using IronXL;
using System.Linq;
WorkBook workBook = WorkBook.Load("sample.xls");
WorkSheet workSheet = workBook.WorkSheets.First();
// Get range from worksheet
var range = workSheet["A1:A8"];
// Apply sum of all numeric cells within the range
decimal sum = range.Sum();
// Apply average value of all numeric cells within the range
decimal avg = range.Avg();
// Identify maximum value of all numeric cells within the range
decimal max = range.Max();
// Identify minimum value of all numeric cells within the range
decimal min = range.Min();
Imports IronXL
Imports System.Linq
Private workBook As WorkBook = WorkBook.Load("sample.xls")
Private workSheet As WorkSheet = workBook.WorkSheets.First()
' Get range from worksheet
Private range = workSheet("A1:A8")
' Apply sum of all numeric cells within the range
Private sum As Decimal = range.Sum()
' Apply average value of all numeric cells within the range
Private avg As Decimal = range.Avg()
' Identify maximum value of all numeric cells within the range
Private max As Decimal = range.Max()
' Identify minimum value of all numeric cells within the range
Private min As Decimal = range.Min()