns ein Kategorienmodell erstellen:
public class Category
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the name.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The name.
/// </value>
public string Name { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the URL.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The URL.
/// </value>
public string URL { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the sub categories.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The sub categories.
/// </value>
public List<Category> SubCategories { get; set; }
public class Category
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the name.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The name.
/// </value>
public string Name { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the URL.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The URL.
/// </value>
public string URL { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the sub categories.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The sub categories.
/// </value>
public List<Category> SubCategories { get; set; }
Public Class Category
''' <summary>
''' Gets or sets the name.
''' </summary>
''' <value>
''' The name.
''' </value>
Public Property Name() As String
''' <summary>
''' Gets or sets the URL.
''' </summary>
''' <value>
''' The URL.
''' </value>
Public Property URL() As String
''' <summary>
''' Gets or sets the sub categories.
''' </summary>
''' <value>
''' The sub categories.
''' </value>
Public Property SubCategories() As List(Of Category)
End Class
- Bauen wir nun unsere Scrape-Logik auf
public class ShoppingScraper : WebScraper
/// <summary>
/// Override this method initialize your web-scraper.
/// Important tasks will be to Request at least one start url... and set allowed/banned domain or url patterns.
/// </summary>
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey";
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\ShoppingSiteSample\Output\";
this.Request("www.webSite.com", Parse);
/// <summary>
/// Override this method to create the default Response handler for your web scraper.
/// If you have multiple page types, you can add additional similar methods.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="response">The http Response object to parse</param>
public override void Parse(Response response)
var categoryList = new List<Category>();
foreach (var Links in response.Css("#menuFixed > ul > li > a "))
var cat = new Category();
cat.URL = Links.Attributes ["href"];
cat.Name = Links.InnerText;
Scrape(categoryList, "Shopping.Jsonl");
public class ShoppingScraper : WebScraper
/// <summary>
/// Override this method initialize your web-scraper.
/// Important tasks will be to Request at least one start url... and set allowed/banned domain or url patterns.
/// </summary>
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey";
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\ShoppingSiteSample\Output\";
this.Request("www.webSite.com", Parse);
/// <summary>
/// Override this method to create the default Response handler for your web scraper.
/// If you have multiple page types, you can add additional similar methods.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="response">The http Response object to parse</param>
public override void Parse(Response response)
var categoryList = new List<Category>();
foreach (var Links in response.Css("#menuFixed > ul > li > a "))
var cat = new Category();
cat.URL = Links.Attributes ["href"];
cat.Name = Links.InnerText;
Scrape(categoryList, "Shopping.Jsonl");
IRON VB CONVERTER ERROR developers@ironsoftware.com
Scraping von Links aus dem Menü
Aktualisieren wir unseren Code, um die Hauptkategorien und alle ihre Unterlinks zu scrapen
public override void Parse(Response response)
// List of Categories Links (Root)
var categoryList = new List<Category>();
foreach (var li in response.Css("#menuFixed > ul > li"))
// List Of Main Links
foreach (var Links in li.Css("a"))
var cat = new Category();
cat.URL = Links.Attributes ["href"];
cat.Name = Links.InnerText;
cat.SubCategories = new List<Category>();
// List of Sub Catgories Links
foreach (var subCategory in li.Css("a [class=subcategory]"))
var subcat = new Category();
subcat.URL = Links.Attributes ["href"];
subcat.Name = Links.InnerText;
