Guardar código de barras
IronBarcode le permite guardar en cualquiera de los tipos o formatos de archivo más populares: PNG, JPG, GIF, TIFF, HTML, PDF, BMP, etc. Así como a byte []y
using IronBarCode; using System.Drawing; // BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode creates a GeneratedBarcode which can be styled and exported as an Image object or File GeneratedBarcode MyBarCode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("Any Number, String or Binary Value", BarcodeWriterEncoding.Code128); // And save the Barcode as any image format: MyBarCode.SaveAsImage("MyBarCode.png"); MyBarCode.SaveAsGif("MyBarCode.gif"); MyBarCode.SaveAsHtmlFile("MyBarCode.html"); MyBarCode.SaveAsJpeg("MyBarCode.jpg"); MyBarCode.SaveAsPdf("MyBarCode.Pdf"); MyBarCode.SaveAsPng("MyBarCode.png"); MyBarCode.SaveAsTiff("MyBarCode.tiff"); MyBarCode.SaveAsWindowsBitmap("MyBarCode.bmp"); // You may also choose to use Barcode as a native .NET object: Image MyBarCodeImage = MyBarCode.Image; Bitmap MyBarCodeBitmap = MyBarCode.ToBitmap(); // Saving the barcode as an HTML file or as tags: MyBarCode.SaveAsHtmlFile("MyBarCode.Html"); string ImgTagForHTML = MyBarCode.ToHtmlTag(); string DataURL = MyBarCode.ToDataUrl(); // Save the barcode as a new PDF, MyBarCode.SaveAsPdf("MyBarCode.Pdf"); // Or Stamp it in any position on any page of an existing PDF: MyBarCode.StampToExistingPdfPage("ExistingPDF.pdf", 200, 50, 1); // position 200x50 on page 1 // Or multiple pages of an encrypted PDF MyBarCode.StampToExistingPdfPages("ExistingPDF.pdf", 200, 50, new[] { 1, 2, 3 }, "Password123"); // With password as Password123 // PDF Stream Example: using (System.IO.Stream PdfStream = MyBarCode.ToPdfStream()) { // Stream barcode image output also works for GIF, JPEG, PDF, PNG, BMP and TIFF } // PNG Byte Array Example: byte[] PngBytes = MyBarCode.ToPngBinaryData();
Imports IronBarCode Imports System.Drawing ' BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode creates a GeneratedBarcode which can be styled and exported as an Image object or File Private MyBarCode As GeneratedBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("Any Number, String or Binary Value", BarcodeWriterEncoding.Code128) ' And save the Barcode as any image format: MyBarCode.SaveAsImage("MyBarCode.png") MyBarCode.SaveAsGif("MyBarCode.gif") MyBarCode.SaveAsHtmlFile("MyBarCode.html") MyBarCode.SaveAsJpeg("MyBarCode.jpg") MyBarCode.SaveAsPdf("MyBarCode.Pdf") MyBarCode.SaveAsPng("MyBarCode.png") MyBarCode.SaveAsTiff("MyBarCode.tiff") MyBarCode.SaveAsWindowsBitmap("MyBarCode.bmp") ' You may also choose to use Barcode as a native .NET object: Dim MyBarCodeImage As Image = MyBarCode.Image Dim MyBarCodeBitmap As Bitmap = MyBarCode.ToBitmap() ' Saving the barcode as an HTML file or as tags: MyBarCode.SaveAsHtmlFile("MyBarCode.Html") Dim ImgTagForHTML As String = MyBarCode.ToHtmlTag() Dim DataURL As String = MyBarCode.ToDataUrl() ' Save the barcode as a new PDF, MyBarCode.SaveAsPdf("MyBarCode.Pdf") ' Or Stamp it in any position on any page of an existing PDF: MyBarCode.StampToExistingPdfPage("ExistingPDF.pdf", 200, 50, 1) ' position 200x50 on page 1 ' Or multiple pages of an encrypted PDF MyBarCode.StampToExistingPdfPages("ExistingPDF.pdf", 200, 50, { 1, 2, 3 }, "Password123") ' With password as Password123 ' PDF Stream Example: Using PdfStream As System.IO.Stream = MyBarCode.ToPdfStream() ' Stream barcode image output also works for GIF, JPEG, PDF, PNG, BMP and TIFF End Using ' PNG Byte Array Example: Dim PngBytes() As Byte = MyBarCode.ToPngBinaryData()
Install-Package BarCode
IronBarcode le permite guardar en cualquiera de los tipos o formatos de archivo más populares: PNG, JPG, GIF, TIFF, HTML, PDF, BMP, etc. Así como a byte []y
9 productos API .NET para sus documentos de oficina