IronBarcode Logo

Lire un code-barres à partir d'une image C#

  • Extraction de codes-barres à partir d'images.
  • Prise en charge de plusieurs types de codes-barres.
  • Grande précision de lecture des codes-barres.
  • Intégration simple à l'application C#.
  • Lire les codes-barres dans les cours d'eau.
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Encodage des données de code-barres
Styliser les codes-barres

Démarrage rapide du code-barres

using IronBarCode;
using System.Drawing;

// Creating a barcode is as simple as:
var myBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("12345", BarcodeWriterEncoding.EAN8);

// And save our barcode as in image:

Image myBarcodeImage = myBarcode.Image; // Can be used as Image
Bitmap myBarcodeBitmap = myBarcode.ToBitmap(); // Can be used as Bitmap

// Reading a barcode is easy with IronBarcode:
var resultFromFile = BarcodeReader.Read(@"file/barcode.png"); // From a file
var resultFromBitMap = BarcodeReader.Read(new Bitmap("barcode.bmp")); // From a bitmap
var resultFromImage = BarcodeReader.Read(Image.FromFile("barcode.jpg")); // From an image
var resultFromPdf = BarcodeReader.ReadPdf(@"file/mydocument.pdf"); // From PDF use ReadPdf

// After creating a barcode, we may choose to resize and save which is easily done with:
var myNewBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("12345", BarcodeWriterEncoding.EAN8);
myNewBarcode.ResizeTo(400, 100);

// To set more options and optimization with your Barcode Reading,
// Please utilize the BarcodeReaderOptions paramter of read:
var myOptionsExample = new BarcodeReaderOptions
    // Choose a speed from: Faster, Balanced, Detailed, ExtremeDetail
    // There is a tradeoff in performance as more Detail is set
    Speed = ReadingSpeed.Balanced,

    // Reader will stop scanning once a barcode is found, unless set to true
    ExpectMultipleBarcodes = true,

    // By default, all barcode formats are scanned for.
    // Specifying one or more, performance will increase.
    ExpectBarcodeTypes = BarcodeEncoding.AllOneDimensional,

    // Utilizes multiple threads to reads barcodes from multiple images in parallel.
    Multithreaded = true,

    // Maximum threads for parallel. Default is 4
    MaxParallelThreads = 2,

    // The area of each image frame in which to scan for barcodes.
    // Will improve performance significantly and avoid unwanted results and avoid noisy parts of the image.
    CropArea = new Rectangle(),

    // Special Setting for Code39 Barcodes.
    // If a Code39 barcode is detected. Try to use extended mode for the full ASCII Character Set
    UseCode39ExtendedMode = true

// And, apply:
var results = BarcodeReader.Read("barcode.png", myOptionsExample);
Imports IronBarCode
Imports System.Drawing

' Creating a barcode is as simple as:
Private myBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("12345", BarcodeWriterEncoding.EAN8)

' And save our barcode as in image:

Dim myBarcodeImage As Image = myBarcode.Image ' Can be used as Image
Dim myBarcodeBitmap As Bitmap = myBarcode.ToBitmap() ' Can be used as Bitmap

' Reading a barcode is easy with IronBarcode:
Dim resultFromFile = BarcodeReader.Read("file/barcode.png") ' From a file
Dim resultFromBitMap = BarcodeReader.Read(New Bitmap("barcode.bmp")) ' From a bitmap
Dim resultFromImage = BarcodeReader.Read(Image.FromFile("barcode.jpg")) ' From an image
Dim resultFromPdf = BarcodeReader.ReadPdf("file/mydocument.pdf") ' From PDF use ReadPdf

' After creating a barcode, we may choose to resize and save which is easily done with:
Dim myNewBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("12345", BarcodeWriterEncoding.EAN8)
myNewBarcode.ResizeTo(400, 100)

' To set more options and optimization with your Barcode Reading,
' Please utilize the BarcodeReaderOptions paramter of read:
Dim myOptionsExample = New BarcodeReaderOptions With {
	.Speed = ReadingSpeed.Balanced,
	.ExpectMultipleBarcodes = True,
	.ExpectBarcodeTypes = BarcodeEncoding.AllOneDimensional,
	.Multithreaded = True,
	.MaxParallelThreads = 2,
	.CropArea = New Rectangle(),
	.UseCode39ExtendedMode = True

' And, apply:
Dim results = BarcodeReader.Read("barcode.png", myOptionsExample)
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