Estilizar celdas, bordes y fuentes en Excel con C#
using IronSoftware.Drawing;
using IronXL;
using IronXL.Styles;
using System.Linq;
WorkBook workBook = WorkBook.Load("sample.xls");
WorkSheet workSheet = workBook.WorkSheets.First();
var range = workSheet["A1:H10"];
var cell = range.First();
// Set background color of the cell with an rgb string
// Apply styling to the whole range.
// Set underline property to the font
// FontUnderlineType is enum that stands for different types of font underlying
range.Style.Font.Underline = FontUnderlineType.SingleAccounting;
// Define whether to use horizontal line through the text or not
range.Style.Font.Strikeout = false;
// Define whether the font is bold or not
range.Style.Font.Bold = true;
// Define whether the font is italic or not
range.Style.Font.Italic = false;
// Get or set script property of a font
// Font script enum stands for available options
range.Style.Font.FontScript = FontScript.Super;
// Set the type of the border line
// There are also TopBorder,LeftBorder,RightBorder,DiagonalBorder properties
// BorderType enum indicates the line style of a border in a cell
range.Style.BottomBorder.Type = BorderType.MediumDashed;
// Indicate whether the cell should be auto-sized
range.Style.ShrinkToFit = true;
// Set alignment of the cell
range.Style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
// Set border color
// Define border type and border direction as well
range.Style.DiagonalBorder.Type = BorderType.Thick;
// DiagonalBorderDirection enum stands for direction of diagonal border inside cell
range.Style.DiagonalBorderDirection = DiagonalBorderDirection.Forward;
// Set background color of cells
// Set fill pattern of the cell
// FillPattern enum indicates the style of fill pattern
range.Style.FillPattern = FillPattern.Diamonds;
// Set the number of spaces to intend the text
range.Style.Indention = 5;
// Indicate if the text is wrapped
range.Style.WrapText = true;
Imports IronSoftware.Drawing
Imports IronXL
Imports IronXL.Styles
Imports System.Linq
Private workBook As WorkBook = WorkBook.Load("sample.xls")
Private workSheet As WorkSheet = workBook.WorkSheets.First()
Private range = workSheet("A1:H10")
Private cell = range.First()
' Set background color of the cell with an rgb string
' Apply styling to the whole range.
' Set underline property to the font
' FontUnderlineType is enum that stands for different types of font underlying
range.Style.Font.Underline = FontUnderlineType.SingleAccounting
' Define whether to use horizontal line through the text or not
range.Style.Font.Strikeout = False
' Define whether the font is bold or not
range.Style.Font.Bold = True
' Define whether the font is italic or not
range.Style.Font.Italic = False
' Get or set script property of a font
' Font script enum stands for available options
range.Style.Font.FontScript = FontScript.Super
' Set the type of the border line
' There are also TopBorder,LeftBorder,RightBorder,DiagonalBorder properties
' BorderType enum indicates the line style of a border in a cell
range.Style.BottomBorder.Type = BorderType.MediumDashed
' Indicate whether the cell should be auto-sized
range.Style.ShrinkToFit = True
' Set alignment of the cell
range.Style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom
' Set border color
' Define border type and border direction as well
range.Style.DiagonalBorder.Type = BorderType.Thick
' DiagonalBorderDirection enum stands for direction of diagonal border inside cell
range.Style.DiagonalBorderDirection = DiagonalBorderDirection.Forward
' Set background color of cells
' Set fill pattern of the cell
' FillPattern enum indicates the style of fill pattern
range.Style.FillPattern = FillPattern.Diamonds
' Set the number of spaces to intend the text
range.Style.Indention = 5
' Indicate if the text is wrapped
range.Style.WrapText = True
Install-Package IronXL.Excel
Estilizar celdas, bordes y fuentes en Excel con C#
IronXL permite a los desarrolladores de C# dar estilo a cualquier Celda y Rango de Excel en C#. IronXL cubre la mayoría de los estilos disponibles en Microsoft Excel, como fuentes, alineación de texto, bordes, colores, fondos y patrones. El ejemplo de código anterior muestra una amplia gama de estilos configurables con IronXL.
Los bordes inferiores, superiores, izquierdos, derechos y diagonales de Celdas y Rangos individuales se pueden configurar con 14 estilos de borde diferentes, como punteado, guiones y doble, por nombrar algunos, en el enum BorderType. Active o desactive las propiedades ShrinkToFit y WrapText para tener más control sobre cómo la hoja de cálculo organiza el tamaño de las celdas.
Cómo Utilizar el Estilo de Borde de Celda de Excel en C#