更新済み 2024年10月20日


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MovieScrapaerAddClass related to オンライン映画サイトのスクレイピング


123movies related to オンライン映画サイトのスクレイピング


<div id="movie-featured" class="movies-list movies-list-full tab-pane in fade active">
    <div data-movie-id="20746" class="ml-item">
        <a href="https://website.com/film/king-arthur-legend-of-the-sword-20746/">
            <span class="mli-quality">CAM</span>
            <img data-original="https://img.gocdn.online/2017/05/16/poster/2116d6719c710eabe83b377463230fbe-king-arthur-legend-of-the-sword.jpg" 
                 class="lazy thumb mli-thumb" alt="King Arthur: Legend of the Sword"
                 style="display: inline-block;">
            <span class="mli-info"><h2>King Arthur: Legend of the Sword</h2></span>
    <div data-movie-id="20724" class="ml-item">
        <a href="https://website.com/film/snatched-20724/" >
            <span class="mli-quality">CAM</span>
            <img data-original="https://img.gocdn.online/2017/05/16/poster/5ef66403dc331009bdb5aa37cfe819ba-snatched.jpg" 
                 class="lazy thumb mli-thumb" alt="Snatched" 
                 style="display: inline-block;">
            <span class="mli-info"><h2>Snatched</h2></span>
<div id="movie-featured" class="movies-list movies-list-full tab-pane in fade active">
    <div data-movie-id="20746" class="ml-item">
        <a href="https://website.com/film/king-arthur-legend-of-the-sword-20746/">
            <span class="mli-quality">CAM</span>
            <img data-original="https://img.gocdn.online/2017/05/16/poster/2116d6719c710eabe83b377463230fbe-king-arthur-legend-of-the-sword.jpg" 
                 class="lazy thumb mli-thumb" alt="King Arthur: Legend of the Sword"
                 style="display: inline-block;">
            <span class="mli-info"><h2>King Arthur: Legend of the Sword</h2></span>
    <div data-movie-id="20724" class="ml-item">
        <a href="https://website.com/film/snatched-20724/" >
            <span class="mli-quality">CAM</span>
            <img data-original="https://img.gocdn.online/2017/05/16/poster/5ef66403dc331009bdb5aa37cfe819ba-snatched.jpg" 
                 class="lazy thumb mli-thumb" alt="Snatched" 
                 style="display: inline-block;">
            <span class="mli-info"><h2>Snatched</h2></span>



public class MovieScraper : WebScraper
    public override void Init()
        License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey";
        this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
        this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\MovieSample\Output\";
        this.Request("www.website.com", Parse);
    public override void Parse(Response response)
        foreach (var Divs in response.Css("#movie-featured > div"))
            if (Divs.Attributes ["class"] != "clearfix")
                var MovieId = Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id");
                var link = Divs.Css("a")[0];
                var MovieTitle = link.TextContentClean;
                Scrape(new ScrapedData() { { "MovieId", MovieId }, { "MovieTitle", MovieTitle } }, "Movie.Jsonl");
public class MovieScraper : WebScraper
    public override void Init()
        License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey";
        this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
        this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\MovieSample\Output\";
        this.Request("www.website.com", Parse);
    public override void Parse(Response response)
        foreach (var Divs in response.Css("#movie-featured > div"))
            if (Divs.Attributes ["class"] != "clearfix")
                var MovieId = Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id");
                var link = Divs.Css("a")[0];
                var MovieTitle = link.TextContentClean;
                Scrape(new ScrapedData() { { "MovieId", MovieId }, { "MovieTitle", MovieTitle } }, "Movie.Jsonl");
Public Class MovieScraper
	Inherits WebScraper

