Microsoft Word 文档通常包含丰富的格式,如字体、样式和各种元素,使其具有视觉吸引力。 IronWord 是一个功能强大的库,来自于铁软件译文必须使用具有直观的 C# 和 VB.NET Word 和 Docx 文档 API 的语言。 无需安装 Microsoft Office 或 Word Interop 即可构建、编辑和导出 Word 文档。 IronWord 完全支持 .NET 8、7、6、Framework、Core 和 Azure。 这意味着该库不需要在机器上安装 Word,可以独立读取文件。 如果您正在使用 C#,需要在阅读 Word 文档的同时保留其格式,本教程将指导您使用IronWord图书馆
安装 IronWord 库来阅读 Word 文档。
使用 IronWord 库中的 "WordDocument "类加载输入的 Word 文档 "sample.docx"。
使用加载的 Word 文档阅读带格式的段落。
Visual Studio: 确保已安装 Visual Studio 或任何其他 C# 开发环境。
创建一个新的 C# 控制台应用程序,或者使用一个现有的项目,在该项目中您想读取 Word 文档。
单击 "下一步 "按钮,提供解决方案名称、项目名称和代码路径。
然后选择所需的 .NET 版本。 最佳做法是始终选择现有的最新版本,但如果您的项目有特殊要求,则应使用必要的 .NET 版本。
打开您的 C# 项目,使用 NuGet 包管理器控制台安装 IronWord 库:
Install-Package IronWord
还可以使用 Visual Studio 的 NuGet 包管理器安装 NuGet 包,如下图所示。
要阅读 Word 文件,首先需要创建一个新文档,然后添加一些内容,如下所示。
现在在 program.cs 文件中添加以下代码片段
using IronWord;
class Program
static void Main()
// Load existing docx
var sampleDoc = new WordDocument("sample.docx");
var paragraphs = sampleDoc.Paragraphs;
foreach (var paragraph in paragraphs)
var textRun = paragraph.FirstTextRun;
var text = textRun.Text; // read the text
// Extract Formatting details
if (textRun.Style != null)
var fontSize = textRun.Style.FontSize; // font size
var isBold = textRun.Style.IsBold;
Console.WriteLine($"\tText: {text}, FontSize: {fontSize}, Bold: {isBold}");
// Print text without formatting details
Console.WriteLine($"\tText: {text}");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}");
using IronWord;
class Program
static void Main()
// Load existing docx
var sampleDoc = new WordDocument("sample.docx");
var paragraphs = sampleDoc.Paragraphs;
foreach (var paragraph in paragraphs)
var textRun = paragraph.FirstTextRun;
var text = textRun.Text; // read the text
// Extract Formatting details
if (textRun.Style != null)
var fontSize = textRun.Style.FontSize; // font size
var isBold = textRun.Style.IsBold;
Console.WriteLine($"\tText: {text}, FontSize: {fontSize}, Bold: {isBold}");
// Print text without formatting details
Console.WriteLine($"\tText: {text}");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}");
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports IronWord
Friend Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
' Load existing docx
Dim sampleDoc = New WordDocument("sample.docx")
Dim paragraphs = sampleDoc.Paragraphs
For Each paragraph In paragraphs
Dim textRun = paragraph.FirstTextRun
Dim text = textRun.Text ' read the text
' Extract Formatting details
If textRun.Style IsNot Nothing Then
Dim fontSize = textRun.Style.FontSize ' font size
Dim isBold = textRun.Style.IsBold
Console.WriteLine($vbTab & "Text: {text}, FontSize: {fontSize}, Bold: {isBold}")
' Print text without formatting details
Console.WriteLine($vbTab & "Text: {text}")
End If
Next paragraph
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}")
End Try
End Sub
End Class
上述代码使用 IronWord 库类 WordDocument
构造方法读取 Word 文档
打开 Word 文档:使用 IronWord 中的 WordDocument
加载 Word 文档。
迭代段落和运行:使用嵌套循环遍历段落和运行。 运行表示具有特定格式的文本部分。
提取文本和格式化:从每次运行中提取文本内容并检查格式属性。 在本例中,我们演示了如何提取字体大小和粗体格式。
处理异常:使用 try-and-catch 块来处理任何异常并打印出来。
我们还可以阅读 Word 文档中的表格。 将下面的代码片段添加到程序中。
using IronWord;
class Program
static void Main()
// Load existing docx
var sampleDoc = new WordDocument("sample.docx");
var paragraphs = sampleDoc.Paragraphs;
// Read Tables
var tables = sampleDoc.Tables;
foreach (var table in tables)
var rows = table.Rows;
foreach (var row in rows)
foreach (var cell in row.Cells)
var contents = cell.Contents;
contents.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x));
// print cell contents
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}");
using IronWord;
class Program
static void Main()
// Load existing docx
var sampleDoc = new WordDocument("sample.docx");
var paragraphs = sampleDoc.Paragraphs;
// Read Tables
var tables = sampleDoc.Tables;
foreach (var table in tables)
var rows = table.Rows;
foreach (var row in rows)
foreach (var cell in row.Cells)
var contents = cell.Contents;
contents.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x));
// print cell contents
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}");
Imports IronWord
Friend Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
' Load existing docx
Dim sampleDoc = New WordDocument("sample.docx")
Dim paragraphs = sampleDoc.Paragraphs
' Read Tables
Dim tables = sampleDoc.Tables
For Each table In tables
