using IronBarCode;
// Reading many images asynchronously using ReadAsync
string[] imagePaths = new string[] { "image1.png", "image2.png" };
var resultsAsync = BarcodeReader.ReadAsync(imagePaths, new BarcodeReaderOptions() { ExpectMultipleBarcodes = true });
// Reading many PDFs asynchronously using ReadPdfAsync
string[] pdfPaths = new string[] { "doc1.pdf", "doc2.pdf" };
var resultsPdfAsync = BarcodeReader.ReadPdfAsync(pdfPaths, new PdfBarcodeReaderOptions() { ExpectMultipleBarcodes = true, Scale = 3, DPI = 300 });
Imports IronBarCode
' Reading many images asynchronously using ReadAsync
Private imagePaths() As String = { "image1.png", "image2.png" }
Private resultsAsync = BarcodeReader.ReadAsync(imagePaths, New BarcodeReaderOptions() With {.ExpectMultipleBarcodes = True})
' Reading many PDFs asynchronously using ReadPdfAsync
Private pdfPaths() As String = { "doc1.pdf", "doc2.pdf" }
Private resultsPdfAsync = BarcodeReader.ReadPdfAsync(pdfPaths, New PdfBarcodeReaderOptions() With {
.ExpectMultipleBarcodes = True,
.Scale = 3,
.DPI = 300
Install-Package BarCode
Barcodes asynchron lesen
Wir können Barcodes mit der Klasse BarcodeReader lesen. Die einfachste Methode ist die Methode BarcodeReader.Read. IronBarcode hat auch eine ReadAsync-Methode für multithreaded asynchrone Programmierung.
Beachten Sie die verschiedenen Optionen in BarcodeReaderOptions, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, Ihre Lesevorgänge schneller, speichereffizienter und genauer anzupassen.
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