	Public Overrides Sub Init()
		License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey"
		Me.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All
		Me.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() & "\MovieSample\Output\"
		Me.Request("www.website.com", AddressOf Parse)
	End Sub
	Public Overrides Sub Parse(ByVal response As Response)
		For Each Divs In response.Css("#movie-featured > div")
			If Divs.Attributes ("class") <> "clearfix" Then
				Dim MovieId = Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id")
				Dim link = Divs.Css("a")(0)
				Dim MovieTitle = link.TextContentClean
				Scrape(New ScrapedData() From {
					{ "MovieId", MovieId },
					{ "MovieTitle", MovieTitle }
			End If
		Next Divs
	End Sub
End Class
$vbLabelText   $csharpLabel


Working Directoryプロパティは、すべてのスクレイピングされたデータとその関連ファイルのためのメイン作業ディレクトリを設定するために使用されます。




public class Movie
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string URL { get; set; }

public class Movie
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string URL { get; set; }

Public Class Movie
	Public Property Id() As Integer
	Public Property Title() As String
	Public Property URL() As String

End Class
$vbLabelText   $csharpLabel


public class MovieScraper : WebScraper
    public override void Init()
        License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey";
        this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
        this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\MovieSample\Output\";
        this.Request("https://website.com/", Parse);
    public override void Parse(Response response)
        foreach (var Divs in response.Css("#movie-featured > div"))
            if (Divs.Attributes ["class"] != "clearfix")
                var movie = new Movie();
                movie.Id = Convert.ToInt32( Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id"));
                var link = Divs.Css("a")[0];
                movie.Title = link.TextContentClean;
                movie.URL = link.Attributes ["href"];
                Scrape(movie, "Movie.Jsonl");
public class MovieScraper : WebScraper
    public override void Init()
        License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey";
        this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
        this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\MovieSample\Output\";
        this.Request("https://website.com/", Parse);
    public override void Parse(Response response)
        foreach (var Divs in response.Css("#movie-featured > div"))
            if (Divs.Attributes ["class"] != "clearfix")
                var movie = new Movie();
                movie.Id = Convert.ToInt32( Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id"));
                var link = Divs.Css("a")[0];
                movie.Title = link.TextContentClean;
                movie.URL = link.Attributes ["href"];
                Scrape(movie, "Movie.Jsonl");
Public Class MovieScraper
	Inherits WebScraper

	Public Overrides Sub Init()
		License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey"
		Me.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All
		Me.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() & "\MovieSample\Output\"
		Me.Request("https://website.com/", AddressOf Parse)
	End Sub
	Public Overrides Sub Parse(ByVal response As Response)
		For Each Divs In response.Css("#movie-featured > div")
			If Divs.Attributes ("class") <> "clearfix" Then
				Dim movie As New Movie()
				movie.Id = Convert.ToInt32(Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id"))
				Dim link = Divs.Css("a")(0)
				movie.Title = link.TextContentClean
				movie.URL = link.Attributes ("href")
				Scrape(movie, "Movie.Jsonl")
			End If
		Next Divs
	End Sub
End Class
$vbLabelText   $csharpLabel


  1. スクレイピングされたデータを保持するためにムービークラスを実装します。

  2. ムービーオブジェクトをスクレイプ・メソッドに渡すと、スクレイプ・メソッドは我々のフォーマットを理解し、ここにあるように定義されたフォーマットで保存する:

