How to Unzip Files in .NET Core

Published January 4, 2024

1. Introduction

"Unzip" describes the process of taking files and folders out of a ZIP archive and decompressing them. "Unzip" refers to the process of recovering compressed files or directories back to their original condition, so that they can be accessed and used again after being compressed into a ZIP file. We can add various types of files into zip files like images, TXT files, etc.,

Users can retrieve the contents of a ZIP archive via unzipping, which is the process of reversing the compression process. Accessing individual files or folders that have been packed together for more effective transmission, storage, or sharing is a popular use for it. After the "unzip" procedure is finished, the files have their original structure and can be read, changed, or used as needed by the user. In this article, we are going to unzip files in the core using the IronZIP Archive Library.

2. In Core, Unzip File Summary

  1. Create a new Core project
  2. Install the IronZIP library to the created project
  3. To unzip a file, instantiate the IronArchive class.
  4. The ZIP file can be extracted by using the ExtractArchiveToDirectory function.
  5. Specify the target file where the unzip file needs to be extracted.

3. IronZIP Library

Iron Software created the .NET library IronZIP, which makes it easier to handle and manage ZIP files in .NET applications. It offers tools and features to programmers, so they may interact with ZIP in a variety of ways. These include generating, extracting, compressing, decompressing, encrypting, and modifying files and directories inside the ZIP files.

3.1 Features of IronZIP

  • ZIP File Creation: The ability for .NET apps to produce brand-new ZIP archives from the start.
  • Extraction and Decompression: The capacity to remove files and directories from pre-existing ZIP packages and unzip content.
  • Compression: Provides tools for shrinking files and folders into ZIP archives to make them smaller for transport or storage.
  • Password protection and encryption: To safeguard the contents of ZIP archives, this feature offers the ability to apply password protection and encrypt ZIP files.
  • File manipulation: This allows programmers to add, remove, update, or otherwise work with files and directories inside ZIP packages.
  • Compatibility: Made to function in various .NET settings, compatible with multiple iterations of the framework.
  • Performance Optimization: Targeted at maximizing speed so that .NET programs can manage big ZIP files or datasets more effectively.

When managing ZIP files for their applications developers might find IronZIP a useful tool. Within the .NET framework, it provides a variety of features for working with ZIP archives programmatically, offering simplicity and versatility.

For the most recent details on features, capabilities, compatibility, and any new functionality included in later versions, see the official documentation, release notes, or the IronZIP website as software libraries are updated and improved over time. To know more click here.

3.2 Creating a New Project in Visual Studio

Select the File option after launching the Visual Studio program. Choose "new project" and then "Asp.Net core Web App."

In the relevant text box, type the project name and choose the file location. Next, click the Create button and choose the necessary .NET Framework version.

The chosen application's structure will now be generated by the Visual Studio project. In this instance, ASP.NET MVC is being used. Therefore, we have two options: either utilize the current controller, which allows you to add the code and build/run the application, or create a new one.

The library may then be added, and the code tested.

4. IronZIP Package Download

4.1 Using Visual Studio

You may install packages directly into your solution using Visual Studio's NuGet Package Manager feature. You may use the snapshot below to access the NuGet Package Manager.

How to Unzip Files in .NET Core: Figure 1 - How to Access the NuGet Package Manager

It provides a search box that pulls up a NuGet website package list. The screenshot below shows us where to look for the phrase "IronZIP" in the package manager.

How to Unzip Files in .NET Core: Figure 2 - Searching for IronZIP in the NuGet Package Manager

In the image above, a list of pertinent search terms is displayed. Selecting the required option is required to install the solution package.

4.2 Using the Visual Studio Command-Line

In Visual Studio, choose Tools > NuGet Package Manager to see the Package Manager Console.

Put the following line in the package manager's terminal tab:

Install-Package IronZip

Upon downloading and installing into the active project, the package is ready for use.

4.3 Direct download from the NuGet website

Using the third way, one may get the NuGet packag e directly from the website.

Navigate there to open the Link.

Select the download package choice from the menu on the right.

Double-click the package once it has been downloaded. On its own, it will install itself.

Once more, load the solution and start using it in the project.

4.4 Direct download from the IronZIP website

Click on this link to obtain the latest package directly from the website. Once downloaded, follow the accompanying procedures to add the package to the project.