// Check If Link Exist Before
if (cat.SubCategories.Find(c=>c.Name== subcat.Name && c.URL == subcat.URL) == null)
// Add Sublinks
// Add Categories
Scrape(categoryList, "Shopping.Jsonl");
public override void Parse(Response response)
// List of Categories Links (Root)
var categoryList = new List<Category>();
foreach (var li in response.Css("#menuFixed > ul > li"))
// List Of Main Links
foreach (var Links in li.Css("a"))
var cat = new Category();
cat.URL = Links.Attributes ["href"];
cat.Name = Links.InnerText;
cat.SubCategories = new List<Category>();
// List of Sub Catgories Links
foreach (var subCategory in li.Css("a [class=subcategory]"))
var subcat = new Category();
subcat.URL = Links.Attributes ["href"];
subcat.Name = Links.InnerText;
// Check If Link Exist Before
if (cat.SubCategories.Find(c=>c.Name== subcat.Name && c.URL == subcat.URL) == null)
// Add Sublinks
// Add Categories
Scrape(categoryList, "Shopping.Jsonl");
Public Overrides Sub Parse(ByVal response As Response)
' List of Categories Links (Root)
Dim categoryList = New List(Of Category)()
For Each li In response.Css("#menuFixed > ul > li")
' List Of Main Links
For Each Links In li.Css("a")
Dim cat = New Category()
cat.URL = Links.Attributes ("href")
cat.Name = Links.InnerText
cat.SubCategories = New List(Of Category)()
' List of Sub Catgories Links
For Each subCategory In li.Css("a [class=subcategory]")
Dim subcat = New Category()
subcat.URL = Links.Attributes ("href")
subcat.Name = Links.InnerText
' Check If Link Exist Before
If cat.SubCategories.Find(Function(c) c.Name= subcat.Name AndAlso c.URL = subcat.URL) Is Nothing Then
' Add Sublinks
End If
Next subCategory
' Add Categories
Next Links
Next li
Scrape(categoryList, "Shopping.Jsonl")
End Sub
Da wir nun Links zu allen Website-Kategorien haben, können wir damit beginnen, die Produkte innerhalb jeder Kategorie zu durchsuchen
Navigieren wir zu einer beliebigen Kategorie und prüfen wir den Inhalt.
Schauen wir uns den Code an
<section class="products">
<div class="sku -gallery -validate-size " data-sku="AG249FA0T2PSGNAFAMZ" ft-product-sizes="41,42,43,44,45" ft-product-color="Multicolour">
<a class="link" href="http://www.WebSite.com/agu-bundle-of-2-sneakers-black-navy-blue-653884.html">
<div class="image-wrapper default-state">
<img class="lazy image -loaded" alt="Bundle Of 2 Sneakers - Black &amp; Navy Blue" data-image-vertical="1" width="210" height="262" src="https://static.WebSite.com/p/agu-6208-488356-1-catalog_grid_3.jpg" data-sku="AG249FA0T2PSGNAFAMZ" data-src="https://static.WebSite.com/p/agu-6208-488356-1-catalog_grid_3.jpg" data-placeholder="placeholder_m_1.jpg"><noscript><img src="https://static.WebSite.com/p/agu-6208-488356-1-catalog_grid_3.jpg" width="210" height="262" class="image" /></noscript>
</div> <h2 class="title">
<span class="brand ">Agu </span>
<span class="name" dir="ltr">Bundle Of 2 Sneakers - Black & Navy Blue</span>
</h2><div class="price-container clearfix">
<span class="price-box">
<span class="price">
<span data-currency-iso="EGP">EGP</span>
<span dir="ltr" data-price="299">299</span>
</span> <span class="price -old -no-special"></span>
</div><div class="rating-stars"><div class="stars-container"><div class="stars" style="width: 62%"></div></div> <div class="total-ratings">(30)</div> </div> <span class="shop-first-logo-container"><img src="http://www.WebSite.com/images/local/logos/shop_first/ShoppingSite/logo_normal.png" data-src="http://www.WebSite.com/images/local/logos/shop_first/ShoppingSite/logo_normal.png" class="lazy shop-first-logo-img -mbxs -loaded"> </span>
<span class="osh-icon -ShoppingSite-local shop_local--logo -block -mbs -mts"></span>
<div class="list -sizes" data-selected-sku="">
<span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/agu-bundle-of-2-sneakers-black-navy-blue-653884.html?size=41">41</span> <span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/agu-bundle-of-2-sneakers-black-navy-blue-653884.html?size=42">42</span>
<span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/agu-bundle-of-2-sneakers-black-navy-blue-653884.html?size=43">43</span> <span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/agu-bundle-of-2-sneakers-black-navy-blue-653884.html?size=44">44</span>