    MovieResultMovieClass related to オンライン映画サイトのスクレイピング



MovieDetailsSample related to オンライン映画サイトのスクレイピング

<div class="mvi-content">
    <div class="thumb mvic-thumb"
         style="background-image: url(https://img.gocdn.online/2017/04/28/poster/5a08e94ba02118f22dc30f298c603210-guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-2.jpg);"></div>
    <div class="mvic-desc">
        <h3>Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2</h3>        
        <div class="desc">
            Set to the backdrop of Awesome Mixtape #2, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 continues the team's adventures as they travel throughout the cosmos to help Peter Quill learn more about his true parentage.
        <div class="mvic-info">
            <div class="mvici-left">
                    <strong>Genre: </strong>
                    <a href="https://Domain/genre/action/" title="Action">Action</a>,
                    <a href="https://Domain/genre/adventure/" title="Adventure">Adventure</a>,
                    <a href="https://Domain/genre/sci-fi/" title="Sci-Fi">Sci-Fi</a>
                    <strong>Actor: </strong>
                    <a target="_blank" href="https://Domain/actor/chris-pratt" title="Chris Pratt">Chris Pratt</a>,
                    <a target="_blank" href="https://Domain/actor/-zoe-saldana" title="Zoe Saldana">Zoe Saldana</a>,
                    <a target="_blank" href="https://Domain/actor/-dave-bautista-" title="Dave Bautista">Dave Bautista</a>
                    <strong>Director: </strong>
                    <a href="#" title="James Gunn">James Gunn</a>
                    <strong>Country: </strong>
                    <a href="https://Domain/country/us" title="United States">United States</a>
            <div class="mvici-right">
                <p><strong>Duration:</strong> 136 min</p>
                <p><strong>Quality:</strong> <span class="quality">CAM</span></p>
                <p><strong>Release:</strong> 2017</p>
                <p><strong>IMDb:</strong> 8.3</p>
            <div class="clearfix"></div>
        <div class="clearfix"></div>
    <div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="mvi-content">
    <div class="thumb mvic-thumb"
         style="background-image: url(https://img.gocdn.online/2017/04/28/poster/5a08e94ba02118f22dc30f298c603210-guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-2.jpg);"></div>
    <div class="mvic-desc">
        <h3>Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2</h3>        
        <div class="desc">
            Set to the backdrop of Awesome Mixtape #2, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 continues the team's adventures as they travel throughout the cosmos to help Peter Quill learn more about his true parentage.
        <div class="mvic-info">
            <div class="mvici-left">
                    <strong>Genre: </strong>
                    <a href="https://Domain/genre/action/" title="Action">Action</a>,
                    <a href="https://Domain/genre/adventure/" title="Adventure">Adventure</a>,
                    <a href="https://Domain/genre/sci-fi/" title="Sci-Fi">Sci-Fi</a>
                    <strong>Actor: </strong>
                    <a target="_blank" href="https://Domain/actor/chris-pratt" title="Chris Pratt">Chris Pratt</a>,
                    <a target="_blank" href="https://Domain/actor/-zoe-saldana" title="Zoe Saldana">Zoe Saldana</a>,
                    <a target="_blank" href="https://Domain/actor/-dave-bautista-" title="Dave Bautista">Dave Bautista</a>
                    <strong>Director: </strong>
                    <a href="#" title="James Gunn">James Gunn</a>
                    <strong>Country: </strong>
                    <a href="https://Domain/country/us" title="United States">United States</a>
            <div class="mvici-right">
                <p><strong>Duration:</strong> 136 min</p>
                <p><strong>Quality:</strong> <span class="quality">CAM</span></p>
                <p><strong>Release:</strong> 2017</p>
                <p><strong>IMDb:</strong> 8.3</p>
            <div class="clearfix"></div>
        <div class="clearfix"></div>
    <div class="clearfix"></div>

新しいプロパティでムービークラスを拡張することができます。(概要, ジャンル, 俳優, 監督, 国, 収録時間, IMDBスコア)しかし、ここでは(解説, ジャンル, 俳優)のみである。

public class Movie
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string URL { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public List<string> Genre { get; set; }
    public List<string> Actor { get; set; }

public class Movie
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string URL { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public List<string> Genre { get; set; }
    public List<string> Actor { get; set; }

Public Class Movie
	Public Property Id() As Integer
	Public Property Title() As String
	Public Property URL() As String
	Public Property Description() As String
	Public Property Genre() As List(Of String)
	Public Property Actor() As List(Of String)