  • Select the project with a right-click from the solution window.
  • Select the reference and browse its location when it has been downloaded.
  • Click OK after that to add the reference.

4.5 Unzip Files in the core

You'll need to provide the file name and destination where you wish to extract the file to use IronZIP in C# to extract a specific file from a ZIP archive.

Code sample here:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages;
using IronZip;
namespace IronPDF_WebApp.Pages
    public class IndexModel : PageModel
        private readonly ILogger<IndexModel> _logger;
        public IndexModel(ILogger<IndexModel> logger)
            _logger = logger;
        public IActionResult OnPost()
            var file = Request.Form.Files [0];
            using (var stream = new FileStream(filepath + file.FileName, FileMode.Create))
            IronZipArchive.ExtractArchiveToDirectory(filepath + file.FileName, extractfile);
catch(Exception ex){
return RedirectToAction("Error");
            return RedirectToAction("Get");
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages;
using IronZip;
namespace IronPDF_WebApp.Pages
    public class IndexModel : PageModel
        private readonly ILogger<IndexModel> _logger;
        public IndexModel(ILogger<IndexModel> logger)
            _logger = logger;
        public IActionResult OnPost()
            var file = Request.Form.Files [0];
            using (var stream = new FileStream(filepath + file.FileName, FileMode.Create))
            IronZipArchive.ExtractArchiveToDirectory(filepath + file.FileName, extractfile);
catch(Exception ex){
return RedirectToAction("Error");
            return RedirectToAction("Get");
Imports Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc
Imports Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages
Imports IronZip
Namespace IronPDF_WebApp.Pages
	Public Class IndexModel
		Inherits PageModel

		Private ReadOnly _logger As ILogger(Of IndexModel)
		Public Sub New(ByVal logger As ILogger(Of IndexModel))
			_logger = logger
		End Sub
		Public Function OnPost() As IActionResult
			Dim file = Request.Form.Files (0)
			Using stream = New FileStream(filepath + file.FileName, FileMode.Create)
			End Using
			IronZipArchive.ExtractArchiveToDirectory(filepath + file.FileName, extractfile)
Catch ex As Exception
Return RedirectToAction("Error")
End Try
			Return RedirectToAction("Get")
		End Function
	End Class
End Namespace
VB   C#

In the above code, Make sure that the IronZIP namespace is imported. Included in IronZIP's ZipFile class is the ExtractArchiveToDirectory function. This allows us to pass two parameters that is source file system and the unzipping file's path. ZIPArchive zip files can have any number of content and contents may be extracted using it and saved to a file-specified directory. The directory path, which is used as the extraction point for the contents of the single ZIP file is the only parameter required by the ExtractArchiveToDirectory method.

To extract all the files to the designated directory, this technique internally loops over all the files and directories inside the ZIP package. When an exception arises, such as when the ZIP file is missing or there are problems with the extraction procedure, make sure you handle it carefully. Exceptions may be caught and handled with the use of try-catch blocks. For mass extraction activities, the ExtractArchiveToDirectory method makes extraction easier by managing the extraction of all files and directories within the ZIP archive. Zip files can be created with the help of the IronZIP extension method.

To Read more about the IronZIP library click here.

5. Conclusion

Developers can handle the compression, extraction, and manipulation of ZIP files with the help of IronZIP, a .NET library designed specifically for managing ZIP files in C# applications. By streamlining intricate procedures and making file operations like extracting particular files, extracting files in bulk, adding entries, and modifying existing archives simpler, IronZIP employs an intuitive API.

With this library, developers may improve file management capabilities without having to start from scratch in C# projects. It integrates effortlessly. Thanks to its versatility, ZIP contents may be dynamically altered, with files being added, changed, and removed to suit a variety of application requirements.

When dealing with situations like missing or damaged ZIP files, IronZIP's strong exception-handling features guarantee a consistent workflow and make mistake remediation easier. In the past, IronZIP offered a trustworthy solution for managing ZIP files in .NET settings, albeit my understanding may not reflect the most recent upgrades. IronZIP's price starts at $749 and comes with a free developer version. To know more about the license we can refer here. For the Iron software product check here.

ZipArchive C# (Developer Tutorial)
How to Open Zip File in C#

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