<span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/agu-bundle-of-2-sneakers-black-navy-blue-653884.html?size=45">45</span>
<div class="sku -gallery -validate-size " data-sku="LE047FA01SRK4NAFAMZ" ft-product-sizes="110,115,120,125,130,135" ft-product-color="Black">
<a class="link" href="http://www.WebSite.com/leather-shop-genuine-leather-belt-black-712030.html">
<div class="image-wrapper default-state"><img class="lazy image -loaded" alt="Genuine Leather Belt - Black" data-image-vertical="1" width="210" height="262" src="https://static.WebSite.com/p/leather-shop-1831-030217-1-catalog_grid_3.jpg" data-sku="LE047FA01SRK4NAFAMZ" data-src="https://static.WebSite.com/p/leather-shop-1831-030217-1-catalog_grid_3.jpg" data-placeholder="placeholder_m_1.jpg"><noscript><img src="https://static.WebSite.com/p/leather-shop-1831-030217-1-catalog_grid_3.jpg" width="210" height="262" class="image" /></noscript></div>
<h2 class="title"><span class="brand ">Leather Shop </span> <span class="name" dir="ltr">Genuine Leather Belt - Black</span></h2><div class="price-container clearfix">
<span class="sale-flag-percent">-29%</span> <span class="price-box"> <span class="price"><span data-currency-iso="EGP">EGP</span> <span dir="ltr" data-price="96">96</span> </span> <span class="price -old "><span data-currency-iso="EGP">EGP</span> <span dir="ltr" data-price="135">135</span> </span> </span>
</div><div class="rating-stars"><div class="stars-container"><div class="stars" style="width: 100%"></div></div> <div class="total-ratings">(1)</div> </div>
<span class="osh-icon -ShoppingSite-local shop_local--logo -block -mbs -mts"></span> <div class="list -sizes" data-selected-sku="">
<span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/leather-shop-genuine-leather-belt-black-712030.html?size=110">110</span> <span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/leather-shop-genuine-leather-belt-black-712030.html?size=115">115</span>
<span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/leather-shop-genuine-leather-belt-black-712030.html?size=120">120</span> <span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/leather-shop-genuine-leather-belt-black-712030.html?size=125">125</span> <span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/leather-shop-genuine-leather-belt-black-712030.html?size=130">130</span>
<span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/leather-shop-genuine-leather-belt-black-712030.html?size=135">135</span>
<section class="products">
<div class="sku -gallery -validate-size " data-sku="AG249FA0T2PSGNAFAMZ" ft-product-sizes="41,42,43,44,45" ft-product-color="Multicolour">
<a class="link" href="http://www.WebSite.com/agu-bundle-of-2-sneakers-black-navy-blue-653884.html">
<div class="image-wrapper default-state">
<img class="lazy image -loaded" alt="Bundle Of 2 Sneakers - Black &amp; Navy Blue" data-image-vertical="1" width="210" height="262" src="https://static.WebSite.com/p/agu-6208-488356-1-catalog_grid_3.jpg" data-sku="AG249FA0T2PSGNAFAMZ" data-src="https://static.WebSite.com/p/agu-6208-488356-1-catalog_grid_3.jpg" data-placeholder="placeholder_m_1.jpg"><noscript><img src="https://static.WebSite.com/p/agu-6208-488356-1-catalog_grid_3.jpg" width="210" height="262" class="image" /></noscript>
</div> <h2 class="title">
<span class="brand ">Agu </span>
<span class="name" dir="ltr">Bundle Of 2 Sneakers - Black & Navy Blue</span>
</h2><div class="price-container clearfix">
<span class="price-box">
<span class="price">
<span data-currency-iso="EGP">EGP</span>
<span dir="ltr" data-price="299">299</span>
</span> <span class="price -old -no-special"></span>
</div><div class="rating-stars"><div class="stars-container"><div class="stars" style="width: 62%"></div></div> <div class="total-ratings">(30)</div> </div> <span class="shop-first-logo-container"><img src="http://www.WebSite.com/images/local/logos/shop_first/ShoppingSite/logo_normal.png" data-src="http://www.WebSite.com/images/local/logos/shop_first/ShoppingSite/logo_normal.png" class="lazy shop-first-logo-img -mbxs -loaded"> </span>
<span class="osh-icon -ShoppingSite-local shop_local--logo -block -mbs -mts"></span>
<div class="list -sizes" data-selected-sku="">
<span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/agu-bundle-of-2-sneakers-black-navy-blue-653884.html?size=41">41</span> <span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/agu-bundle-of-2-sneakers-black-navy-blue-653884.html?size=42">42</span>
