在現代應用程式中,能夠即時生成 Word 文件對於計費、發票、信件等各種用途來說是至關重要的。Microsoft Word 範本文件功能提供了一種強大的方式以確保一致性和效率。 然而,手動填寫這些模板可能既耗時又容易出錯。 這就是IronWord從Iron Software這是一個強大的 .NET 函式庫,旨在自動化程序化填充 Word 範本的過程。 在本文中,我們將介紹如何使用IronWord填寫 Word 文件模板並提供實例來說明該過程。
在 Microsoft Visual Studio 中創建一個新項目。
安裝IronWord通過 NuGet 套件管理器。
建立一個 Word 樣板文件。
將資料插入 Word 文件並另存為新檔案。
IronWord是一個來自 的 .NET 函式庫Iron Software旨在促進以程式化方式創建、操作和管理 Microsoft Word 文件。 這使得開發人員能夠自動化生成 Word 文件的過程,從而更輕鬆地在其應用中動態創建報告、發票、信件及其他類型的文件。
IronWord允許使用 Word 範本在範本文件中定義佔位符,並在運行時用實際數據替換它們。
您可以輕鬆地在 Word 文件中插入、替換或刪除文字。
它與不同版本的Microsoft Word 無縫協作,確保兼容性和使用方便性。
IronWord 簡化了在 .NET 應用程式中處理 Word 文件的過程,使其成為開發人員想要自動化文件生成和管理任務時的寶貴工具。
現在,讓我們開始建立一個新的 Visual Studio 專案。
選擇 .NET 版本(最好是支援的最新版本),然後點擊建立。
在 Visual Studio 中從 NuGet 套件管理器安裝 IronWord NuGet 套件,如下所示。
或者,請使用以下指令透過 CLI 直接安裝它。
dotnet add package IronWord --version 2024.9.1
dotnet add package IronWord --version 2024.9.1
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: The following line uses invalid syntax:
'dotnet add package IronWord --version 2024.9.1
現在,生成一個包含一到兩頁的 Word 範本文件,以便在 Word 文件生成過程中使用。
Dear {Name},
Thanks for Purchasing {product}, happy to serve you always. Your application dated {Date} has been approved. The product comes with an expiry date of {expiryDate}. Renew the product on or before expiry date.
Fell Free to contact {phone} or {email} for further queries.
Address: {Address}
Thank you,
Dear {Name},
Thanks for Purchasing {product}, happy to serve you always. Your application dated {Date} has been approved. The product comes with an expiry date of {expiryDate}. Renew the product on or before expiry date.
Fell Free to contact {phone} or {email} for further queries.
Address: {Address}
Thank you,
If True Then
End If
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: Local functions are not converted by Instant VB:
', Thanks for Purchasing
' product
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: Local functions are not converted by Instant VB:
', happy @to serve you always.Your application dated
' @Date
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: Local functions are not converted by Instant VB:
'has been approved.The product comes @with an expiry @date @of
' expiryDate
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: Local functions are not converted by Instant VB:
'.Renew the product on @or before expiry @date.Fell Free @to contact
' phone
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: Local functions are not converted by Instant VB:
'@or {email} for further queries.Address:
' Address
Thank you,
If True Then
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: The following line uses invalid syntax:
' Sender}
現在將上面的文件保存為 Template.docx。
using IronWord;
class Program
static void Main()
License.LicenseKey = "your key";
// Define the path to the template and the output file object sender
string templatePath = "Template.docx";
string outputPath = "FilledDocument.docx";
// Create a new instance of the WordDocument class
WordDocument doc = new WordDocument(templatePath);
// Define a dictionary/ first table of placeholders and their replacements
var replacements = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "{Name}", "John Doe" },
{ "{Date}", DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy") },
{ "{Address}", "123 Iron Street, Iron Software" },
{ "{product}", "IronWord" },
{ "{Sender}", "IronSoftware" },
{ "{phone}", "+123 456789" },
{ "{email}", "sale@ironsoftware.com" },
{ "{expiryDate}", DateTime.Now.AddYears(1).ToString("MMMM d, yyyy") },
// Replace placeholders with actual data
foreach (var replacement in replacements)
doc.Texts.ForEach(x=>x.Replace(replacement.Key, replacement.Value));
// Save the filled document
