About Iron Software

We make the building blocks so you can create great things!

Launched in 2015, Iron Software has developed a suite of software libraries that empower developers to achieve their goals.

  • 2015 Launched in
  • 95+ Customers countries
  • 9 Products
  • 50+ Employees
  • 55 M+ Nuget downloads
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Read more about Iron Software's leading product IronPDF.


Who we are

Founded in 2015, Iron Software is a leading technology company based in the United States, serving customers worldwide.
In the past, we believed that paying for software meant surrendering. We would spend hours scouring Git for open-source code, struggle through bugs and outdated platform support, and wrestle with minimal documentation just to get started on a project. We tried existing C# open-source components, but they left us frustrated.

So we decided to create our own.

Rather than wasting hours just trying to get started, we offer licensed products that allow you to pay once and focus on the real work of developing your project. We understand that as an engineer, this is just one step in your build, and it needs to work flawlessly.

By licensing our products, we provide:

  • Rigorous testing that ensures your system remains intact.
  • Monthly product updates and continuous improvement.
  • Support directly from our engineering team.
  • Feature requests, bug fixes, and direct customer engagement.
  • Step-by-step tutorials, videos, and clear, user-friendly documentation.

We believe in offering both best practices and affordable libraries. We take pride in our customers who appreciate the value we provide.

We are part of a community

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We have an open source project to contribute to the .NET Community.
Microsoft logoDotNet Foundation logo
We collaborate with Microsoft and the .NET Foundation to sponsor the .NET Conf 2022, an event that launches the new .NET 7 language.
Ocean cleaning with sponsored by IronSoftware

We give back

We donate to causes that matter. Since 2022 we gave $50 from every Iron Suite sale to clean beaches and waterways with #TeamSeas.

We volunteer. Our team have participated in worldwide community events to support the environment. In 2022 that included releasing turtles into the ocean in El Salvador; and cleaning beaches in Koh Phangan, Thailand.

In 2023 we launched the Iron Software EcoGrant, to support projects that are making a positive impact on the environment.

What We live by

We aim high

We’re ambitious and always strive to do things better. We are driven to improve our products and the way we do things. We see problems as opportunities to be explored.

We take risks

We’re always pushing new ideas. We embrace a ‘test-and-iterate’ approach to deploy our products fast to market; developing further through market response and customer feedback.

IronSoftware what we live by

We take charge

We give everyone the autonomy and opportunity to take ownership and accountability for our products, processes, and teams. Be a part of making key decisions that impact the future of our business. We challenge ourselves on the edge of our comfort zones.'

We thrive together

We collaborate across all our multi disciplinary teams, giving everyone visibility across the business. Through personal and professional development, we invest in ourselves and we learn together.

We have integrity

We trust each other and respect our differences. We share information freely with our colleagues to ensure clarity and alignment. We voice our opinions and communicate freely, because honesty and respect, is at our core.

Trusted by single developers, start-ups, and NASA engineers


Licensed by engineers in 95+ countries

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