Dim rows = table.Rows
For Each row In rows
For Each cell In row.Cells
Dim contents = cell.Contents
contents.ForEach(Sub(x) Console.WriteLine(x))
' print cell contents
Next cell
Next row
Next table
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}")
End Try
End Sub
End Class
在这里,我们使用 WordDocument
类上的 get/set 方法 Tables 来获取文档中的所有表格,然后遍历这些表格并打印内容。
我们可以使用 IronWord 库为现有的 Word 文档添加新的样式信息,如下图代码片段所示。
using IronWord;
using IronWord.Models;
class Program
static void Main()
// Load existing docx
var sampleDoc = new WordDocument("sample.docx");
var paragraphs = sampleDoc.Paragraphs;
foreach (var paragraph in paragraphs)
var textRun = paragraph.FirstTextRun;
var text = textRun.Text; // read the text
// Extract Formatting details
if (textRun.Style != null)
var fontSize = textRun.Style.FontSize; // font size
var isBold = textRun.Style.IsBold;
Console.WriteLine($"\tText: {text}, FontSize: {fontSize}, Bold: {isBold}");
// Print text without formatting details
Console.WriteLine($"\tText: {text}");
//Change the formating of the text
var style = new TextStyle()
FontFamily = "Caveat",
FontSize = 72,
TextColor = new IronColor(Color.Blue), // blue color
IsBold = true,
IsItalic = true,
IsUnderline = true,
IsSuperscript = false,
IsStrikethrough = true,
IsSubscript = false
paragraphs [1].FirstTextRun.Style = style;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}");
using IronWord;
using IronWord.Models;
class Program
static void Main()
// Load existing docx
var sampleDoc = new WordDocument("sample.docx");
var paragraphs = sampleDoc.Paragraphs;
foreach (var paragraph in paragraphs)
var textRun = paragraph.FirstTextRun;
var text = textRun.Text; // read the text
// Extract Formatting details
if (textRun.Style != null)
var fontSize = textRun.Style.FontSize; // font size
var isBold = textRun.Style.IsBold;
Console.WriteLine($"\tText: {text}, FontSize: {fontSize}, Bold: {isBold}");
// Print text without formatting details
Console.WriteLine($"\tText: {text}");
//Change the formating of the text
var style = new TextStyle()
FontFamily = "Caveat",
FontSize = 72,
TextColor = new IronColor(Color.Blue), // blue color
IsBold = true,
IsItalic = true,
IsUnderline = true,
IsSuperscript = false,
IsStrikethrough = true,
IsSubscript = false
paragraphs [1].FirstTextRun.Style = style;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}");
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports IronWord
Imports IronWord.Models
Friend Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
' Load existing docx
Dim sampleDoc = New WordDocument("sample.docx")
Dim paragraphs = sampleDoc.Paragraphs
For Each paragraph In paragraphs
Dim textRun = paragraph.FirstTextRun
Dim text = textRun.Text ' read the text
' Extract Formatting details
If textRun.Style IsNot Nothing Then
Dim fontSize = textRun.Style.FontSize ' font size
Dim isBold = textRun.Style.IsBold
Console.WriteLine($vbTab & "Text: {text}, FontSize: {fontSize}, Bold: {isBold}")
' Print text without formatting details
Console.WriteLine($vbTab & "Text: {text}")
End If
Next paragraph
'Change the formating of the text
Dim style = New TextStyle() With {
.FontFamily = "Caveat",
.FontSize = 72,
.TextColor = New IronColor(Color.Blue),
.IsBold = True,
.IsItalic = True,
.IsUnderline = True,
.IsSuperscript = False,
.IsStrikethrough = True,
.IsSubscript = False
paragraphs (1).FirstTextRun.Style = style
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}")
End Try
End Sub
End Class
在此,我们创建一个 TextStyle
我们可以在加载的 Word 文档中添加新内容,如下代码片段所示。
using IronWord;
using IronWord.Models;
class Program
static void Main()
// Load Word Document
var sampleDoc = new WordDocument("sample.docx");
var paragraphs = sampleDoc.Paragraphs;
foreach (var paragraph in paragraphs)
var textRun = paragraph.FirstTextRun;
var text = textRun.Text; // read the text
// Extract the formatting details
if (textRun.Style != null)
var fontSize = textRun.Style.FontSize; // font size
var isBold = textRun.Style.IsBold;
Console.WriteLine($"\tText: {text}, FontSize: {fontSize}, Bold: {isBold}");
// Print text without formatting details
Console.WriteLine($"\tText: {text}");
// Add TextRun with Style to Paragraph
TextRun blueTextRun = new TextRun();
blueTextRun.Text = "Add text using IronWord";
blueTextRun.Style = new TextStyle()
FontFamily = "Caveat",
FontSize = 72,
TextColor = new IronColor(Color.Blue), // blue color
IsBold = true,