Console.WriteLine("Document filled and saved successfully.");
using IronWord;
class Program
static void Main()
License.LicenseKey = "your key";
// Define the path to the template and the output file object sender
string templatePath = "Template.docx";
string outputPath = "FilledDocument.docx";
// Create a new instance of the WordDocument class
WordDocument doc = new WordDocument(templatePath);
// Define a dictionary/ first table of placeholders and their replacements
var replacements = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "{Name}", "John Doe" },
{ "{Date}", DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy") },
{ "{Address}", "123 Iron Street, Iron Software" },
{ "{product}", "IronWord" },
{ "{Sender}", "IronSoftware" },
{ "{phone}", "+123 456789" },
{ "{email}", "sale@ironsoftware.com" },
{ "{expiryDate}", DateTime.Now.AddYears(1).ToString("MMMM d, yyyy") },
// Replace placeholders with actual data
foreach (var replacement in replacements)
doc.Texts.ForEach(x=>x.Replace(replacement.Key, replacement.Value));
// Save the filled document
Console.WriteLine("Document filled and saved successfully.");
Imports IronWord
Friend Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
License.LicenseKey = "your key"
' Define the path to the template and the output file object sender
Dim templatePath As String = "Template.docx"
Dim outputPath As String = "FilledDocument.docx"
' Create a new instance of the WordDocument class
Dim doc As New WordDocument(templatePath)
' Define a dictionary/ first table of placeholders and their replacements
Dim replacements = New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {
{"{Name}", "John Doe"},
{"{Date}", DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy")},
{"{Address}", "123 Iron Street, Iron Software"},
{"{product}", "IronWord"},
{"{Sender}", "IronSoftware"},
{"{phone}", "+123 456789"},
{"{email}", "sale@ironsoftware.com"},
{"{expiryDate}", DateTime.Now.AddYears(1).ToString("MMMM d, yyyy")}
' Replace placeholders with actual data
For Each replacement In replacements
doc.Texts.ForEach(Function(x) x.Replace(replacement.Key, replacement.Value))
Next replacement
' Save the filled document
Console.WriteLine("Document filled and saved successfully.")
End Sub
End Class
提供的代碼展示了如何使用 IronWord 函式庫將特定數據填入 Word 文件範本。 以下是簡要說明:
許可證設置:程式碼首先設置 IronWord 的許可證密鑰以啟用其功能。
文件路徑:它指定了 Word 範本的路徑(Template.docx
)3. 建立文件實例:使用模板路徑參考建立一個 `WordDocument` 的實例。
定義替換項:建立一個字典,其中的鍵代表模板中的佔位符,值代表要插入的數據。5. 替換佔位符:遍歷字典,將文檔中的每個佔位符替換為相應的數據。
保存文件:最後,使用保存方法和傳遞參數將更新後的文件保存到指定的輸出路徑。7. 完成訊息:打印訊息以確認文件已成功填寫並保存。
IronWord 也允許添加各種文本效果,如下表所示。
在以下範例中,我們為 Word Iron Software 添加文字效果。
using IronWord;
using IronWord.Models;
class Program
static void Main()
License.LicenseKey = "your key";
// Define the path to the template and the output file
string templatePath = "Template.docx";
string outputPath = "FilledDocument.docx";
// Create a new instance of the WordDocument class
WordDocument doc = new WordDocument(templatePath);
// Define a dictionary of placeholders and their replacements
var replacements = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "{Name}", "John Doe" },
{ "{Date}", DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy") },
{ "{Address}", "123 Iron Street, Iron Software" },
{ "{product}", "IronWord" },
{ "{Sender}", "Sale," },
{ "{phone}", "+123 456789" },
{ "{email}", "sale@ironsoftware.com" },
{ "{expiryDate}", DateTime.Now.AddYears(1).ToString("MMMM d, yyyy") },
// Replace placeholders with actual data
foreach (var replacement in replacements)
doc.Texts.ForEach(x=>x.Replace(replacement.Key, replacement.Value));
// Save the filled document
//Console.WriteLine("Document filled and saved successfully.");
// Create and configure text style methods