<span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/agu-bundle-of-2-sneakers-black-navy-blue-653884.html?size=43">43</span> <span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/agu-bundle-of-2-sneakers-black-navy-blue-653884.html?size=44">44</span>
<span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/agu-bundle-of-2-sneakers-black-navy-blue-653884.html?size=45">45</span>
<div class="sku -gallery -validate-size " data-sku="LE047FA01SRK4NAFAMZ" ft-product-sizes="110,115,120,125,130,135" ft-product-color="Black">
<a class="link" href="http://www.WebSite.com/leather-shop-genuine-leather-belt-black-712030.html">
<div class="image-wrapper default-state"><img class="lazy image -loaded" alt="Genuine Leather Belt - Black" data-image-vertical="1" width="210" height="262" src="https://static.WebSite.com/p/leather-shop-1831-030217-1-catalog_grid_3.jpg" data-sku="LE047FA01SRK4NAFAMZ" data-src="https://static.WebSite.com/p/leather-shop-1831-030217-1-catalog_grid_3.jpg" data-placeholder="placeholder_m_1.jpg"><noscript><img src="https://static.WebSite.com/p/leather-shop-1831-030217-1-catalog_grid_3.jpg" width="210" height="262" class="image" /></noscript></div>
<h2 class="title"><span class="brand ">Leather Shop </span> <span class="name" dir="ltr">Genuine Leather Belt - Black</span></h2><div class="price-container clearfix">
<span class="sale-flag-percent">-29%</span> <span class="price-box"> <span class="price"><span data-currency-iso="EGP">EGP</span> <span dir="ltr" data-price="96">96</span> </span> <span class="price -old "><span data-currency-iso="EGP">EGP</span> <span dir="ltr" data-price="135">135</span> </span> </span>
</div><div class="rating-stars"><div class="stars-container"><div class="stars" style="width: 100%"></div></div> <div class="total-ratings">(1)</div> </div>
<span class="osh-icon -ShoppingSite-local shop_local--logo -block -mbs -mts"></span> <div class="list -sizes" data-selected-sku="">
<span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/leather-shop-genuine-leather-belt-black-712030.html?size=110">110</span> <span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/leather-shop-genuine-leather-belt-black-712030.html?size=115">115</span>
<span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/leather-shop-genuine-leather-belt-black-712030.html?size=120">120</span> <span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/leather-shop-genuine-leather-belt-black-712030.html?size=125">125</span> <span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/leather-shop-genuine-leather-belt-black-712030.html?size=130">130</span>
<span class="js-link sku-size" data-href="http://www.WebSite.com/leather-shop-genuine-leather-belt-black-712030.html?size=135">135</span>
Lassen Sie uns unser Produktmodell für diesen Inhalt erstellen.
public class Product
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the name.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The name.
/// </value>
public string Name { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the price.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The price.
/// </value>
public string Price { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the image.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The image.
/// </value>
public string Image { get; set; }
public class Product
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the name.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The name.
/// </value>
public string Name { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the price.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The price.
/// </value>
public string Price { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the image.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The image.
/// </value>
public string Image { get; set; }
Public Class Product
''' <summary>
''' Gets or sets the name.
''' </summary>
''' <value>
''' The name.
''' </value>
Public Property Name() As String
''' <summary>
''' Gets or sets the price.
''' </summary>
''' <value>
''' The price.
''' </value>
Public Property Price() As String
''' <summary>
''' Gets or sets the image.
''' </summary>
''' <value>
''' The image.
