using IronBarCode;
using IronSoftware.Drawing;
// Create a barcode
var myBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("12345", BarcodeWriterEncoding.EAN8);
// Resize in pixels
myBarcode.ResizeTo(400, 100);
// Set margins in pixels
myBarcode.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);
// Set the color of the barcode
// And save our barcode as an image:
// Another supported feature is Mil Sizing
// Mil is a measurement unit used by the barcode scanner manufacturers to specify the minimum of one barcode bar, and at what distance the barcode can be scanned.
// It represents (1 / 1000)th of an inch
var barcodeResizeInMils = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("5941623002802", BarcodeEncoding.Code128);
// This will resize the barcode width to 13 mil, at 96 DPI by default
// This will resize the barcode width to 10 mil and and the height to 1.5 inches, at 96 DPI by default
barcodeResizeInMils.ResizeToMil(10, 1.5);
// This will resize the barcode width to 7.5 mil and the height to 2 inches, with the DPI set to 200
barcodeResizeInMils.ResizeToMil(7.5, 2, 200);
Imports IronBarCode
Imports IronSoftware.Drawing
' Create a barcode
Private myBarcode = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("12345", BarcodeWriterEncoding.EAN8)
' Resize in pixels
myBarcode.ResizeTo(400, 100)
' Set margins in pixels
myBarcode.SetMargins(5, 5, 5, 5)
' Set the color of the barcode
' And save our barcode as an image:
' Another supported feature is Mil Sizing
' Mil is a measurement unit used by the barcode scanner manufacturers to specify the minimum of one barcode bar, and at what distance the barcode can be scanned.
' It represents (1 / 1000)th of an inch
Dim barcodeResizeInMils = BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("5941623002802", BarcodeEncoding.Code128)
' This will resize the barcode width to 13 mil, at 96 DPI by default
' This will resize the barcode width to 10 mil and and the height to 1.5 inches, at 96 DPI by default
barcodeResizeInMils.ResizeToMil(10, 1.5)
' This will resize the barcode width to 7.5 mil and the height to 2 inches, with the DPI set to 200
barcodeResizeInMils.ResizeToMil(7.5, 2, 200)
Install-Package BarCode
Stil Barcode
Mit IronBarcode haben Sie die Möglichkeit, die Größe von Barcodes zu ändern, Ränder hinzuzufügen, Farben zu ändern und sie in verschiedenen gängigen Dateiformaten zu speichern. Darüber hinaus können Sie die DPI-Einstellungen anpassen, um eine feinere Kontrolle über die Details des Bildes zu erhalten.