TextStyle textStyle = new TextStyle();
textStyle.TextEffect = new TextEffect()
GlowEffect = new Glow()
GlowColor = IronWord.Models.Color.Aqua,
GlowRadius = 10,
// Add text with style or image
doc.AddText(" IronSoftware").Style = textStyle;
// Export new Word document
using IronWord;
using IronWord.Models;
class Program
static void Main()
License.LicenseKey = "your key";
// Define the path to the template and the output file
string templatePath = "Template.docx";
string outputPath = "FilledDocument.docx";
// Create a new instance of the WordDocument class
WordDocument doc = new WordDocument(templatePath);
// Define a dictionary of placeholders and their replacements
var replacements = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "{Name}", "John Doe" },
{ "{Date}", DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy") },
{ "{Address}", "123 Iron Street, Iron Software" },
{ "{product}", "IronWord" },
{ "{Sender}", "Sale," },
{ "{phone}", "+123 456789" },
{ "{email}", "sale@ironsoftware.com" },
{ "{expiryDate}", DateTime.Now.AddYears(1).ToString("MMMM d, yyyy") },
// Replace placeholders with actual data
foreach (var replacement in replacements)
doc.Texts.ForEach(x=>x.Replace(replacement.Key, replacement.Value));
// Save the filled document
//Console.WriteLine("Document filled and saved successfully.");
// Create and configure text style methods
TextStyle textStyle = new TextStyle();
textStyle.TextEffect = new TextEffect()
GlowEffect = new Glow()
GlowColor = IronWord.Models.Color.Aqua,
GlowRadius = 10,
// Add text with style or image
doc.AddText(" IronSoftware").Style = textStyle;
// Export new Word document
Imports IronWord
Imports IronWord.Models
Friend Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
License.LicenseKey = "your key"
' Define the path to the template and the output file
Dim templatePath As String = "Template.docx"
Dim outputPath As String = "FilledDocument.docx"
' Create a new instance of the WordDocument class
Dim doc As New WordDocument(templatePath)
' Define a dictionary of placeholders and their replacements
Dim replacements = New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {
{"{Name}", "John Doe"},
{"{Date}", DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy")},
{"{Address}", "123 Iron Street, Iron Software"},
{"{product}", "IronWord"},
{"{Sender}", "Sale,"},
{"{phone}", "+123 456789"},
{"{email}", "sale@ironsoftware.com"},
{"{expiryDate}", DateTime.Now.AddYears(1).ToString("MMMM d, yyyy")}
' Replace placeholders with actual data
For Each replacement In replacements
doc.Texts.ForEach(Function(x) x.Replace(replacement.Key, replacement.Value))
Next replacement
' Save the filled document
'Console.WriteLine("Document filled and saved successfully.");
' Create and configure text style methods
Dim textStyle As New TextStyle()
textStyle.TextEffect = New TextEffect() With {
.GlowEffect = New Glow() With {
.GlowColor = IronWord.Models.Color.Aqua,
.GlowRadius = 10
' Add text with style or image
doc.AddText(" IronSoftware").Style = textStyle
' Export new Word document
End Sub
End Class
修訂後的程式碼展示了使用 IronWord 函式庫填寫 Word 文件範本、設計文字樣式及儲存修改後的文件。 以下是一個簡明的說明:
License Setup: 設定IronWord授權金鑰以啟用功能。
創建文件實例:使用提供的模板路徑初始化 WordDocument 實例。
IronWord. 一旦輸入資料,許可證將發送至提供的電子郵件地址。 此授權需要放置在程式碼的開頭,使用前IronWord庫,如下所示。
License.LicenseKey = "your Key Here"
License.LicenseKey = "your Key Here"
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: The following line uses invalid syntax:
'License.LicenseKey = "your Key Here"
IronWord提供了使用模板生成 Word 文件的多項優勢。 它透過允許開發人員以程式化方式填寫特定資料的模板,簡化文件創建自動化,從而減少手動輸入的需求。 這提高了效率和準確性,因為減少了人為錯誤的風險。 另外,IronWord有助於保持文件的一致性,確保每個生成的檔案都遵循相同的格式和結構。 自動化重複性任務可以節省時間和資源,使其非常適合快速生成大量文檔。 IronWord提升生產力,並在需要頻繁或複雜文件生成的情況下簡化工作流程。