''' </value>
Public Property Image() As String
End Class
Um Kategorieseiten zu scrapen, fügen wir eine neue Scrape-Methode hinzu:
public void ParseCatgory(Response response)
// List of Products Links (Root)
var productList = new List<Product>();
foreach (var Links in response.Css("body > main > section.osh-content > section.products > div > a"))
var product = new Product();
product.Name = Links.InnerText;
product.Image = Links.Css("div.image-wrapper.default-state > img")[0].Attributes ["src"];
Scrape(productList, "Products.Jsonl");
public void ParseCatgory(Response response)
// List of Products Links (Root)
var productList = new List<Product>();
foreach (var Links in response.Css("body > main > section.osh-content > section.products > div > a"))
var product = new Product();
product.Name = Links.InnerText;
product.Image = Links.Css("div.image-wrapper.default-state > img")[0].Attributes ["src"];
Scrape(productList, "Products.Jsonl");
Public Sub ParseCatgory(ByVal response As Response)
' List of Products Links (Root)
Dim productList = New List(Of Product)()
For Each Links In response.Css("body > main > section.osh-content > section.products > div > a")
Dim product As New Product()
product.Name = Links.InnerText
product.Image = Links.Css("div.image-wrapper.default-state > img")(0).Attributes ("src")
Next Links
Scrape(productList, "Products.Jsonl")
End Sub
Erweiterte Webscraping-Funktionen
Bei einigen Website-Systemen muss der Nutzer angemeldet sein, um den Inhalt zu sehen; in diesem Fall können wir eine HttpIdentity verwenden: -
HttpIdentity id = new HttpIdentity();
id.NetworkUsername = "username";
id.NetworkPassword = "pwd";
HttpIdentity id = new HttpIdentity();
id.NetworkUsername = "username";
id.NetworkPassword = "pwd";
Dim id As New HttpIdentity()
id.NetworkUsername = "username"
id.NetworkPassword = "pwd"
Eine der beeindruckendsten und leistungsfähigsten Funktionen von IronWebscraper ist die Möglichkeit, Tausende von einzigartigen(die Anmeldedaten des Nutzers und/oder die Browser-Engines) zum Spoofing oder Scrapen von Websites mit mehreren Anmeldesitzungen.
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = " LicenseKey ";
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\ShoppingSiteSample\Output\";
var proxies = "IP-Proxy1: 8080,IP-Proxy2: 8081".Split(',');
foreach (var UA in IronWebScraper.CommonUserAgents.ChromeDesktopUserAgents)
foreach (var proxy in proxies)
Identities.Add(new HttpIdentity()
UserAgent = UA,
UseCookies = true,
Proxy = proxy
this.Request("http://www.Website.com", Parse);
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = " LicenseKey ";
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\ShoppingSiteSample\Output\";
var proxies = "IP-Proxy1: 8080,IP-Proxy2: 8081".Split(',');
foreach (var UA in IronWebScraper.CommonUserAgents.ChromeDesktopUserAgents)
foreach (var proxy in proxies)
Identities.Add(new HttpIdentity()
UserAgent = UA,
UseCookies = true,
Proxy = proxy
this.Request("http://www.Website.com", Parse);
Public Overrides Sub Init()
License.LicenseKey = " LicenseKey "
Me.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All
Me.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() & "\ShoppingSiteSample\Output\"
Dim proxies = "IP-Proxy1: 8080,IP-Proxy2: 8081".Split(","c)
For Each UA In IronWebScraper.CommonUserAgents.ChromeDesktopUserAgents
For Each proxy In proxies
Identities.Add(New HttpIdentity() With {
.UserAgent = UA,
.UseCookies = True,
.Proxy = proxy
Next proxy
Next UA
Me.Request("http://www.Website.com", Parse)
End Sub
Sie haben mehrere Eigenschaften, die Ihnen verschiedene Verhaltensweisen ermöglichen und so verhindern, dass Websites Sie blockieren.
