Iron Software Slack Community Guidelines
We want Iron Software Slack to be an inclusive, welcoming and safe place, where our community can interact and share knowledge about our products and industry.
Please be encouraged to read through this guide in its entirety before interacting. This includes advice and guidelines to help you maximize use of the Iron Software Slack, as well as a mutual understanding of what it is to be a good community member.
Please behave with:
- Respect, and exercise consideration. This channel is primarily intended for developers but it will also be used by non-technical managers, and people of varied roles and technical knowledge so please be supportive of different levels of learning.
- An understanding that Slack will be used by people from varied backgrounds including religion, culture, sexual orientation - we want this to be a place where everyone is comfortable. With that in mind, please endeavor to act respectfully and thoughtfully in all ways, including pronoun preferences.
- Exchanging views on practice is fine, and healthy debate is welcomed but trolling and argumentative behavior is not.
- In general - be kind and be polite to each other.
Please do not:
- Engage in sexualizing comments or jokes
- Share any sexually graphic content in any form
- Threaten anyone in any way
- Advocate for behavior that encourages others to feel uncomfortable or threatened
- Share or post any violent content
- Make jokes or comments that are of a racist, homophobic, sexist, transfobic nature
Report behavior
If someone is acting inappropriately in any shape or form please get in touch with one of the Admins. The main Administrator is Darren Steddy. @Darren
About the Iron Software Slack Channel
We are cognizant of the fact that many people are joining from different time zones and that number will grow over time. Sometimes we will have a higher volume of messages. We want you to be able to get the most value so we will keep updating our guidelines, community standards and best practices here.
Make the most of Slack by following these simple practices -
- Search for a topic before posting - because you might be asking a question that’s already been answered.
- Use threads when possible. Replying will still give your post the attention it deserves.
- Try and consolidate your messages into one - so avoid hitting that return key between paragraphs.
- Use code blocks. Don’t paste code as plain text. Slack supports markup for different languages. If the code you are pasting is longer than a few lines, use "Code or text snippet" available from + menu next to message input. Only the first few lines will be displayed to all users and people interested in the code can expand your code to look into details.
- Try and post your question in the right channel. Don’t be afraid to delete and repost if you’ve put it in the wrong one.
- Take into account that people are from varied backgrounds, and posting from around the world so consider your tone and appropriateness before posting.
- Have empathy. If someone misuses a technical term, it’s completely fine to help them by correcting them, but always aim to be polite and adhere to our community guidelines.