IsItalic = true,
IsUnderline = true,
IsSuperscript = false,
IsStrikethrough = true,
IsSubscript = false
paragraphs [1].AddTextRun(blueTextRun);
// Add New Content to the Word file and save
Paragraph newParagraph = new Paragraph();
TextRun newTextRun = new TextRun("New Add Information");
// Configure the text
TextRun introText = new TextRun("This is an example newParagraph with italic and bold styling.");
TextStyle italicStyle = new TextStyle()
IsItalic = true
TextRun italicText = new TextRun("Italic example sentence.", italicStyle);
TextStyle boldStyle = new TextStyle()
IsBold = true
TextRun boldText = new TextRun("Bold example sentence.", boldStyle);
// Add the text
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}");
using IronWord;
using IronWord.Models;
class Program
static void Main()
// Load Word Document
var sampleDoc = new WordDocument("sample.docx");
var paragraphs = sampleDoc.Paragraphs;
foreach (var paragraph in paragraphs)
var textRun = paragraph.FirstTextRun;
var text = textRun.Text; // read the text
// Extract the formatting details
if (textRun.Style != null)
var fontSize = textRun.Style.FontSize; // font size
var isBold = textRun.Style.IsBold;
Console.WriteLine($"\tText: {text}, FontSize: {fontSize}, Bold: {isBold}");
// Print text without formatting details
Console.WriteLine($"\tText: {text}");
// Add TextRun with Style to Paragraph
TextRun blueTextRun = new TextRun();
blueTextRun.Text = "Add text using IronWord";
blueTextRun.Style = new TextStyle()
FontFamily = "Caveat",
FontSize = 72,
TextColor = new IronColor(Color.Blue), // blue color
IsBold = true,
IsItalic = true,
IsUnderline = true,
IsSuperscript = false,
IsStrikethrough = true,
IsSubscript = false
paragraphs [1].AddTextRun(blueTextRun);
// Add New Content to the Word file and save
Paragraph newParagraph = new Paragraph();
TextRun newTextRun = new TextRun("New Add Information");
// Configure the text
TextRun introText = new TextRun("This is an example newParagraph with italic and bold styling.");
TextStyle italicStyle = new TextStyle()
IsItalic = true
TextRun italicText = new TextRun("Italic example sentence.", italicStyle);
TextStyle boldStyle = new TextStyle()
IsBold = true
TextRun boldText = new TextRun("Bold example sentence.", boldStyle);
// Add the text
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}");
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports IronWord
Imports IronWord.Models
Friend Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
' Load Word Document
Dim sampleDoc = New WordDocument("sample.docx")
Dim paragraphs = sampleDoc.Paragraphs
For Each paragraph In paragraphs
Dim textRun = paragraph.FirstTextRun
Dim text = textRun.Text ' read the text
' Extract the formatting details
If textRun.Style IsNot Nothing Then
Dim fontSize = textRun.Style.FontSize ' font size
Dim isBold = textRun.Style.IsBold
Console.WriteLine($vbTab & "Text: {text}, FontSize: {fontSize}, Bold: {isBold}")
' Print text without formatting details
Console.WriteLine($vbTab & "Text: {text}")
End If
Next paragraph
' Add TextRun with Style to Paragraph
Dim blueTextRun As New TextRun()
blueTextRun.Text = "Add text using IronWord"
blueTextRun.Style = New TextStyle() With {
.FontFamily = "Caveat",
.FontSize = 72,
.TextColor = New IronColor(Color.Blue),
.IsBold = True,
.IsItalic = True,
.IsUnderline = True,
.IsSuperscript = False,
.IsStrikethrough = True,
.IsSubscript = False
paragraphs (1).AddTextRun(blueTextRun)
' Add New Content to the Word file and save
Dim newParagraph As New Paragraph()
Dim newTextRun As New TextRun("New Add Information")
' Configure the text
Dim introText As New TextRun("This is an example newParagraph with italic and bold styling.")
Dim italicStyle As New TextStyle() With {.IsItalic = True}
Dim italicText As New TextRun("Italic example sentence.", italicStyle)
Dim boldStyle As New TextStyle() With {.IsBold = True}
Dim boldText As New TextRun("Bold example sentence.", boldStyle)
' Add the text
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}")
End Try
End Sub
End Class
在此,我们将创建包含样式信息的新 "TextRun "和段落对象,并将其添加到加载的 Word 文档中。
IronWord. 这个密钥需要放置在appsettings.json中。
提供您的电子邮件以获取试用许可证。 提交电子邮件 ID 后,密钥将通过电子邮件发送。
IronWord提供了一种用 C# 阅读带格式的 Word 文档的便捷方法。 根据您的具体要求和所处理文档的复杂程度扩展所提供的代码。 本教程是整合以下内容的起点IronWord到您用于 Word 文档处理的 C# 应用程序中。
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