Einige dieser Eigenschaften: -
- NetworkDomain : Die Netzwerkdomäne, die für die Benutzerauthentifizierung verwendet werden soll. Unterstützt Windows, NTLM, Keroberos, Linux, BSD und Mac OS X Netzwerke. Muss verwendet werden mit(NetzwerkBenutzername und NetzwerkPasswort)
- Netzwerk-Benutzername : Der Netzwerk-/Htp-Benutzername, der für die Benutzerauthentifizierung verwendet werden soll. Unterstützt Http, Windows-Netzwerke, NTLM, Kerberos, Linux-Netzwerke, BSD-Netzwerke und Mac OS.
- NetworkPassword : Das für die Benutzerauthentifizierung zu verwendende Netzwerk-/http-Passwort. Unterstützt Http , Windows-Netzwerke, NTLM , Keroberos , Linux-Netzwerke, BSD-Netzwerke und Mac OS.
- Proxy : zum Festlegen der Proxy-Einstellungen
- UserAgent : zum Einstellen der Browser-Engine(chrome Desktop , Chrome Mobile , Chrome Tablet , IE und Firefox , etc.)
- HttpRequestHeaders : für benutzerdefinierte Kopfzeilenwerte, die mit dieser Identität verwendet werden, und es akzeptiert Wörterbuchobjekte(Wörterbuch <String, String>)
UseCookies : Verwendung von Cookies aktivieren/deaktivieren
IronWebscraper führt den Scraper mit Zufallsidentitäten aus. Wenn wir die Verwendung einer bestimmten Identität zum Parsen einer Seite angeben müssen, können wir dies tun.
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = " LicenseKey ";
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\ShoppingSiteSample\Output\";
HttpIdentity identity = new HttpIdentity();
identity.NetworkUsername = "username";
identity.NetworkPassword = "pwd";
this.Request("http://www.Website.com", Parse, identity);
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = " LicenseKey ";
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\ShoppingSiteSample\Output\";
HttpIdentity identity = new HttpIdentity();
identity.NetworkUsername = "username";
identity.NetworkPassword = "pwd";
this.Request("http://www.Website.com", Parse, identity);
Public Overrides Sub Init()
License.LicenseKey = " LicenseKey "
Me.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All
Me.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() & "\ShoppingSiteSample\Output\"
Dim identity As New HttpIdentity()
identity.NetworkUsername = "username"
identity.NetworkPassword = "pwd"
Me.Request("http://www.Website.com", Parse, identity)
End Sub
Aktivieren Sie die Funktion Web-Cache:
Diese Funktion dient dazu, angeforderte Seiten zwischenzuspeichern. Sie wird häufig in der Entwicklungs- und Testphase eingesetzt; die es Entwicklern ermöglicht, benötigte Seiten zwischenzuspeichern und nach einer Codeaktualisierung wiederzuverwenden. So können Sie Ihren Code auf zwischengespeicherten Seiten ausführen, nachdem Sie Ihren Web Scraper neu gestartet haben, und müssen nicht jedes Mal eine Verbindung zur Live-Website herstellen(aktionswiedergabe).
Sie können es in Init verwenden() Methode
EnableWebCache(Zeitspanne Verfall);
Es speichert Ihre zwischengespeicherten Daten im WebCache-Ordner unter dem Ordner des Arbeitsverzeichnisses
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = " LicenseKey ";
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\ShoppingSiteSample\Output\";
EnableWebCache(new TimeSpan(1,30,30));
this.Request("http://www.WebSite.com", Parse);
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = " LicenseKey ";
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\ShoppingSiteSample\Output\";
EnableWebCache(new TimeSpan(1,30,30));
this.Request("http://www.WebSite.com", Parse);
Public Overrides Sub Init()
License.LicenseKey = " LicenseKey "
Me.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All
Me.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() & "\ShoppingSiteSample\Output\"
EnableWebCache(New TimeSpan(1,30,30))
Me.Request("http://www.WebSite.com", Parse)
End Sub
IronWebscraper verfügt auch über Funktionen, die es Ihrer Engine ermöglichen, das Scraping nach einem Neustart des Codes fortzusetzen, indem Sie den Namen des Startprozesses der Engine mit Start(CrawlID)
static void Main(string [] args)
// Create Object From Scraper class
EngineScraper scrape = new EngineScraper();
// Start Scraping
static void Main(string [] args)
// Create Object From Scraper class
EngineScraper scrape = new EngineScraper();
// Start Scraping
Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
' Create Object From Scraper class
Dim scrape As New EngineScraper()
' Start Scraping
End Sub
Die Ausführungsanforderung und die Antwort werden im Ordner "SavedState" im Arbeitsverzeichnis gespeichert.