End Class
$vbLabelText   $csharpLabel




public class MovieScraper : WebScraper
    public override void Init()
        License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey";
        this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
        this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\MovieSample\Output\";
        this.Request("https://domain/", Parse);
    public override void Parse(Response response)
        foreach (var Divs in response.Css("#movie-featured > div"))
            if (Divs.Attributes ["class"] != "clearfix")
                var movie = new Movie();
                movie.Id = Convert.ToInt32( Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id"));
                var link = Divs.Css("a")[0];
                movie.Title = link.TextContentClean;
                movie.URL = link.Attributes ["href"];
                this.Request(movie.URL, ParseDetails, new MetaData() { { "movie", movie } });// to scrap Detailed Page
    public void ParseDetails(Response response)
        var movie = response.MetaData.Get<Movie>("movie");
        var Div = response.Css("div.mvic-desc")[0];
        movie.Description = Div.Css("div.desc")[0].TextContentClean;
        foreach(var Genre in Div.Css("div > p > a"))
        foreach (var Actor in Div.Css("div > p:nth-child(2) > a"))
        Scrape(movie, "Movie.Jsonl");
public class MovieScraper : WebScraper
    public override void Init()
        License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey";
        this.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All;
        this.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() + @"\MovieSample\Output\";
        this.Request("https://domain/", Parse);
    public override void Parse(Response response)
        foreach (var Divs in response.Css("#movie-featured > div"))
            if (Divs.Attributes ["class"] != "clearfix")
                var movie = new Movie();
                movie.Id = Convert.ToInt32( Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id"));
                var link = Divs.Css("a")[0];
                movie.Title = link.TextContentClean;
                movie.URL = link.Attributes ["href"];
                this.Request(movie.URL, ParseDetails, new MetaData() { { "movie", movie } });// to scrap Detailed Page
    public void ParseDetails(Response response)
        var movie = response.MetaData.Get<Movie>("movie");
        var Div = response.Css("div.mvic-desc")[0];
        movie.Description = Div.Css("div.desc")[0].TextContentClean;
        foreach(var Genre in Div.Css("div > p > a"))
        foreach (var Actor in Div.Css("div > p:nth-child(2) > a"))
        Scrape(movie, "Movie.Jsonl");
Public Class MovieScraper
	Inherits WebScraper

	Public Overrides Sub Init()
		License.LicenseKey = "LicenseKey"
		Me.LoggingLevel = WebScraper.LogLevel.All
		Me.WorkingDirectory = AppSetting.GetAppRoot() & "\MovieSample\Output\"
		Me.Request("https://domain/", AddressOf Parse)
	End Sub
	Public Overrides Sub Parse(ByVal response As Response)
		For Each Divs In response.Css("#movie-featured > div")
			If Divs.Attributes ("class") <> "clearfix" Then
				Dim movie As New Movie()
				movie.Id = Convert.ToInt32(Divs.GetAttribute("data-movie-id"))
				Dim link = Divs.Css("a")(0)
				movie.Title = link.TextContentClean
				movie.URL = link.Attributes ("href")
				Me.Request(movie.URL, AddressOf ParseDetails, New MetaData() From {
					{ "movie", movie }
				}) ' to scrap Detailed Page
			End If
		Next Divs
	End Sub
	Public Sub ParseDetails(ByVal response As Response)
		Dim movie = response.MetaData.Get(Of Movie)("movie")
		Dim Div = response.Css("div.mvic-desc")(0)
		movie.Description = Div.Css("div.desc")(0).TextContentClean
		For Each Genre In Div.Css("div > p > a")
		Next Genre
		For Each Actor In Div.Css("div > p:nth-child(2) > a")
		Next Actor
		Scrape(movie, "Movie.Jsonl")
	End Sub
End Class
$vbLabelText   $csharpLabel


  1. スクレイプ機能を追加できる(詳細解析)詳細ページをスクレイピングする

  2. ファイルを生成するScrape関数を新しい関数に移しました。

  3. 我々はIronWebscraperの機能を使った。(メタデータ)ムービーオブジェクトを新しいスクレイプ関数に渡すために

  4. ページをスクレイピングし、ムービー・オブジェクトのデータをファイルに保存した。

    MovieResultMovieClass1 related to オンライン映画サイトのスクレイピング