Wir können die minimale und maximale Anzahl der Verbindungen und die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit pro Domain steuern.
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey";
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\ShoppingSiteSample\Output\";
// Gets or sets the total number of allowed open HTTP requests (threads)
this.MaxHttpConnectionLimit = 80;
// Gets or sets minimum polite delay (pause)between request to a given domain or IP address.
this.RateLimitPerHost = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50);
// Gets or sets the allowed number of concurrent HTTP requests (threads) per hostname
// or IP address. This helps protect hosts against too many requests.
this.OpenConnectionLimitPerHost = 25;
this.ObeyRobotsDotTxt = false;
// Makes the WebSraper intelligently throttle requests not only by hostname, but
// also by host servers' IP addresses. This is polite in-case multiple scraped domains
// are hosted on the same machine.
this.ThrottleMode = Throttle.ByDomainHostName;
this.Request("https://www.Website.com", Parse);
public override void Init()
License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey";
this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\ShoppingSiteSample\Output\";
// Gets or sets the total number of allowed open HTTP requests (threads)
this.MaxHttpConnectionLimit = 80;
// Gets or sets minimum polite delay (pause)between request to a given domain or IP address.
this.RateLimitPerHost = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50);
// Gets or sets the allowed number of concurrent HTTP requests (threads) per hostname
// or IP address. This helps protect hosts against too many requests.
this.OpenConnectionLimitPerHost = 25;
this.ObeyRobotsDotTxt = false;
// Makes the WebSraper intelligently throttle requests not only by hostname, but
// also by host servers' IP addresses. This is polite in-case multiple scraped domains
// are hosted on the same machine.
this.ThrottleMode = Throttle.ByDomainHostName;
this.Request("https://www.Website.com", Parse);
Public Overrides Sub Init()
License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey"
Me.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All
Me.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() & "\ShoppingSiteSample\Output\"
' Gets or sets the total number of allowed open HTTP requests (threads)
Me.MaxHttpConnectionLimit = 80
' Gets or sets minimum polite delay (pause)between request to a given domain or IP address.
Me.RateLimitPerHost = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50)
' Gets or sets the allowed number of concurrent HTTP requests (threads) per hostname
' or IP address. This helps protect hosts against too many requests.
Me.OpenConnectionLimitPerHost = 25
Me.ObeyRobotsDotTxt = False
' Makes the WebSraper intelligently throttle requests not only by hostname, but
' also by host servers' IP addresses. This is polite in-case multiple scraped domains
' are hosted on the same machine.
Me.ThrottleMode = Throttle.ByDomainHostName
Me.Request("https://www.Website.com", Parse)
End Sub
- MaxHttpConnectionLimit
gesamtzahl der zulässigen offenen HTTP-Anfragen (gewinde) - RateLimitPerHost
minimale höfliche Verzögerung oder Unterbrechung (in Millisekunden) zwischen Anfragen an eine bestimmte Domain oder IP-Adresse - OpenConnectionLimitPerHost
zulässige Anzahl gleichzeitiger HTTP-Anfragen (gewinde) - ThrottleMode
Ermöglicht es dem WebSraper, Anfragen nicht nur nach Hostnamen, sondern auch nach IP-Adressen der Hostserver zu drosseln. Dies ist höflich für den Fall, dass mehrere gescrapte Domains auf demselben Rechner gehostet werden.
Wie erstellt man eine Windows-Formularanwendung?
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Wie erstellt man eine Webformular-Anwendung?
Sie sollten dafür Visual Studio 2013 oder höher verwenden.
Folgen Sie den Schritten zum Erstellen eines neuen Asp.NET-Webforms-Projekts
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Name des Projekts: IronScraperSample
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